Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. They got the new engine, they kept the blood in, and you can still switch characters. Square-Enix wants money again.[DOUBLEPOST=1370999429][/DOUBLEPOST]Something that's actually really impressing me (which is really just a next-gen thing) is the amount of tangible objects in the environment. In current gen, when game objects are destroyed that usually crumble then fade away to keep the framerate consistent, but the next-gen systems are really pushing it. Especially in the first trailer where Noctis rolls through that kitchen. There's chairs, plates and silverware flying, the table moves, and not to mention that big flowing thing that's made up of particles. Even in the combat trailer from the livestream, the pillars fall and crumble and the rocks never disappear.
Lucas caught his footing and began striding heavily behind Alastar and the rest of the group. Too many of the group had died now for any one person to be considered safe. Lucas was in a group, but had to think for his own survival...he couldn't even account for his brother. The synchronized stomp of the troops behind them motivated him more than anything and in a mad slide he turned into the alley. He skidded to a stop and nearly toppled over trying to catch his breath. "Haaaaah. Haaa. Where do we even go now?!" He got out bewtween gasps for air. It was obvious he wasn't as physically seasoned as his brother who just stood with a withering expression on his face. Berial stood stoicly against the wall, blowing out his frustrations with a rushing sigh. He folded his arms and frowned at Xane's proposal. "No way. That's stupid! Have you seen how many other students have died?!" He broke from his pose and swept his arm out, pointing back where Artan and the others had just died. "They're corpses aren't even cold yet and you're quick to join them." He blew out another small gust and frowned. "However, scouting ahead is a good idea. Lucas'll go with you so you won't be alone. Alastair should go with you guys too and me and Poke will stay here until you come back. We could, at most, hold off some foot soldiers while we run after you, if it comes to it." Berial cast a wry glance to Poke and awaited replies.
Lucas heard the heavy crunch of boots beating the ground in a march as soon as he came up from the ladder. The Tasnican police were on a death patrol for the President's murderers and who else but a squadron of renegade students were the suspects. He crouched down in the group, just waiting for something to happen. Kendric called out the groups and Lucas locked eyes with Rogan momentarily. A silent nod would have to do because as if reading his fears, the shots tore the air. A spray of blood scattered the area and Sophia's fresh corpse crashed to the ground. Another roar emitted and a second round ripped through Sora, penetrating Zillia as well. Lucas felt the hyperventilating coming on but had to control himself, though poorly done. He attempted to run, but stumbled, holding Poke's shoulder momentarily for support. "Sorry..." He mumbled before continuing his awkward run. Berial sneered at the group assignments and shot a quick, stabbing glance at Poke. He looked over at his brother too, and sighed. Alastair and Xane looked like they could hold their own, but he knew the extent of Lucas's strength and he wasn't too confident in a partnership between him and his new enemy. He pondered saying something to make peace when the shots came. BANG! BANG! One after the other, the loud shots resonated, followed by the squelch of human flesh tearing and blood leaking. Berial immediately checked to see where the others were moving and broke into a sprint. He had to put the childish feud aside, for the moment at least. This wasn't about a petty beef, three more students had just proved that, ths was about survival now. He kept his sword in tow by holding it in reverse grip and did his best to manage the weight while running, catching up to his group.
Berial simmered in anger for a moment at the lack of ideas on getting out of the impending death pit. He opened his mouth to speak when out of the corner of his eye he noticed Poke shuffling. Berial heard the unmistakable sound of a blade leaving its sheath and with a quick heel turn, faced Poke just as the sword was pointed at him. Simultaneously, he placed his finger on the hilt's "trigger" and the sword's engine rumbled in wait for power. He was the farthest from a pushover and he wouldn't be imitated. The tension was broken by Rogan, who had spoke telling Berial to be quiet, which of course had only made the youth angrier. However, this made Poke put his sword away so Berial followed suit. "Must I do everything for you children?" Lucas exhaled audibly when the voice spoke and the ladder dropped. It was just the relief this group needed. It was bad enough that there was already tension between students but it was worse knowing his brother was the cause. He nodded when Rogan walked past him and went up the ladder and prepared to do so, giving his brother a silent eye. As the young man climbed the ladder, he made himself a promise...to never fall be like his brother. A slave to the habits of cruelty. He had meant his thoughts before...I'm going to carve my own path. Berial twirled his sword and held it in a reverse grip to climb up the ladder. He hadn't meant exactly to hurt Poke's feelings before, but that was just the way he spoke and he wasn't going to change. However, when Poke pointed that sword at him, things changed. Berial wasn't going to pursue the problem without provocation but a silent vendetta had definitely begun. The youth grabbed the first rung of the ladder with his left arm and pulled himself up, getting a foothold of a lower rung. He gripped his sword tightly in his right hand and continued pulling himself up one-handed until he reached the top.
