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  1. A Zebra


    You've been talking about pudding a lot
    are you really hungry or something
    what do they feed you
    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 26, 2014, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. A Zebra
    I know how they can work Frozen into Kingdom Hearts 3

    Okay, so you take the basic outline of the plot of Frozen, right?
    But then
    you replace Elsa with Lightning, Anna with Serah, Cristoff with Snow, and Hans with Cid Raines

    And then BOOM
    Maybe instead of ice powers Lightning has lightning powers, but other than that, flawless transition
    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 23, 2014, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. A Zebra
    And here I was thinking PSNow might actually be cool
    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 21, 2014, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. A Zebra
    Doing the challenge missions for an upcoming LP
    Who on PLANET EARTH thought that giving you a timed mission against an enemy that has a random chance to teleport away from you with each hit was a GOOD idea?
    Like hoooly

    Also "Beat the mission in record time! *cough enemy level +50*"
    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 20, 2014, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. A Zebra
    I love stuff like this

    then 9 years later
    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 19, 2014, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. A Zebra
    Seriously, from the same mouth I'll hear people say that a strong female character isn't a character who acts masculine, who isn't sexual, who isn't nonsexual, who isn't typically feminine... so what IS it?
    Like on one extreme you have people saying a character like Katniss from the Hunger Games isn't a strong female character because she's just a male character reskinned as female, her 'strength' coming from the denial of typically feminine ideas. On the other end you have people complaining that I dunno... the girls from Frozen aren't strong female characters because a man influences their actions, one of them is obsessed with being with a man, and they wear dresses, among other things
    If I were in charge of something and were told have have a strong female character, I'd be TERRIFIED, because it really seems like a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, where doing anything masculine is seen as a betrayal, and anything feminine is viewed as retrograde
    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 16, 2014, 70 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. A Zebra
    posted this in the news topic but most of you probably don't read that
    here's some examples to give a general idea of what the enhanced music in KH2.5 should sound like

    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 16, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. A Zebra
    Sonic the Hedgehog AND Solid Snake have been CONFIRMED to be in Kingdom Hearts III. Maybe for a Wreck it Ralph world? Who knows
    who knows
    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 13, 2014, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. A Zebra
    Starting in order with Microsoft!
    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 10, 2014, 107 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. A Zebra
    Libregkd's thread is basically dead, but I figure you guys must be interested. We already had a Last Guardian thread.
    Conferences start tomorrow at 9:00 Pacific time, any hopes and dreams? Sure, we're not getting any more KH or FF15 stuff, but surely there's other stuff you're interested in?
    I have no clue what Sony's gonna do this year, they don't really have anything to prove this year. Probably some Last Guardian stuff. Microsoft and Nintendo could be interesting because they both need to win people over.
    Hope the new Zelda looks cool
    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 8, 2014, 29 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. A Zebra
    I've been embroiled in an argument about this recently, it's kinda in the same vein as the argument me and @@DigitalAtlas had a bit ago.
    But while I was able to understand his view, I just heartily disagree with it, this new one is a thing of its own.
    The conversation is primarily about Bioshock Infinite. Other stuff comes up, but this seems to be the focus. The thing that's bothering me is that people are making the argument not that reviews should be objective, like Atlas was, but rather that subjective things were objective because of majority rule.
    The example the opposition used:
    The way Elizabeth acts in Bioshock Infinite doesn't make sense, since she was secluded for most of her life.
    The argument is this is an objective criticism that any critic could use.
    I said that there are reasons that could be interpreted as to why she acts the way she does, like her being alone so long made her desperate to interact with people, or something. The response I got was "just because some people can see it differently doesn't mean it's not objective"
    So I dunno, it seems to me like it varying from subject to subject is the definition of being subjective, but I'm curious what other people here thing.
    In particular I'm curious what @@DigitalAtlas thinks of this, because this is in theory pretty close to his beliefs, but almost seems like the antithesis to what he thinks.
    @Square Enix-chan
    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 8, 2014, 13 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  12. A Zebra
    I've been embroiled in an argument about this recently, it's kinda in the same vein as the argument me and @DigitalAtlas had a bit ago.
    But while I was able to understand his view, I just heartily disagree with it, this new one is a thing of its own.
    The conversation is primarily about Bioshock Infinite. Other stuff comes up, but this seems to be the focus. The thing that's bothering me is that people are making the argument not that reviews should be objective, like Atlas was, but rather that subjective things were objective because of majority rule.
    The example the opposition used:
    The way Elizabeth acts in Bioshock Infinite doesn't make sense, since she was secluded for most of her life.
    The argument is this is an objective criticism that any critic could use.
    I said that there are reasons that could be interpreted as to why she acts the way she does, like her being alone so long made her desperate to interact with people, or something. The response I got was "just because some people can see it differently doesn't mean it's not objective"
    So I dunno, it seems to me like it varying from subject to subject is the definition of being subjective, but I'm curious what other people here thing.
    In particular I'm curious what @DigitalAtlas thinks of this, because this is in theory pretty close to his beliefs, but almost seems like the antithesis to what he thinks.
    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 8, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. A Zebra


