but forums are so dead, it'll never leave the front page! mods will wake up :(
please don't ban me
.and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but oh yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another...
I wouldn't mind having it today, but I can't speak for everyone.
If you lived in Guam other people would do it for you.
Christhor#3259 use discord to contact me mendia#7196 is @Trigger who can't access the forums atm, but his discord is still working, so contact him there if you want him.
The one with the big belly has my vote.
The earlier in the day it is for you, the better it is for me.
I already sent mine in a couple of days ago, Akaz.
Well you see, you say that it's a problem only for people who already know the difference, I'm guessing you mean because if you google it most sites will auto correct it. Well I, like many other Europeans, don't believe in google. So we all have 24 clocks in our homes representing the different time zones, all labeled with the names of said time zone. There's nothing that's going to tell me that my EST clock is not the one I should be paying attention to! EVERY EUROPEAN WOULD BE CONFUSED!
It could still cause some confusion. If you said "Hey Chris, let's play some Halo at 5PM EST" and my response was "Is this Halo?", but the correct time was actually EDT, then I'd be an hour off and the Haloing would be ruined.
The people demand dickbutt!
Maybe for Americans :thinking: But if you say EST to an European then they'd assume it was correct and be an hour off. Not like it really matters, doubt anyone is actually paying that close attention to the KHV server, but American timezones and when they have daylight savings are definitely not trivia everyone knows.
Can't stop won't stop (stops)
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It is kinda odd to post a message about everyone being kicked out of a server in the server people are being kicked out of. I did see it, but it does make sense that not everyone would and that it'd cause confusion.
I'm probably fine whenever. Probably.