now the proud owner of Wonderful 101 and Danica Patrick Allstars Racing Transformed
For two weeks, these people will be playing pretty much every Sonic game They've only been going a few hours and they're already in the thousands, but you should consider donating maybe
blurh I made it slightly prettier
Something I jsut randomly was thinking about Obviously throughout history KH party members have been basically useless. The only time they've ever really done anything good is when they've been ridiculous overpowered moves just to offset their bad AI But I was thinking, what if allies had distinct strategies, instead? Like Donald could have a strategy based on healing, but then also one about exposing enemy weaknesses (like say there's an enemy that's stunned by thunder magic, he'd use that) meanwhile Goofy could have a strategy focused on sacrificing his MP to restore other people's MP, or a strategy based on staggering enemies with heavy attacks. Then Disney worlds could have their own distinct strategies, like Aladin could have a strategy base don absorbing aggro, where he focused on jumping on enemies' heads and dodging attacks, taking the heat off Sora So Thoughts? Expansions?
Kinda surprised how good the game turned out to be. Gotta say, a lot of the criticisms leveled at the game could only really have been made if you didn't actually play most of it, but just assumed it would go a certain way I also really enjoyed how much of the game opened up for a hard mode playthrough, giving you new abilities, better synthesis items, upgrading your existing items and letting you forge your weapons into better ones Plot was predictably not the strongest, but I will stand by that Lightning is fairly unique protagonist to play by. Much like Kingdom Hearts 2, the whole "have no emotions" thing is glossed over so they can have more dramatic cutscenes, though. The characters feel like Kingdom Hearts versions of themselves though, prattling on about the darkness, with only their most basic or extreme characteristics on display, plus literally every returning character goes through the exact same arc they went through in the first game. So its very Kingdom Heartsesque. The world itself is pretty cool, also. I love the details, especially the super bleak ones, like finding the skeletal remains of the Pulse Fal'cie in the desert. Also, there are only a little over 30 enemy types in thie game, and what's cool abpout this is that they all have their own VERY distinct strategy that you gradually learn, and then put to the test in hard mode (also I think Lightning commits more genocide than pretty much any video game character to date) So yeah, no, Lightning Returns, solid game
Gonna order it by game, but feel free to go into as much or as little detail as you want KH1- Standard CoM- Standard KH2- Critical 358/2 Days- Beginner Birth by Sleep- Proud Re:Coded- Proud I guess? (when I played I was switching around difficulties all the time to get different rewards, so it's hard for me to say) DDD- Standard Overall I think KH1 and CoM have the most balanced difficulty, where Proud is there to give you an extra challenge, rather than to make the game actually have a challenge in the first place. With DD and Days it wasn't so much what's the actual best difficulty but what makes playing through them less tedious
Specifically the KH1.5 + 2.5 bundle. Includes both games, special packaging and a music CD $99.99 USD, 79.99 Europe money, $149.99 Australian Does it seem worth it to you? Only say yes if you'd buy it right away, waiting for it to get cheaper is not an option, for example.
I WAS interested in the Vita, until Sony publicly announced they're dropping all software support in their part and relying on third parties. The Wii U still has a bit of life in it though. Like there are actually games for it I want already, and games coming soon, too. A lot oft he third party stuff is downright DIRT CHEAP, too. Meanwhile PS4 and XB1 have nothing really on their forecast for the foreseeable future. By the time THEY build up a list of games worth getting the system for that I can't play better on my laptop for half the price... there's a pretty good chance there'll have been a price drop or an improved model released. And I keep seeing similar sentiments being echoed across twitter and such. I doubt the Wii U will ever do GREAT, but it's starting to look like it might not be as horrible of a failure as it once was
With time travel talks in other threads I stopped to think about something Ansem Seeker of Darkness saved Sora Riku and Kairi. Had he not set all these things into motion, including what resulted in Kairi losing her heart... one day Maleficent would have appeared, taken out keybladeless Sora and Riku without a problem, and taken Kairi's heart of light for her plans. Mostly just an interesting what if, but because this is Kingdom Hearts and time travel is involved I'm not going to rule out the idea that this is in some way showing that Terra influences Ansem in some way.
