Well I really want to do a fandub of the Birth by Sleep secret ending (meaning if you havent seen it, you should probably not audition) I will be using this translation:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nn0I2q9atqY I need voices for the following characters: Aqua- durchxdenxmonsun Ansem the Wise- Sora-greater_bloo Riku- Kairi-khcrazy10 (just saying Sora, i suppose can be done by people doing other voices in the dub) Namine- Umiyuri Papaeyra Xion- khcrazy10(?) Roxas/ Ventus Axel Terra Open to anyone! Just post an audition vid with anything for the character you want to audition for (though the just 'Sora' saying characters dont have to audition, there it is first come, first serve) on youtube and link me :)
I LOVE THIS!! It's a great storyline you have going, I really like it. I anxiously wait for the next chapter!!! Keep up the great work!! ^^
Princess and the Frog would be...fantastic with the shadows thing. Easy way to squeeze in some heartless with the Shadow Man ^^ One that wouldnt work...the Rescuers. I love it but...sounds confusing in a KH game.
Fairest by Gail Carson Levine. I love this book, even if it is out of my age range. A lovely twist on the Snow White story, and takes you back to the world of Ella Enchanted.
The Phantom Of The Opera. Love Gerard Butler. Love the original musical. Love the movie. HOWEVER. EVERYONE has frikin vibrato on EVERY note practically!!!
I collect keys. Any keys, new keys, old keys (though skeleton or old keys are my favorite because they look SO COOL) I have an odd fascination with them.
KINGDOM HEARTS: REVEALED Riku is secretly Sora and Kairi's son from a diffrent timeline and namine is actually a man who is actually roxas who is actually xion. Minnie mouse is actually the true leader of the heartless and axel is kairi and cloud's illigitimate love child. and Namine is the love child of Cinderella and Cid Sora is Cloud and Aerith's Kid And Kairi was created as an experiment to see if ansem and ariel really could have kids. Why are all our characters where they are? Easy. Tidus wanted to know what the orange button was for. ________________________________ WTF am I thinking??
-SIGH- I was so excited about this and still am, it was stunning even when not being pre-rendered. But I am a little sad that Kairi seems to be being left behind again...oh well. I'm sure they'll find a way to throw her in the plot somehow. Unfortunately it probably means she will be kidnapped by someone again BUT...it's expected now I suppose. This was a sucess I am pleased.
I have a question- Any sort of effects you want? if any at all? or just the pics and the words? like this: or do you want more effects or something?
Alright, me and my love of art wants to put into this project a little, but I have a few questions. 1- color scheme. should it be a little darker maybe...? do you want characters to stick with their 'known' colors (example- kairi wearing pink or purple) or go with something a little different? 2-Organization 13. are they changing at all or will they be wearing cloaks the whole time? (if not, will they be having 'street clothes' such as what roxas wears in KH-2?)
Yeah i was still all into my Xion for the Kairi audition. And I know how slow internet is! Sorry! And thanks so much :)
Alright I got a few recordings in, I hope these will work. PLEASE feel free to skip past everything you dont want to see (I know they are long and extensive...) Kairi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPt8MyAtjHQ Xion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlltHSptyRQ I hope these will work, and if you don't think they're good enough I can always keep trying! (and many apologies for my lack of music when there is music in the scene, I got incredibly lazy. And I am louder on average, the mic just wasnt as close as I had thought this time around.)
Hey I am just wondering if I should just do a few fandubs of scenes from KH (just normal scenes...?) if that would work...it might be easier.
Alright then! I will definitely do that, just PM me some lines when you get them together (and of course any format you want them in) and I will get right on it!
Well probably a character that is relatively young (i.e. kairi/xion?) simply because I am young myself (16 years old) i would be happy to audition for those two, or one or the other (depending on what you'd like)
I am very interested in auditioning for any female voice, and I'm not sure exactly how to go about all this, so I am leaving a comment.
X3 so adorable! And I know it seems cliche but the first thing that popped into my head when i saw this was Coraline XP
Very funny, I liked it. I wish i could see some color on it though! However it's very creative I must say, color or not X3
I love her! She's so adorable! I think you do need to work on slightly more realistic proportions. But I love the idea and the drawing it is very cute. :0
Thanks very much you guys, I agree that it needs some facial work X3. I'm going to attempt to redraw it eventually.