Lucas smirked when Rogan mentioned his lack of weapons training. He was born into a house where knives were practically shoved in his hands as an infant, even though he wasn't great with them, someone who had no weapon experience perplexed him. As Alayah spoke, he tuned out, gripping his sword's hilt absentmindedly. He should name it. All great swords have names, don't they? Hmm...he needed something edgy for sure. Lucas was in the thick of think of names when he finally caught the noises. BANG! BANG! Unfortunate yet inevitable. Berial thought to himself. He allowed a grimace to extend across his face at first but it receded back to his normal demeanor. He didn't have time to let emotions slow him down. He had to think rationally. He heard suggestions come from around the room and made an audible scoff at Poke's comment. "Pft. Yeah, we'll clmb up on a pile of deadly assorted blades and firearms. That sounds both safe AND practical! Let's climb these rusty swords, hope everybody's had their Tetanus shots!" The young man said, his words dripping with sarcastic bite. He turned his gaze from Poke and eyed the others, a smug frown on his face. He didn't have an idea himself, but he'd be damned if these *******s got away with not having one.
You know that the fog is near...
Lucas heard Rogan approach him as he was sheathing his sword and turned to face him. "Yeah, this was definitely...something." He looked around at the others scouring the weapons for what they wanted and becoming acquainted with the new armaments. He stole a glance at Berial, noticing him testing the new sword. Before his mind could conjure a sad thought, he shook his head. He had started his own path now. He was past the envy and longing. He looked over at Rogan, noticing the small dagger. "I'm guessing you're not too fond of weapons, Rogan?"
Berial wandered through the tunnel with the group and paused at the dead end, ruffling his hair with his hand. He studied the area and noticed the room was central to all the tunnels, watching the other students enter. The young man looked over his shoulder back to where they entered to make sure the teachers didn't follow them. It'd only be a matter of time before the spell that stopped them broke anyway. The situation the students were in was insane. Selected randomly for a field trip, the President had been assasinated, and their teachers had attacked them. Now students were desperately using their powers only to lead them into some odd cave. It all confused Berial, he hadn't planned for much more than to sit in a fancy chair and to sleep through the events. Oh well, all that mattered now was staying alive...and making sure his brother did too. Lucas looked around in despair, sure the teachers would burst from the tunnels at any moment. They'd be able to see now, leaving nothing to hold them back from tearing the students to shreds. He felt his chest tighten again and took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. "We should be fine..." He mumbled. Berial heard a tapping noise against the stone and looked up to see the one from before, Kendric, tampering with the wall. He personally thought it was of no use but was bewildered when he saw the wall open and push through like a door. He looked back at his brother, and made a beckoning motion with his hand before walking into the room. What he saw was...odd. It was an armory of sorts. The weapons were varied though...from many different eras and designs. From ancient looking basic swords to the most modern and futuristic looking technology. Which is when Berial saw it. Not just saw...locked eyes on it. The sword was the exact same as the blueprints he'd seen his father parade through his home. The same sword whose prototypes he'd held and the same sword which his father proclaimed as his life's work. Lucas noticed his brother's signal and tapped Rogan on the shoulder to follow him. "Maybe it's a way out?" He offered. Lucas entered shyly and gawked when he saw the weapons. His father was a weapons dealer, so he was no stranger to the sight, but it was almost like a museum. There were weapons of styles he had never seen before. He ran his finger along a pistol-like weapon and touched a bow, but couldn't decide. Hell, should he decide? For all he knew, these weapons were cursed and just a ploy by the teachers to draw the students in for easy killing. But he dispelled this thought when he looked over and saw his brother becoming acquainted with the sword he knew to be his father's design. He looked at the weapon under Berial's sword and saw it as another Di' Marze design, probably for him, but he denied it. He had always gotten the scraps and leftovers, the things that weren't good enough for Berial. Today was the day Lucas cut his own path. Berial walked up to the sword, dumbfounded to say the least, and studied it. It was all the aspects from the concepts and more. The hilt had a grip meant for a personal, barehanded approach and had a spot for the finger where the sword intook readings that