I tried but apparantly he only takes girls, he doesn't understand why he takes girls yet because he's to young to understand.
Work work work work. The working world sucks Spunky never graduate from highschool.
Haha, so what have you been up to Spunky?
you mean your such a 'Spunk' NATURALLY??!?!
teach me the ways of the 'Spunk'
OMG YES how could you tell????
It seems a tad monotone and there isn't much depth. The white in your background would better serve this as a darker colour as the rest of your background. Also i'm not a massive fan of the text it doesn't really suit with the rest of the tag. Also on her shoulders you can still see some of white from where you have cut her out. It's a nice attempt it just needs a couple of touch ups.
I BET YOU DIDN'T I don't think it's all that finished so any suggestions would be welcome. CNC
Look at me being all literal :3 +1 entry.
haha i noticed, why is that.
I did a Misty only not as good :} [IMG] I thought you might as well be the text.
Do it i dare you. lovin this to pieces, colours are nice and the background must have been some pretty creative experimenting. Love how it looks like he's holding a camera.
+1 tag :d
Don't stress ;D Everything was originally different colours but i didn't pay enough attention to make sure that they all looked well together so i had to go with the gradient. I can put of the version without the gradient if you want.
At a thread here as they usually get ignored =/ GO FIGURE!! V1 V2 V? CnC and whatnot.
Oh it looks familiar lol. It looks more like liquify to me.
V1 V2 Cnc or answer to spongechu
So i peel the stickers off until they match. Nothing copy pasted (obvious due to the low detail). Go nuts children.
Text is well done but the lighting could use work on the left side. The right side is fine but the left side gets cut off to abrubtly for my liking. Also I don't like having half his head cut off. I wouldn't mind if i couldn't see his eyes but there's something about the way they stand out that takes away from it =/. Other then that its gorgeous stuff as per usual <3.
Just 'Topaz Clean'.