please tell me
My friend asked me when EB Games stopped accepting Gamecube games, and I've been on a nostlagia trip since then. So many cool games. Not necessarily great games, but cool. So much stuff Paper Mario, Mario Sunshine, Smash Bros, Wind Waker, Pikmin, Twilight Princess, Crystal Chronicles, Luigi's Mansion Lots of cool stuff like Paper Mario, oh man, so good Weird to think that came out ten years ago
Started watching this at the recommendation of the friend, and I was surprised how good it's been so far It's helmed by Bruce Timm, one of the most important guys from Batman TAS (and the other series set in the same universe), and it shows. It's honestly kinda like a nice blend of Batman TAS (or maybe more like Superman TAS) Avatar, and the better half of Star Wars the Clone Wars It's on Netflix, so I'd recommend it if you overlooked it like I did, or just didn't hear about it
You just can't do anything right, can you? Basically, they have a new youtube policy, called the Youtube Affiliates program. This allows people to make videos about Nintendo and make money off them... in return for giving Nintendo half your ad revenue. I can't help but wonder how quickly my mom's old daycare would have gone out of business if each of the children's books she read were entitled to half her revenue. This also just pisses me off because it's already so hard for youtubers to make a living off ad revenue. I know a lot of YTer personally who cover tonnes of Nintendo stuff, and this just screws them over that slight extra bit more :/ Got linked to me this morning on Facebook, but just saw it now. I mean, this is basically the real life example of why this is such a common trope
Debated whether to put this here or the Spam Zone, but I think there's some legitimate discussion to be had here. Aqua has been trapped in the RoD for a while now. We don't know how long, what we DO know is that she was trapped there fighting super powerful heartless, and that she has a keyblade the strength and length of Ultima Weapon. So she must be REALLY powerful by the time Sora or whoever finds her, right? Like surely by now she's beyond Firaza or whatever KH's most powerful fire magic would be... or will she be? I think the only way the story will make Aqua super powerful is if for whatever reason she is a boss fight when you meet her. Otherwise she'd probably need a contrivance to be less important than Sora and Co. Probably something like the darkness weakened her or something. Or they could say she and her skills atrophied with the time... but that might be a bit too real for KH
I can't find an origin point after a bit of searching, and the actual comments aren't doing much explaining either, it's a mix of legitimate anti-rape comments and people saying men can wear whatever they want but women can't, to all men are less than dogs and a stain on society. So yeah, what's all this about?
He made me realize how rarely people on the internet legitimately ask questions. Usually when someone says "How does X cause Y?" they're challenging the person, inferring that they're wrong, that there's no way X could cause Y, but more often than not with him he's just asking a question. Kinda refreshing, honestly
This is something I've heard about for a while now, but seen a lot of recently. The idea that people should accept overweightness, and that the mere act of being thin or talking about being thin is incredibly offensive to fat people. It's basically equated to something like race or sexuality. I'm already not particularly fond of the concept of straight or white privilege (a person on my facebook just shared a lovely post about a person saying how white women can't experience rape because privilege) but the concept out thin privilege just seems stupid to me. Unlike a sexuality or race, this is something that more often than not you CAN change, and even if you can't change it, you should probably want it gone because it's NOT HEALTHY. This is coming from the perspective of a mildly overweight person. I don't feel like everyone should just accept my fatness, I think I should take steps to lose weight, and put on a little muscle. Because then I'll probably live a little longer and be able to do more things. This thread sparked to you by this
I feel like @Ars Nova is a Troy Baker, though that's probably because he goes around linking this @Misty can be Alli Hillis so she can have an eternal inner struggle over Liara and Lightning (though honestly I read her posts as Hynden Walch)
well a draft anyways I'm actually taking commissions now, on the off chance any of you want to throw money at me to have me make you something
Obviously both are ideal, but usually for budget reasons one or the other needs to be picked. Would you rather something picturesque, but super choppy? Or something really smooth, but nothing special to look at?
What is generally the deciding factor that makes you life, love, or hate music? Meaningful lyrics? Cool sounds? A catchy beat? For me, it's a strong melody. As a rule, if I an't hum a song, I probably won't like it
I could easily doze off to this
KH1 got a pretty nice update for KHI.5, but do the later games really need it? KH2's soundfont is a LITTLE dated, but nowhere near as much as KH1's. Personally, I'd like to see the remixed tracks, even if they're worse. Having a remix is better than no remix, especialyl if they give the option tp use the original
Course registration for university opens up tomorrow... yet somehow some of the courses I want ALREADY have wait lists. I want my class on game design :(
Me and my friend played it, thought it sucked. We looked up some reviews, they're mostly REALLY positive, so I got two more friends, we did an LP of it, unanimously decided the game was UTTERLY abysmal So seriously, what's the deal? Is there any special REASON why this has an 86 average on Game Rankings?
Oh man I think I'm in love It's so FVCKING GOOD (Unlesl you're @Misty then you're a jazz-less heathen) I'm working on a review of it, and I'm tempted to just give it a recommendation based off the music alone (Though I'm not liking that cheapness that is Marie :I)
From any of the games Re:CoM is just overall underrated, but I wish more people talked about this really rad boss theme