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  1. Barakon-King
    Post by: Barakon-King, Nov 28, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  2. Barakon-King
    Archipelago .
    Post by: Barakon-King, Nov 28, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  3. Barakon-King
    Banned for having a santa hat avatar before Thanksgiving
    Post by: Barakon-King, Nov 28, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  4. Barakon-King
    LOL I heard about this ending. In.


    And this is true.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Nov 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Barakon-King
    Childish Gambino - Because the Internet
    Releasing: December 10, 2013

    1. ‘The Library (Intro)’
    2. I. ‘The Crawl’
    3. II. ‘worldstar’
    4. ‘Dial Up’
    5. I. ‘The worst guys’ (Featuring Chance The Rapper)
    6. II. ‘shadows’
    7. III. ‘telegraph’ (“Oakland” by Lloyd)
    8. IV. ‘sweatpants’
    9. V. ’3005′
    10. ‘Playing Around Before The Party Starts’
    11. I. ‘The Party’
    12. II. ‘no exit’
    13. ‘Death By Numbers’
    14. I. ‘Flight of The Navigator’
    15. II. ‘zealots of stockholm’ (free information)
    16. III. ‘umm’
    17. I. ‘pink toes’ (Featuring Jhene Aiko)
    18. II. ‘earth: The oldest computer (The last night)’ [Featuring Azealia Banks]
    19. III. ‘life: The biggest troll’ (andrew auernheimer)

    Childish Gambino is the rapping alter-ego of Actor/Comedian/Writer Donald Glover. This is his second studio album, following up 2011's Camp. Though his most recent release was the acclaimed and feature-laden mixtape, ROYALTY. This looks to be his most ambitious project yet, planned to follow a concept storyline and come out with a screenplay packaged with the album. Visuals are also expected to come out with the album in the form of a film, following the short film he produced as a hype-builder for the album, Clapping For the Wrong Reasons (found below).

    [DOUBLEPOST=1385511726][/DOUBLEPOST]Here is an interview about the screenplay and a couple songs from the upcoming album.

    Thread by: Barakon-King, Nov 26, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: Music
  6. Barakon-King
    I was just thinking about this. Good to know she's on board. Or they'd have to...I dunno...get another singer?
    Post by: Barakon-King, Nov 24, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Barakon-King
    Could it be anything else?
    Post by: Barakon-King, Nov 24, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Barakon-King
    1. Brutal Legend

    Others are unimportant.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Nov 24, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  9. Barakon-King
    1 definitely.

    358/2 was kinda hard but that's just because it was a ****** game.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Nov 24, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Barakon-King
    Profile Post

    Hey guys. :D

    Hey guys. :D
    Status Update by Barakon-King, Nov 23, 2013
  11. Barakon-King


    Still great. I think it gets better with age definitely. I had been a fan of Death Grips for a while before it came out so the sound didn't really surprise me as much as it did average rap fans. Great album, Hold My Liquor and Send It Up are my favorites.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Nov 23, 2013 in forum: Music
  12. Barakon-King
    Berial lied on his side, eyes open and staring into the morning light filtering through cracks in the abandoned house's windows. His muscled frame rose and lowered slowly with his breathing, giving the appearance of sleep at least. He was turned away from the others in the group, facing a side with a window, counting the spots on the wall with chipped paint.The owners hadn't necessarily left the house in shambles but it was definitely much less than he was used to. He hadn't thought to object when Alastair brought them there because of how tired he was. However, he only slept for about a solid hour. At that point, he found himself thoroughly rested and occupied himself with better thoughts. How were they going to make it to the rendezvous point with the others? Was his father being punished for the framed actions of his sons? Was the family business being shut down and all the assets seized? With a blink, Berial could picture his father's shameful eyes. Seemingly glazed over with tears, but the brow furrowed in disappointment and anger. He frowned himself and the thought and soothed himself with a heavy breath while sitting up. He looked over at Alastair and nodded, his nicest gesture. The boy grabbed the hilt of his sword and found comfort, casting a small glance at his brother before speaking aloud though facing no one, "We need to leave soon..." And then, the mumble and crunch of soldiers marching.