Rage Awakened with the pitch lowered: 3300 views Forze Dell'Oscurita with the pitch going up and down 33,000 views 11 minute orchestral medley of songs from 358/2 Days? 2000 views Good going, universe, nice job
Assuming II.5 works like I.5, BBS and Re:Coded will get a handful of remastered songs while KH2 gets the bulk of the work. Honestly I can't really think of any song from Re:Coded that could use a remaster, since HD versions already exist and they're not orchestral. But with BBS I'd really like to see Rage Awakened -The Origin- and Black Powder remastered. ESPECIALLY Black Powder because I think that song kinda lacks the punch for the final scene of BBS
It's fun and all, I like editing, but Days is least favourite KH game Anyways, the real purpose of this topic is a question. There's some empty space I don't like and I'm trying to think of any other information that might be useful or interesting to put on. I'm thinking I'll put the name of each day on the topmost part of the overlay, and besides that I was thinking of finding a way to put relevant status info about Roxas on, particularly the names of the different keyblades because unlike previous KH games those are hidden away on a menu and you're unlikely to actually see the name of whatever blade the panel gives you. So yeah, ideas? Feedback? Changes?
(0:47) (0:09) D: what
Therefore the average is wrong! I've been getting this argument from a bunch of different people the last few days and it REALLY annoys me. You happen to be a statistical outlier? That doesn't suddenly mean the other 10 million or so people suddenly stop existing. The world doesn't end with you. And with that snazzy segue, the most recent example. Electronic Arts recently released a controversial statement saying gamers don't like change. Someone strongly disagreed, and I said that on average that was pretty true, pointing out how stuff like Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty break ten million units sold every year. The reply was "Oh yeah? Then why is one of my favourite games The World Ends With You?" I don't get it, why do so many people think that 'average' means 'everyone'? You can like whatever you want, it doesn't change what everybody else likes.
I just got sent this and I love it
But I'm finally reaching the end of my level 15 Critical Mode run of Re:Coded whenever I try any sort of challenge with KH games I always get a new understanding of how truly badly designed KH games. Stuff like "Let's give a boss that attacks you multiple times from random angles, but also make the actual attack faster than your dodge roll start up animation" things you don't notice when you can sponge damage. On the other hand, being low level doesn't severely cripple your attack power, so unlike Days it wasn't THAT agonizing. Getting randomly killed at half health or higher from a bugged enemy was pretty obnoxious though (they seriously gave no thought in using the bug enhancements, most enemies with the speed bug can punish you for successfully hitting them, because their animations are so much faster than yours. Makes the avoid taking damage challenges in the System Sectors a lot more rough (though it's more likely that you'll just plain die)) This DID make the battle with Sora's Heartless WAY cooler though Oh and DEAR JEBUS THOSE SPECIAL RUN AND GUN SECTIONS ARE HELL TAKING HIGH DAMAGE AND NOT BEING ABLE TO HEAL
I've been replaying Re:Coded and I've started noticing a trend with the bulk of the cutscenes... They're almost ALL about gameplay. "Oh no, Alice lost her memory... find all the inklings!" "Oh no, the cards are moving super fast!... find the hidden System Sector!" You find the duck triplets... you fight some heartless Like, unless they're actually animating D.Sora going around doing these random gameplay bits, I have no clue how they're planning on making a coherent story out of this. I mean, I always knew Re:Coded was the most gameplay focused game, but literally most of the cutscenes are in service of the gameplay... they really should have remade the game with the BBS engine :| (also I'm really stoked to see Jesse McCartney voice those lines he says at the very end, that's going to be amazing)
91 users online THIRTY TWO ROBOTS? WHAT? Jeez, I always found it weird how every time I made a topic is automatically got 28 views, but I guess that explains it ... no seriously, thirty two? jebus
Final Fantasy Dimensions has been in PC this whole time? Now it's a party