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  1. kairiheartprincess
    Thanks everyone :)
    Post by: kairiheartprincess, Jun 16, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. kairiheartprincess
    I drew Marluxia X Kairi because I was so bored! What do you think?

    I know they aren't colored, and aren't well seen because my scanner's down. I just want a little critiquing, preferably not critiquing about the character pairing though.
    Thread by: kairiheartprincess, Jun 15, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. kairiheartprincess
    Well congratulations on your first upcoming connage!!

    This was my first con. It is a lot of fun and very hectic but fun.

    I made the costume myself, and thank you for the complement ^^
    Post by: kairiheartprincess, May 31, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. kairiheartprincess
    Indeedy it was. My friend who went with me was Marluxia and all the other KH cosplayers were just random people. Except for the Axel I shared the paopu fruit who is now my friend ^^
    Post by: kairiheartprincess, May 31, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. kairiheartprincess
    Taken by me at Fanime Con in San Jose. I put it together and poof here we are.

    What do you think?

    And I would put it in the video area except for that I would get a lot of not happy people because it isn't really an AMV or anything.
    Thread by: kairiheartprincess, May 31, 2010, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. kairiheartprincess


    Is anyone there this year? Well that's here? I mean has anyone been there??

    He he...I've been there. I was schoolgirl Kairi if you saw me! Who were you, if you were there?
    Thread by: kairiheartprincess, May 31, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. kairiheartprincess
    My friend and I did a Kairi and Namine fandub. It was a lot of fun

    And I did a Kairi/Selphie fandub on my own.

    yes I know my Selphie is too much, but I made it with the intention of my voice being kairi-ish. I was frustrated that lips didnt fit all the time though...
    Thread by: kairiheartprincess, Feb 27, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  8. kairiheartprincess
  9. kairiheartprincess
    WOW! I listened to your Xion fandub, and I have to say excellent job. You can have Kairi automatically, though I would recommend making your voice just a little deeper, not too much but your pretty on the spot! And if you would do Xion's "sora" that would be great too.

    I HATE double posting but in this case, it's sort of necessary

    This video is going to be done SOON but I NEED an Ansem. If ANYONE knows someone who wants to audition, please please tell me!
    Post by: kairiheartprincess, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: Project Casting
  10. kairiheartprincess
    Okay! I will still keep that role open simply because others might want to audition and its such a big role here, but you are currently on the list! :)
    Post by: kairiheartprincess, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: Project Casting
  11. kairiheartprincess
  12. kairiheartprincess
    I liked it, it was a good vid :)

    One thing I would suggest would be to maybe (if possible) get rid of the subtitles. That was someone's first suggestion to me about this sort of thing. But all in all I really liked it :)
    Post by: kairiheartprincess, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: Production Studio
  13. kairiheartprincess
    Not as good as my other one, but I still love it. I'm looking for honest opinions here :)
    Thread by: kairiheartprincess, Feb 7, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  14. kairiheartprincess
  15. kairiheartprincess
    Profile Post

    ^^ happy to help

    ^^ happy to help
    Profile Post by kairiheartprincess for ^_^zexion's real wife^_^, Feb 7, 2010
  16. kairiheartprincess
  17. kairiheartprincess
    I decided to do an AMV and I actually really REALLY like this one, compared to everything else I've done. I'd really like feedback, and there IS a story to go with it, and the video wont make sense without it, so please feel free to read it here:

    And here is the video:
    Thread by: kairiheartprincess, Feb 7, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  18. kairiheartprincess
    Apparently I forgot Kairi needed a voice! If you would like to try her PLEASE feel free to do so! So sorry about that!
    Post by: kairiheartprincess, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: Project Casting
  19. kairiheartprincess

    Go Upstairs

    Totally random, I dont even know where it came from.
    WARNING there are themes in here not appropriate for children, things are implied but not gone into detail.

    You tell me "it's alright babe, go upstairs and sleep"
    And I trudge upstairs and get dressed when I hear the door creak
    I hear muffled voices from down there and drop to the floor still as a stone
    With my ear pressed to the floor I can hear both of your moans
    And when I don't think I can take it anymore
    I climb into our bed, my heart so sore
    And only minutes later you climb in bed with me
    And I hear you whisper in my ear
    "I love you sweety."
    Thread by: kairiheartprincess, Feb 6, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. kairiheartprincess
    sounds cool, but if you want you can try anyways, im open to everything X3
    Post by: kairiheartprincess, Feb 6, 2010 in forum: Project Casting