ran straight toward the...guages. The guages had meters that would then determine the physical output of its Biokinesis-using wielder. Further along was a small piston block with would run the vibrating of the blade for the "chainsaw" effect his father talked about. The blade itself was sharp and black at the edge. Berial reached awkwardly, hesitating with his hand, and grasped the sword, pulling it off of the hooks where it laid. The sword had some weight to it, he'd have to get used to that. He placed his finger in the space on the hilt and nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the whir of the machinery. The meter ticked but remained at zero, awaiting input. Looking from side to side, Berial nervously used some of his power. The feeling of five times the strength jolted through his body. Immediately the sword's engine purred and the black edge vibrated quickly. The boy smirked and swung the sword downward, sawing against the ground and sending sparks flying before taking his finger off the panel and twirling the sword in a flourish. "This will do very nicely." Lucas walked to the opposite end of the wall and saw the weapon he had to have. On the surface it was a normal shortsword, but it was a bit longer and royal in design. The crossguard was styled to be a scarab and there was an emerald in the center of the hilt that seemed to resonate with Lucas. The blade had a perfect amount of curve, almost like a katana. He first took the scabbard placed underneath the sword and worked it into his belt, then grabbed the blade by the hilt and was surprised by how lightweight it was. Lucas never really handled weapons but felt at home with this one. He did a few awkward practice swings but thought of something else, a use that might suit him better. With heavy concentration, he let go of the sword but with all his might, and Psychokinesis, willed it to stay suspended in air. With a grunt of effort and a flick of the wrist, he sent the blade flying into the stone wall. Lucas smiled at his little flash of ingenuity and yanked the sword out of the wall, placing it into the scabbard after a few tries.
The original Kingdom Hearts opening was amazing to me. Simple and Clean made that whole intro for me. I read the manual and learned the lyrics and sang along. It was a fun time.
Still here.
"I'm fine. Just had to get my bearings." Lucas replied to Rogan, looking over his shoulder after hearing more commotion...then silence. "It should be over by now." He said questioningly. He still felt odd about not attempting to help, but it'd be futile. He spent so much time studying and so little practicing that if he tried he could barely lift a quarter of his weight with Psychokinesis. He sighed and put it aside and continued walking. Eventually, Lucas came upon the end of the tunnel they were walking, reaching a dead end. The young man scanned the room, noticing several entrances seemingly from other tunnels.
OOC: Holy balls, this RP is moving nicely. I need to step it up. Also, gonna compress this a little. Berial felt a flush of anger for a moment, but sighed and let it pass. "I'm his brother, I know how to get him out of this." Berial turned his head back toward his brother and leaned down, whispering something in Lucas's ear, inaudible to Rogan. "Looks like I got a good friend for you, he's got guts. Hopefully he passes some along to you." He put his regular look back on and stood up, already stepping back to the other students. "If you think you got this...be my guest." With that, he turned around and left Lucas to Rogan. Lucas's body laid still, yet shaking, curled up on the ground. The intense happenings around him had made Lucas crash. He wasn't prepared, his body had failed him and he sunk into a scared position. Suddenly, Lucas heard a voice, a friendly one within his mind’s darkness along with another voice telling them to run. In his mind he was witnessing the violence again. The gangs from home. One kid was holding a board and beating another child with it. The victim wasn’t fighting back anymore, just bleeding…writhing on the ground. He opened his mouth to yell stop, but nothing came out. He felt everything rush and his body being uprighted. His mind rushed back to reality, the sounds of real-life replacing his imagination's. After a beat, his eyes fluttered open a little and he looked over to see Rogan carrying him. "Th-thanks, Rogan." Lucas felt some strength return and took his weight off of Rogan, easing his way back into normal walking. He wished there was something he could do but his Psychokinesis was too weak to be effective. Instead, he looked over at Rogan and muttered. "Why is this happening?" Lucas wondered where Berial was, but figured his brother would be able to handle himself. Berial was being fairly evasive. He hadn't used his power yet but still marveled at Kendric using his Biokinesis, and at how quick he was stopped by the older man. He glanced over at Rogan carrying Lucas to ensure his brother's safety and returned to escaping.
