Thanks everyone :)
I drew Marluxia X Kairi because I was so bored! What do you think? I know they aren't colored, and aren't well seen because my scanner's down. I just want a little critiquing, preferably not critiquing about the character pairing though. http://kairiheartprincess.deviantar...3?q=sort:time+gallery:kairiheartprincess&qo=0
Well congratulations on your first upcoming connage!! This was my first con. It is a lot of fun and very hectic but fun. I made the costume myself, and thank you for the complement ^^
Indeedy it was. My friend who went with me was Marluxia and all the other KH cosplayers were just random people. Except for the Axel I shared the paopu fruit who is now my friend ^^
Taken by me at Fanime Con in San Jose. I put it together and poof here we are. What do you think? And I would put it in the video area except for that I would get a lot of not happy people because it isn't really an AMV or anything.
Is anyone there this year? Well that's here? I mean has anyone been there?? He he...I've been there. I was schoolgirl Kairi if you saw me! Who were you, if you were there?
My friend and I did a Kairi and Namine fandub. It was a lot of fun And I did a Kairi/Selphie fandub on my own. yes I know my Selphie is too much, but I made it with the intention of my voice being kairi-ish. I was frustrated that lips didnt fit all the time though...
Hey i would be happy to have you in my secret ending! Although we are almost done with characters, if you could toss me a 'sora' from roxas and...
WOW! I listened to your Xion fandub, and I have to say excellent job. You can have Kairi automatically, though I would recommend making your voice just a little deeper, not too much but your pretty on the spot! And if you would do Xion's "sora" that would be great too. I HATE double posting but in this case, it's sort of necessary This video is going to be done SOON but I NEED an Ansem. If ANYONE knows someone who wants to audition, please please tell me!
Okay! I will still keep that role open simply because others might want to audition and its such a big role here, but you are currently on the list! :)
haha yeah its just the hair i think
I liked it, it was a good vid :) One thing I would suggest would be to maybe (if possible) get rid of the subtitles. That was someone's first suggestion to me about this sort of thing. But all in all I really liked it :)
Not as good as my other one, but I still love it. I'm looking for honest opinions here :)
naw, they're all just jealous of his hair
^^ happy to help
hey there how are you
I decided to do an AMV and I actually really REALLY like this one, compared to everything else I've done. I'd really like feedback, and there IS a story to go with it, and the video wont make sense without it, so please feel free to read it here: And here is the video:
Apparently I forgot Kairi needed a voice! If you would like to try her PLEASE feel free to do so! So sorry about that!
Totally random, I dont even know where it came from. WARNING there are themes in here not appropriate for children, things are implied but not gone into detail. _______________________________ You tell me "it's alright babe, go upstairs and sleep" And I trudge upstairs and get dressed when I hear the door creak I hear muffled voices from down there and drop to the floor still as a stone With my ear pressed to the floor I can hear both of your moans And when I don't think I can take it anymore I climb into our bed, my heart so sore And only minutes later you climb in bed with me And I hear you whisper in my ear "I love you sweety."
sounds cool, but if you want you can try anyways, im open to everything X3