When I finally get a 3ds and a new Pokèmon game, I'll let you know.
Does this count? View attachment 40576
There are some amazing people who cover Vocaloid songs and they are beautiful.
Hopefully they will be able to get prints from the grates or the bag. I hope they are able to discover who did this and that you all are able to get your things back.
Happy Birthday!!
I gave up at 111. Because all the same number and I'm watching Grey's Anatomy.
Best crack friendship ever. <3
I'll also an INFP. I'll add a few more. Tina Belcher from Bob's Burgers Nagisa Furukawa from CLANNAD Philip J. Fry from Futurama Lexie Grey from ''Grey's Anatomy’' Princess Luna from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Mordecai from RegularShow Steven and Connie from Steven Universe Scout Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird No wonder why I love all of these characters. @Killian Jones you are now my Ann Perkins. You beautiful sunfish.
You guys, Naruto has been my bby, husbando, all those things since I was like 12. I may not be caught up on the manga but I still love him forever. I'm definitely going to try and read the last few chapters. If Naruto doesn't end up Hokage after all that giant tree **** I will be so disappointed. I'm excited to see how he ends things.
Almost a year ago this girl, who was supposed to be my best friend, never talked to me online and every time I would call she wouldn't answer. I left voicemails, etc. So, I just kinda gave up on the friendship because I don't really want to waste time on people who don't seem to care about me. A few months ago I was doing a Facebook friend purge and deleted her. This was after I found out that she told a bunch of people that I have PTSD, which I told her not to tell anyone. No time for people who betray me like that. I saw her this past weekend and told her I would have to add her back because we didn't talk and she never returned my calls. I got a message later that she was super offended and hurt that I deleted her because we were "best friends". She put all the blame on me and said she found it hard to believe I tried in the friendship. She also told me she didn't tell anyone about the PTSD, which I know for a fact she did. I find out she made a huge post about the whole thing on Facebook and just whined about how she apparently can't be a good friend. Basically she just always has to be the victim. Also pretty sure she has told several people about the situation and people are now calling me a *****. Fantastic. I've known for a while that she is the type that always has to be the victim, but it just gets to me that I know she is going around bad talking me. I even did the "bigger person" thing where I texted her and said there were misunderstandings blah blah blah. I just want to have fun and cosplay and play dress up with my friends but I'm afraid that she is going around telling people I'm awful. tl;dr I need better friends.
I look at the face and just remember the little cutie from the Jonas Brothers. Bring back the curls, Nick.
Look guys, I was a Sailor Scout last weekend. https://www.facebook.com/AllisonWon...450337788371663/733639066708199/?l=b6c65a4be5 After being here almost 8 years, I still don't know how to make custom link stuff.
I keep meaning to watch it. Maybe after I binge watch Eternal Summer.
I need motivation to work on my cosplays for a con this weekend. Send help.
fjdkljfas; I will be binge watching too. I'm so excited.
WONDERFUL. how are youuuuuu?
Narutooooo <3333333