OOC: SO much has been happening. College stuff...WOLF leaked...actually that's about it. But I'm here NOW. "Yeah...thanks." Lucas said in reply to Rogan. he smiled at the word friend. He had never had many friends, and he definitely didn't have any in school but now he felt more relaxed. He continued the walk, studying the architecture of the building as the group shifted. His eyes rested on Berial for a moment and he wondered what his brother was thinking. Did his brother even care about the beauty of the building they were in? The history of its relics? Or what about the people in it? The other students of the school had to know him or at least have heard of him but Berial turned a blind eye to everything that wasn't him. They were brothers, twins at that! They should know everything about each other, but felt like the most distant strangers to one another. Lucas shook the thought and gathered his wits as the group moved into the elevator. He glanced at Rogan being hounded by Alayah, who was apparently his sister. He chukled a little and turned his head. So it seemed even his considerate, newfound friend could be annoyed by a sibling. He shifted a little from foot to foot. He watched the elevator and saw they were headed for basement level apparently. Wouldn't they watch the festivities from a high vantage point. Oh, no. He could feel his anxiety coming. He took the first deep breath but it didn't help. Lucas closed his eyes and shoved his hands into his pockets, he had to calm down. If he had a meltdown now, he'd blow his chance at a friend. He'd embarass Berial, and that just wouldn't be wise. As the elevator opened, he stepped out nervously and hung toward the back of the group. "Lockown- President- Attacked." The words didn't fully register with Lucas but what happened next did. In a flash, he saw a fellow student hurtle through the air and into the steel doors of the elevator. Kendric. He hadn't met him before but he was someone important to the girl who rushed to his aid. He saw the pain Kendric was in, he had trouble breathing in the dense, cold air. This was the breaking point for Lucas. He tried his best to withhold it so it didn't come out audible, but it happened silently. A full on anxiety attack. He grabbed both sides of his head and groaned before collapsing to the ground, curling up with his knees to his chest. He had shut down, only quivering slightly with his eyes wide open. Berial had been on auto-pilot for the trip mostly since he had pushed Lucas away. He had a checklist going in his mind. More calisthenics and cardio, less weightlifting. He had the strength, he needed the speed and mobility. He also had to take some strain off his muscles. The boy hadn't told anyone, but the last time he tried to push his power, he suffered a seizure. It was weak enough for him to not require aid but it struck fear into him. He realized just how strenuous these powers could be and just how far out of reach his dream was. However, he had been trying Yoga recently and had gotten pretty good. It was stress-relieving and was a good source of exercise. Flexibility had been important to him too since he last spoke to his father. Apparently he was building Berial an obstacle course to run when he came to visit again. It sounded coo- BUMP- Berial had brushed shoulders with Lucas again and rolled his eyes. He never really intends to look down on his brother...it's almost like Lucas makes him act this way. As they entered the building, Berial didn't gawk so much. The youth could appreciate the Tower for sure, but he wasn't interested in the war. He just chose to glance at the notable features and follow along with the group. It wasn't a hard task, the rest of the students moved pretty quickly. They entered the elevator, giving Berial a chance to lean on the wall as they went...down? It was odd, but he didn't think much of it. The doors opened and he stepped out, just as confused as the rest of the group but skilled in not showing it. Within moments the announcement blared. "A lockdown has been initiated. The President of Lorima has been attacked." Before the message could register with Berial he turned his head and saw Kendric flying into the elevator doors. He stared at Professor Fey. What could motivate her to do this. Why had these students been picked to be taken instead of the others at school? Were they going to be killed? Were they going to be hosages for the attackers of the President? He hear a loud Thump! come from behind the group and looked back to see Lucas crumpled on the ground. Another anxiety attack...he knew this moment too well. But right now, Berial had no patience for it. He made himself shrink from the group and walked back, wasting no time to kick the ball that was his brother. "Look, Lucas. This is a serious moment rght now. Wake. Up." He crouched down and spoke closer to Lucas's head, knowing his brother's mind was elsewhere. "This is not the time for you to have one of your 'freak attacks'! Get over your little meltdown and get your ass up! Now."
