No effects just playing with colours.
Text is over-saturated in V1 i'm pretty sure thats he/she means. Makes it look LQ and not blend well with the rest of the tag.
Oh really?
Such twirling will send you catatonic.
It seems a bit cluttered in my opinion. I'm having a hard time finding where the stock ends and the effects begin. I suppose this makes you a master blender xD?
Anytime <3
Wow big change on the third one. The cyan is much better then the green you had there before. However it looks empty. Seems more like a WIP.
You people know the drill.
Hahaha the black thing is what i think of.
Hmmmmm. Well usually i think of this. I think it portrays what I...
I am for serious =D
Naaaw Thanks. You can totally wear that shiz if you like.
Haha Teachers have no clue on what they are doing. It's a simple fact. Ask away Taffy. BAM!! TRIANGLES ARE THE SOURCE OF WAR!!!!
Had Illustrator for awhile but haven't really used it. I can only do simple stuff so far. So heres a tag of me putting half of what i know of illustrator to use. FEEL THE FLATTNESS!
Haha any time Taffalicious. Thanks for wearing <3. Also whats the deal with pythagora. I don't care how long the side of the triangle is.
HAHA Engineers aren't cool cause they're so smart Anyway on an unrelated note. [IMG] wanna wear this tag? i made it awhile ago and wanna...
Exactly they don't want you to know the equation. And i suppose if you wanted to be an engineer or something you would need algebra. BUT WHO...
I KNOW!!! Algebra is just so useless and head hurting. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHAT 'Y' EQUALS IF 'X=Z'????
Haha exams are sooooooo not needed in the real world.