    Lucas found sleep, but it would've been better if he were awake. In his dreams he found no relief from his reality, it was amplified if anything. Gunfire erupted from every corner. The heavy smashing of military marching, their boots undeterred by broken glass, by the skulls of their prey even! And he ran, endless running along a road that never ended. He was winded easily and with his stamina gone he collapsed onto the street, inhaling air in furious gasps but to no avail. No oxygen would enter his lungs. Suddenly, with a mighty heave the pavement seemed to swallow him. First lifting him high into the air, past clouds, and then by sucking him down to the depths of what seemed to be Lucas' most tormenting personal hell. No flames were there, just a void of black. Images flashed of his brother standing over him. His father. All of his peers. All of them looking down at him with the most hateful glare. He clutched his head in pain and shook while falling until finally a wet POP echoed through the empty space, his head burst into nothingness and gore. Useless thoughts and bits of brain and skull fragements flittering in the empty space, but he could still see. What?

    "AHHH!" The youth yelled as he botled upright, but cursed himself immediately for making so much noise. He awoke covered in sweat and breathing heavily, gripping his saber tightly. Lucas gave the room a quick once over and tried his best to calm himself, knowing he was relatively safe. With little expression, he peeled off his soaked shirt and school blazer and took a moment to compose himself.

    Berial thought to scold Lucas immediately after the outburst but decided against it. He knew how his brother felt, and this was much better than how he would've acted just a week prior. Silently, the older brother tossed a towel to Lucas' side to dry with and stood up to help Alastair make preparations for their departure.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Barakon-King
    Berial stood with his mouth agape at Lucas speaking to him that way. Anytime before, his younger brother would've whimpered in a corner while everyone else spoke. His mouth curled into a smirk and he scoffed thinking, His new friend must be working out after all. His eyes fell on Alastair soon after and Berial tried to focus on what he was saying. "What destroyed Tasnica..." He uttered, rubbing his chin in thought. However, he drew up blank. Historical facts were never Berial's strong point and as a result he knew little about the world he inhabited. "I'm not following you. So the teacher's decided to-" He stopped as the group was approached by Xane who had returned from scouting.

    A soft 'I told you so' rung in Lucas' head as Xane trotted toward the group. He got up and walked over to listen to what he had to say. Apparently, the town was empty. Which could be good...although it could mean the military had issued some sort of order to stay indoors, making it even harder for the students to pass unnoticed through the streets. He folded his arms and nodded, "You're right, we should move now instead of later," He said while looking over the rest of the group. Nobody appeared too tired, but he couldn't be sure. The running, along with witnessing deaths of fellow students could put them into a shock similar to the one he was in. "If we can get outside of the city's limits to that desert we were told about, we should be safe until all of us can regroup."
    Post by: Barakon-King, Jul 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Barakon-King
  15. Barakon-King
    His fingers twisted and plucked, pulling apart the sticky leaves from their place wrapped around the stems. He made two piles and discarded the stems and seeds in one while putting the smokable bud in the other. A couple minutes into, Mason heard the twist and click of his door opening and was startled but heard Matt's whistle and calmed down. "I forgot to knock didn't I? Some day that is going to get me shot on spot." Mason just let out a "Pft." and chuckled, reaching under the couch and pulling out Ol' Reliable, a bong that he'd kept with him from high school. Well, a reimagining of that one. The original was custom-blown glass done for him by his cousin. It was blue and had the swirling design of blood running down it. This one was a sort of s**tty remake Mason had done himself with some blue-colored clay and a cousin's (different one) kiln.

    Mason eyed Matt for a second and nodded while he talked, laughing at the part about their boss. Simultaneously, he packed a bowl and set the bong on the table, nearly dropping it from Matt's other comment about being 'let go for his own safety'. Matt had a habit of making him do that, it was like they fed off each other's vibe. Mason's situation wasn't that great but Matt's seemed much worse, however all that seemed to fade when they got together. Like they could shed all of life's BS and just hang out.

    "Hah! No way, they told you that?! Usually, I just hang in the freezer while it's slow. It kills the smell, plus I can get some phone service." He said, already giddy at Matt's presence. He motioned to a spot on the couch or the bean bag chair across from him for Matt to sit down and afterwards leaned down and poured the milk on his gargantuan bowl of cereal. "And I dunno, I don't think it's hard for them to notice we're WRECKED. It's ironic, I get so hungry but I'm so tired of McDonald's, I can't choke down another of those burgers."

    After a beat, he decided to take the inagural hit himself and reached for the bong, automatically placing the circular opening around his mouth. The youth produced a lighter out of seemingly nowhere and tilted the flame on the edges of the bowl of green, sparking it. He pulled hard, making a bubbling noise emit from the pipe until he pulled up the carb and inhaled the smoke. This was the part that separated a seasoned smoker from a beginner. Mason put the carb back in and set the bong in front of Matt, afterwards getting up from his seat, all the while holding the smoke in. About 10 seconds passed before Mason exhaled, releasing a grandiose, swirling cloud of smoke out of his mouth. Then he started coughing. "Hit...COUGH COUGH." He choked out, offering a weak smile.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Barakon-King
    I've put some more time into this idea since then and have evolved it into a special task force that investigates paranormal occurences. The player limit's still there so I can move the story along at a more brisk pace. Each member of the squad has a certain ability that's necessary to the team's success, so the RP really relies on activity and player sense. For example, say one member of the squad has The Touch. Meaning, he can make physical contact with supernatural beings. A situation might call for him to subdude a ghost so the player with The Key can create the gateway to send the entity back to the afterlife. The focus is me, presenting the group with challenges and mysteries and seeing if they can break them without too much assistance from my character. I'm planning to have a Briefing session before the team goes off on a mission that should give them all the information they need, that way they can sort of know how to act without too much help from me. An example of this is that a briefing might say the deceased was a known cannibal but only had a taste for female flesh. Then other players might decide not to split up, but to travel in a group. Or maybe even to lure it out by sending a female member out on their own.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  17. Barakon-King
    I started in 2006. I was 10 turning eleven and going to Faith Baptist Academy (shudder) in the 6th grade. I was pretty bad at English then but I had this friend, Ruston, who was willing to help me out. I figured he meant some tutoring lessons, but he brought me to this website and let me read his posts and see certain parts of speech and grammar. At first the concept of RPing reminded me of D&D and LARPing seemed a little geekish to me and I didn't want to (ironic considering I'm in an RP about LARPing right now lol). But being able to tell a story cooperatively with a bunch of different people really appealed to me. The first RP I was in was called Shadow Guardians and it was on a (now-defunct) site called chatvillagedotnet. I was pretty bad, but he said I showed potential because I preferred paragraph form to asterisks. At the same time I was frequenting this game called Dance! Online where I would sit in the lobby and RP with some friends I'd made there.

    From there I moved on to this website (now under ****** new management with a wiped archive) called rpgnsiderdotcom. That was probably where I was really got my footing in RPs. I was averaging at least a paragraph a post and I was getting more descriptive as I went. I also started to take a liking to writing too during all this. In the summer after seventh grade, I found KHV trying to find Kingdom Hearts 3 news (go figure) and checked out the RP section. Arch/Firion/Prince/Stardust/Aiden Pearce was the first friend I made here (I think the only one, I leave to much to make others...o_o) and my activity got real spotty after a year of being an active RPer here.

    I've mostly just been popping in and out of different boards for RPing fixes over the years but I'm determined to stay rooted here for a while. Lol it's been a long time and a ton's changed though. It's crazy how I'm an older member than a lot of people but my post count is so low because RP posts never counted. >_<
    Post by: Barakon-King, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  18. Barakon-King
    Yeah, I have a bad equilibrium and overall bad balance so loud noises can actually, no-bullshit knock me over. There's no way to really explain it to her, just act on your own best interest. Stay away from them/block them out if you can. Or just sit her down and make it explicitly known that you can't deal with it.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Help with Life
  19. Barakon-King
    Post by: Barakon-King, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Anime and Manga
  20. Barakon-King
    Are you kidding me? Well...yeah. I don't know if you guys have attended public school, but I have and debt is debt. Just like if you don't pay your senior fees, you can't graduate; if you don't pay for lunch, you don't eat. The school will not and can not feed you if you can't pay for it. It's not the school's obligation to feed the students. It's a very nice privelege. There is a school full of children there, should they let every child who's just $1/1 Euro in debt eat? No. That debt grows and it begins to cost the school. Like, Jesus, if you're family can't afford it, there are usually Free/Reduced lunch programs. I was on free lunch all of my life. It's not hard at all to get lunch for your children. They're blowing this up so it seems this kid is some sort of charity case or as if he was direly mistreated. There was no money in his account. He could not purchase a meal. I dunno, maybe I just got rougher upbringings than some people but people have such a sense of entitlement to priveleges that it bothers me. That's like me walking into McDonalds with no money, ordering a small fry, and then getting pissed off when they don't give it to me because it's JUST $1.00.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Current Events