Lucas nodded silently as Rogan spoke, taking in what he was saying. It's funny how someone who Lucas had just met was giving him more worthy advice than anyone in his family. He sighed and thought as he listened. Maybe Rogan was right. Perhaps Lucas had always been dwelling so hard on larger things like finally gaining his brother's respect or getting his father to treat him like a son should that he had brushed aside all the good small things. He felt some anger rise. After all, that was his family, he shouldn't have to work for proper treatment. Lucas sighed and let the feeling die down, Rogan had made a good point, he had to start finding more enjoyment in life instead of housing bitterness. "You're right...I guess I'll have to work on that. Thanks." Lucas perked up when the group neared the tower and gawked at the surroundings. Everything was so elegant. Lucas was no stranger to wealth, but this was something richer. The room had history to it. He nodded in response to Rogan wondering out loud and said, "Yeah, the leaders are probably at the top."
"No, that's cool. It's...interesting. I never thought of my name that way. Nice to meet you, Rogan." Lucas said, feeling more confident as they talked. "I've never really seen my name as anything special since I'm always in my family's shadow." He widened his eyes after he spoke without thinking. The last thing he wanted to do was alienate Rogan with his personal problems. "Sorry, I don't mean to dump on you...it's just been on my mind lately." Lucas sighed and stretched his arms out, putting them behind his head. Everything had to be an uphill struggle for him. From being noticed in his own family to holding a simple conversation. Oh well, he figured. He couldn't take back what he said, but he could at least get some insight out of Rogan. "Hey, since you seem like a deep thinker....do you ever..." He paused in hesitation but swallowed hard and continued, becoming awash with confidence, "Ever think about what your purpose is? I wonder all the time, about when it'll be my chance to step out of my brother's shadow and into the light for once, y'know?" He involuntarily turned his head towards his brother and looked, only briefly and then kept on the path. He hadn't meant to diverge whose shadow he meant earlier, but he might as well get it out now, rather than later.
Berial only looked over for a second to make sure it went how he wanted and smiled in self-satisfaction. He chuckled lightly and continued walking. "Y-yeah, I think I'm fine. I guess I just have bad balance." Lucas said, regaining his composure. He took his hand off of Rogan's shoulder and walked nervously, unsure if Rogan would want him to walk next to him and talk or not. Eventually he built some courage and uttered out, "I'm Lucas, by the way. Lucas Di' Marze." Lucas felt his shyness melt away now and smiled inside, he was making a friend. "What's your name?"
Berial lifted his head up and clicked his tongue when he saw the group was moving. Tsk, about time. He stretched his arms upward and yawned groggily. Forget the festivities, he'd kill for some more sleep. While walking, he and his brother brushed shoulders, for which Lucas's eyes widened in apology. Berial sighed innerly and rolled his eyes. Now if only someone would pair up with Lucas. He smirked at his thought and glanced at his brother, comparing their walks. His was confident, a powerful yet smooth stride. Lucas appeared awkward and unsure, like a sheep being led. Berial eyed a few people in the small mob of students marching and studied them briefly. A lot of girls, the majority of which were already paired up and a few guys in the mix. "Maybe someone can toughen you up...." He muttered. With a sigh, he lifted his arm and outstretched it forcefully onto his Lucas's small frame, pushing him into Rogan's path. Lucas shifted with insecurity when the students began to move and walked along, nervously looking around. Everyone already seemed so close, so well acquainted. The most he had done to stand out sew a patch onto the clothes he wore, the symbol of a street gang from Wendel slums. He had been a member briefly until things got too violent for him. He remembered them chasing down another child, something about his shoes, and cornering him in an alley. Lucas chose not to remember all the details but he remembered the blood, the sickening crack of a fist smashing into, and damaging, someone's jaw. Lucas absentmindedly bumped into his brother while daydreaming and began to apologize until he saw the look of disappointment on Berial's face. He ventured into self-loathing for a beat until he heard Berial mutter something. As Lucas turned his head, he felt a hard shove and was sent toppling in front of Rogan with an audible yell. With a desperate grab, he latched his hand onto Rogan's shoulder and kept himself from falling, barely managing to stand. He took a deep breath and looked into Rogan's face with an exasperated expression, "Thank you! I'm, uh, sorry. I really don't know what happened..."