    "I think I'm clever" said the KHver
    "Well I am more clever" another KHver said
    "Well I am the most clever" yet another KHver said
    "None of you are clever" another fumed, "and that means I've the most clever"
    "I'm going to point out that you're all trying to be clever, which makes me the most clever" said another
    "Nobody is clever" another said, "and that makes me the most clever"
    "I'm the most clever, bud" said another
    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 7, 2014, 54 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. A Zebra
    just gonna go over some things about KH2 and BBS what with the recent info

    -There are extra scenes, most of which have still not been addressed to this day
    -The Cavern of Remembrance dungeon has the toughest enemies, and forces you to use the max level Drive Form abilities to progress
    -Limit Form is probably the strangest form, but more importantly, you can use it in the battle of 1000 heartless
    -Dodge roll is a godsend
    -There are a bunch of new mushroom minigames, these are roughly as obnoxious as the new heartless in KH1FM were, but the items they let you synth are IMO far more wroth it
    -There has been severe rebalancing, you get powerful abilities like Explosion way later in the game
    -This rebalancing makes grinding much tougher than it was in KH2 vanilla. Every weapon that had the Lucky Lucky ability has had it removed, and Sora no longer gains Lucky Lucky through natural means. To counter this, an infinite number of Lucky Rings can be crafted, but this requires beating the Lingering Will
    -However, this is just one of several reasons why Critical Mode in KH2FM is worth a damn. Your MP and HP are halved, you deal less damage and take more... but to counter this you get 50 AP and a bunch of abilities, including two Lucky Luckys, and other good stuff like MP Hastera, you also gain 3 AP ratehr than 2 from a level up. This balance makes Critical Mode legitimately fun, as far as I'm concerned
    -Chain of Memories Absent Silhouettes are tonnes of fun
    -Sticker collection is tedious but gives rewards really worth having, which kinda sucks

    -That honestly kinda boring Secret Episode with Aqua
    -The meh quality extra secret bosses in the Mirage Arena
    -Pointless Unversed Minigames in each world that honestly don't give very good rewards at all
    -Some not so great extra commands

    Okay to in terms of content BBS isn't even close to KH2, but still. The lack of Lucky Luckys definitely hurts people who want to get trophies and stuff though.
    But yeah, I dunno, I think people sometimes forget just how much KH2FM changed things up.
    Like now we get this music!

    and my personal favourite

    Oh, one more thing, if KHWiki isn't lying, you need to beat the Lingering Will to unlock the Birth by Sleep secret ending in KH2, so have fun with that (I never did bother trying to beat Terra)
    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 7, 2014, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. A Zebra
    Right, so, this is important
    how do you all like cranberry juice? I thought the whole point of cranberry juice was for it to be nice adn bitter and sour, but it turns out a bunch of people like it sweet.
    If you don't like cranberry juice, why? If you haven't tried it, what topped you?

    Also, fun fact, apple juice is often used as filler in cranberry juice to save money on cranberries
    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 7, 2014, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. A Zebra

    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 7, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. A Zebra

    everybody marvel at my mediocre at best fighting game skills
    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 7, 2014, 51 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. A Zebra

    Friend o mine is playing every Mario Kart live for cancer research, if you cna spread the word, donate, or just watch, that'd be cool
    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 6, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. A Zebra
    For every time someone called me a troll for saying KH3 would have to be downgraded to work on the Wii U
    I'd be able to fund a port to the Wii U myself
    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 6, 2014, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. A Zebra
    Without context, this means something COMPLETELY different

    it's almost like naming two things keyblade was a bad idea
    Thread by: A Zebra, Jun 6, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone