Mark walked down the halls of the school breathing heavily. He had a cast on his right arm and was wearing huge sunglasses way too big for his face. While walking down the halls Mark bumped into Alaric and his glasses fell off revealing a black left eye. He looked up and saw who it was and mumbled. "Ummm..before you say anything I fell....down stairs....again and again."
OOC: Oh then scratch the part making you unknown. "I've been alright Lexi how 'bout you?" He hugged her back and then turned his head to Cliff. "Cliff it's alright I checked her status she's fine, but it was close she almost severed an artery. But hey, on a lighter note can I have her Jell-O? It's the green kind!"
OOC: aaaand after a long hibernation Bara returns! << *conveniently places character* Mark walked down the halls of the hopsital carrying a tray of food. The hospital was on the long list of odd jobs Mark participated in. This seemed ironic as some of the people he sold drugs too were in this hospital. He turned a right in the middle of a hallway and walked into a room. "Yeah I got food for a ummmm," He looked down to a clipboard and looked back to the food. "A Jessica." He looked back up and and saw Alaric, Lexi and two unknown people in the room. "Well ain't this a coinkidink?" He said smiling. He walked to the bed and set the tray of food on the mini table attatched to the bed. "If I would've know you guys were coming I woulda worn my nice scrubs." He chuckled a little but then noticed the sad atmosphere.
This is really good here's a charater sheet. Name: Nexus Age: 750 (looks 22) Gender: Male Pic: Reaper/Human: Reaper Main Power: Warp Secondary Power: Necromancy Weapon: A large broadsword with his name branded on the blade in large gothic letters and two katanas carried on his hips History: Nexus has been a reaper for a few hundred years though he is still considered a small fry among other reapers so he tries to do his best job to become like his idol Death.
"Ah, come on! Business has been soooo slow. I swear all the high teenagers have dropped out." He laughed after saying this and put the bag back. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and flicked it to the side near a bike rack that was practically empty. He cracked a smile and looked from Alaric to Alexis. "So how have the two have you been lately I mean besides saying no to drugs in the school parking lot. You two would make that lion from D.A.R.E so proud."
OOC: First Post *cracks knux* Mark stood in the school parking lot wearing a hoodie that covered his face. The hoodie had big red letters that spelled Grim Reaper across the front on the back there was a huge skull. Mark was loitering in the parking lot because.....basically there was nothing else to do. He had skipped all of the day's classes and spent the day selling the fresh "product" he had gotten from his friend. Business, however, was slow at school, it turns out not as many teenagers wanted to get high as Mark thought. Mark pulled a lighter and a cigarette free from his pockets. He put the cigarette to his mouth and lit it, inhaling deeply and letting out a fine cloud of smoke. He took another breath from the cigarette before looking up and seeing Alaric. He began walking over to him and said to himself, "Potential customer don't fail me now." He looked up again and saw Alexis, "Sh*t a girl! Might be a sale blocker. I'll try anyway." He finally came up to Alaric and nodded. "Hello good sir.... and madam. I've come to offer you some of this school's finest herb! And at the great price of $7 a dime bag!" He looked again to see if he'd made the sale and pulled out a small brown bag from the book sack he wore on his back. OOC: Like always first post is nice and lengthy. << LOLOLOL nice and lengthy! XDDD Oh, god I'm a perv.