I don't have a long description as to why, but I've loved my Windows 7 computer since I had it. I always liked the two windows side by side option.
That was beautiful.
Was Windows 8 a thing? I feel like it was but my brain is just gone.
Email the site and bribe them with food.
I think we would need much more info to answer this question.
Hello everyone! I wanted to pop back in and see how everything was going here. This was such a special place for me in high school and still holds a big place in my heart. I hope to see it thrive again! I'm going to try and get a few audio projects up if anyone wants to jump in with me. Let's all play~
In doing some sort of cover? I've wanted to do one for a while, just don't want to do it alone. I'm open to song choices and I'll edit everything together. It would just be a fun side project and a chance for me to try and mix some things.
Happy Birthday to both of you!
The fall weather must have been speaking to you.
That sounds dangerously awesome.
I forgot I won the original! Ah good times.
I want us to hang out and make delicious food.
I love your avatar and sig combination. <3
My goodness, she's amazingly sweet and has the voice of an angel.
Seat belts are SO important and people just forget about them. Especially for the toddler, it breaks my heart that they didn't even have the poor child strapped in. It's a terrible thing to happen but I do hope the ones that survived learned to use seat belts.
It's a super serious place.
Why does that make you sad?
I love Pearl's saltiness.