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  1. A Zebra
    PSN is having a huge sale right now
    Tales of Symphonia HD
    Soul Calibur
    Star Wars
    Chrono Trigger/Cross
    Devil May Cry HD
    Metal Gear Solid HD
    Vagrant Story
    Tactics Ogre
    Muramasa Rebirth
    Zone of Enders

    ahhh I want all the games but there's too much
    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 29, 2014, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. A Zebra
    He seems to have a much better grasp on what it's trying to do than the actual creators
    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 29, 2014, 77 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. A Zebra

    I love this, the intro is something you don't really hear in songs, and I love all the different phases it goes through.
    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 29, 2014, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. A Zebra
    The title was a ruse, this is a topic about Chrono Trigger
    I've really been wanting to replay the game for a while now, maybe give the SNES version a try, since I first played it on the DS.
    How do you guys feel about Chrono Trigger (or Chrono Cross/Radical Dreamers if you care)
    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 27, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. A Zebra
    Pretty much all of it
    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 26, 2014, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. A Zebra
    So Lightning is characterized as a cynic, a realist, etc. In the first game, she calls the L'cie stuff magic and mumbo jumbo, and that made snese, becuase in the world of FF13 magic wasn't a common thing, it was mostly technology.
    Come the sequels they STILL try to keep this as part of her personality and it seems SO WEIRD
    Here's an example, I'm doing a side quest in Lightning Returns, a girl claims she used to be a Chocobo but was transformed into a human.
    Both Hope and Lightning don't believe such a thing is possible.
    In a world where time doesn't exist that will end in 13 days where Lightnign has the ability to slow down time, or change clothes at will instantaneously. In the previosu game she send her sister a Moogle THROUGH TIME that can transform into different weapons
    But no, a Chocobo transforming into a human, that's just too ludicrous
    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 26, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. A Zebra
    So I was having an argument with someone, and rather than make an counterargument they just neg repped my posts.
    I hate this about rep systems, it encourages a person to not actually explain themselves or give a reason. Positive reps are handy, you can show you agree with someone without wasting a post when you have nothing to add.
    But with a neg rep and person can just bump down something they don't like and... that's it, and they can feel like they won, because you can't even reply to it
    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 26, 2014, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. A Zebra
    I see people endless complain about Obama not following through on all his promises, and this is something that happens every time a leader comes around, to the point where it's a stereotype is most cultures I can think of off he top of my head.
    But I never got why people were so quick to go the thanks Obama route. If Obama could enact and follow through on all his promises and wishes on a whim, you'd be living in a dictatorship, or a kingdom. The President doesn't rule with absolute power, in fact, they tend to have a lot less power than a lot of people seem to believe.
    I do have a theory that people would be a lot happier with a benevolent dictator than pretty much any other kind of ruler, honestly
    But yeah, things being clunky, awkward, inefficient, slow moving and the general lack of fulfilled promises is the
    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 26, 2014, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. A Zebra
    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 26, 2014, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. A Zebra
  11. A Zebra
    This has always been a bit of a pot dream of mine.
    If any of you have played Sonic Battle, one of the cool things about that game was that you could get cards representing every character's moves in the entire game, ad equip them to a robot character to customize it as you saw fit.
    I would absolutely LOVE to see a move stealing type mechanic like this in KH, so much so that I was at one point working on a KH fangame that worked kinda like CoM, except rather than cards for attacks, you collected cards for playstyles. An Aladin card gives you Aladin based attacks, that sort of thing.
    There are some very mild instances of this in previous KH games, but I feel like having the ability to slot in moves unlike Sora's would be a really cool way of letting the player control what kind of character they wanted to play as.
    I've brought up a similar concept a few times here when talking about D Links and Summons. I think the ideal would be to combine Drive Forms D Links and Summons to give Sora the traits of another character temporarily (Though this idea first stemmed from me wanting to see Terra D Link with Cinderella and gracefully hold up his pantaloons while he ran)
    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 25, 2014, 3 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. A Zebra
    A friend of mine who does reviews is doing a review of a Spongebob Squarepants game, and I'm doing an intro animation for him
    For context, here's his channel:

    I put together a really rough draft and would really like some feedback

    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 25, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. A Zebra
    Play Final Fantasy IV The After Years, where half the cast is like a hundred years old
    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 24, 2014, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. A Zebra
    Turns out my orthodontist wasn't right when they said they would come in fine
    And because of all the awful service and money grubbing they did, I personally believe it was a lie with malicious intent
    Anyways, I hear it really hurts
    so that sucks
    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 24, 2014, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. A Zebra
    The ultimate showdown of songs with the world names in their games


    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 23, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. A Zebra
    Dissidia is like a collection of all the worst cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts, with a few of the decent ones thrown in (mostly in 012)
    FFVI may not be a the prime example of writing in a video game, but you don't get anything as stupid as TURNING DARKNESS... INTO HALLOWED LIGHT!
    Is Terra a little under-characterized in FF6? I guess, somewhat, but that's no excuse for Dissidia to fly in the face of what characterization she DOES have.
    Also Cloud didn't get the short end of the stick, they just used his Advent Children characterization when they should have at LEAST used his Crisis Core version. But everybody loves the Advent Children version for some reason
    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 23, 2014, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. A Zebra
    I'm working on a review for Bravely Default, but the issue I've run into is that a TONNE of the game's issues are tied intricately to spoilers
    How do you prefer your spoilers being presented? I'm toying between doing a two part review, or one big one with the spoilers as a section.
    What do you guys prefer? I know for a lot of people really long videos is an issue. I don't have a complete script yet, so I don't know how long it'll be, but I'd imagine it'd either be 10-20 minutes per part as a 2 parter, or 30-60 minutes as a whole. I imagine having a separate video clearly marked with spoilers might be something some people like, too, but I also know some people like it better when everything is just said in one video.
    So yeah, got a dilemma, help would be nice
    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 22, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. A Zebra
    It's a pretty common wish to have some sort of Final Fantasy world in the next KH.
    But how would it work? What would you want? If we assume the world works like a Disney world, it'd be a recreation of the FF game, in abridged form. Because of this, all of the PS1 FFs (And FFX/X-2) are already off limits, they're all from Radiant Garden.
    How would you want it to work? Adapt FF6? FF12? ...13?
    Personally I feel trepidation about adapting an FF story. Looking at Dissidia... a lot can go wrong
    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 22, 2014, 13 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. A Zebra
    Provided this video is accurate

    Dark Souls 2 sounds like the exact antithesis to a well balanced game
    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 20, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. A Zebra
    Because the only way to get most of you nerds to notice is to post in the spam zone

    99 cents for pretty decent games, like Braid, Tales of Monkey Island, Plants VS Zombies, Tokyo Jungle, all the PS1 Crash and Spyro games, and other
    Only lasts till monday
    Thread by: A Zebra, Apr 18, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone