My Immortal- Evanescence
So, I went to Sacanime Summer 2010 in Sacramento and got some photos taken of I did not take them myself, but this is asking for review of the costumes: not the photos. Feedback is much appreciated :)
Thanks! I'm gonna need all the help I can get.
Thanks! I will.
Ah I see. It is a hard thing to come up with cosplay money.
And his majesty! I will put them up after going. Somewhere. Photography probably. Thanks for actually supporting me!
I am going to disneyland this weekend. It will be the first time I have gone since I discovered kingdom hearts[yes i've been there before] (its been a while) and I am going to dress up as Kairi and take pictures! It's very exciting. I am thinking I will have them take pictures with my paopu or sora plush, not sure. Anyone at all interested in seeing these?
Oh yes i do.
I don;t think so. Yeah cosplay is just what I do. I go to conventions alot.
These are really good! I congratulate you on your work. Good job :)
Here is my thought to you: Is it possible to love two people at once in a romantic way? Can someone be in love with two people at the same time? It is a question that has been tugging at my mind for some time now. I am curious to hear your opinions.
Techno remix of Kairi's Theme.
Kingdom Hearts 2- I am addicted. Love the storyline, and especially the gameplay. I really like how good the graphics are too. Final Fantasy 9- The storyline is what gets me on this one, even though I don't like the battle style. The graphics arent that great except for in the cutscenes, but even so, I love this game. Rogue Galaxy- I love the storyline alot, there's alot of good voice actors in there, and I also like the battle style. The graphics are pretty nice too. (Shoutout to Portal- I love this game too, but I don't own it so I am not counting it in my top 3.)
Am I the only one brought to tears when hearing this stuff? It is the work of beauty in my opinion. My dad says "It's stupid japanese showtunes," which pisses me off, but I have a question for all of you out there: What is your favorite Square Enix composition or theme?
I was awesome lol. I am going to the beach today to take pictures as Kairi. How about you?
^^ No problem!!
Yeah, I count it as photography and art. It is an art. These are all me, except in the last picture where only one of them is me. Lol ^^ Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler
Thanks!! ^^ You have no idea how happy this makes me. Lovin your picture Misty! And thanks! I might put up a thread with some cosplay pictures for critiquing. Or something lol.
avvy: 9/10 siggy:8/10 (portal=epic ^^)