To the far right of the second row of desks in the Magical History classroom sat a thin young man in his late teens. He sat firm in his seat with his fist under his chin, propping up his head. The clothes he wore were cheap, but meticulously pressed and kept. His hair was combed neatly to both sides with a part in the middle and a few intentional strands in front of his face. His sharp blue eyes were intense and aimed at the lesson before him, but he wasn't focusing. He was deep in thought, an ugly, dark thought that reared its head every so often. Bitterness. He was bitter. Lucas was bitter at everything. He was bitter at the fact that he might never grasp the convoluted web of names and happenings that was Magical History. He was bitter that he, who studied and tried his best at everything academic, had lower marks than his brother, a glorified weightlifter. Finally, he was bitter that his father, the origins of his flesh and blood, treated him like a stepchild. Lucas found more of solace and a sense of family with the riffraff of the slums of Wendel than he did in his own home. The intercom came on during his reflection and listed off names to report to the front. He heaved his chest and sighed, clenching his fist, and craned his neck to look back at his brother. Berial slumbered near the back of the classroom, huffing softly in his sleep. He rested his head on his notebook which contained little more than some doodles and a schedule for his workout later. Though he was a twin and cosmetically a near-copy of his brother, he seemed a stark contrast where he could. The clothes he wore were noticably more expensive than Lucas's, his hair was much more messy, and schoolwork was always the last on his agenda. However, at the same time he looked...better. Lucas always seemed to put off that he was trying hard, Berial just let it come naturally. Berial wasn't dreaming, he was in too deep of a sleep to dream. His muscles ached and pulsed within, a product of the constant training he put himself through. It wasn't for nothing, he had exceptional tone and size, but was lean enough to where he wasn't grotesquely big. He was about to turn his head and continue his rest when announcements came to life and woke him. As the voice called the assorted names his eyes fluttered open and he stretched, sending a wave of relaxation through his muscles. He and his brother's names were called and he looked up just in time to meet Lucas's eyes. They were the same color as his own, hell, he was looking into his own face...but he never felt the brotherly connection. The two both got up simultaneously and exited the classroom, plodding toward the front of the school in near-silence. They almost spoke...Lucas looked at his brother and eyed him desperately, searching for something that would solidify their invisible bond. He found nothing, however, and they continued on. After a beat, the two reached the group of students and melded with them quickly, awaiting whatever was next.
Username: Barakon-King Name: Lucas Di’Marze Gender: Male Age: 18 Appearance: Twins (On the Right) Home: Wendel Bio: Lucas is one of the Di’Marze twins. Their father is a well-known weapons designer in Wendel and runs a business that works as a supplier to the military. The twins grew up in wealth, but Lucas was always pushed aside by his father in favor of his more athletic and aggressive brother, Berial. Feeling neglected as a youth, Lucas would usually hang around in the poorer sections of Wendel with vagabond children. Feeling a kinship with them, Lucas has preferred more simple living since then and doesn’t partake in most of the luxuries he could. Lucas focuses on his studies and mastering Psychokinesis in hope of gaining his father’s attention. He has a much softer disposition than his brother and seems more desperate for friends. Branch of Magic: Psychokinesis Weapon: Wakizashi Other: N/A Username: Barakon-King Name: Berial Di’Marze Gender: Male Age: 18 Appearance: Twins (On the Left) Home: Wendel Bio: Berial was always the favorite of the twins’ father because of his proficiency with athletics and his physical strength. Because of his father’s nature as a weapons maker, Berial was always encouraged to become a soldier and has been trained by some of the best swordsmen money could buy. Dismissive of his brother, Berial tries his best to avoid him whenever possible and never mentions him. He seeks to achieve a level beyond the “max output” with Biokinesis one day and as such studies less by reading and more by doing. He has a bit of a sadistic streak, but typically doesn’t speak often. Branch of Magic: Biokinesis Weapon: Engine Sword (Description) Spoiler This sword is Berial’s father’s dream project. He is allocating a good portion of funds to developing it for Berial. The sword contains an engine that is triggered when its wielder uses Biokinesis. The blade adapts to the increased strength and, corresponding to the level of Biokenisis, vibrates intensely. This gives the blade a “sawing” function. Other: N/A
Has a decent start, could be interesting. Did you write a bunch of original songs for this?