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  1. Kannira the wolf
    Your teacher or Newton?
    Post by: Kannira the wolf, Jul 27, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Kannira the wolf
    My mistake, I'll fix that immediately.
    Post by: Kannira the wolf, Jul 27, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Kannira the wolf
    To be fair, anyone who suggested anything that wasn't mentioned in the bible (or any other religious philosphy, for that matter) was considered a heretic.

    There's also biblical evidence that the Earth may be, indeed, round, I will post the verses when I can remember them c:

    I'm not using the bible as proof at all, if you read again, I suggest that I was only using it as an example as to why many people (especially religious people) will believe the Earth is flat. I also suggested the Physical proof as to why the Earth is round.
    Post by: Kannira the wolf, Jul 27, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Kannira the wolf
    Invaders Must Die - The Prodigy.
    Post by: Kannira the wolf, Jul 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. Kannira the wolf
    Physically speaking, my argument is one thing only: Newton measuring the force of gravity, the number could be tested anywhere on the globe... And since the force of gravity is roughly the same everywhere on the globe, the only logical explanation is the very fact that the Earth is, indeed, spherical.

    (Source: and my Science teacher.)

    Religiously speaking, there are mentions in the Bible that the world can be, indeed, flat rather than round, and here are some bible verses that suggest it:
    Isaiah 11:12 , which suggests the four corners of the Earth.
    Revelation 7:1, once again, the Four Corners of the Earth.
    Job 38:13, The ends of the Earth, and so on.
    (Source: My bible teacher and studying religion for 3 years.)

    I'm not trying to start a religious debate, I am only here to suggest both sides of the argument.
    Post by: Kannira the wolf, Jul 27, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Kannira the wolf
    (Mods, lock if this is a bad idea or if this has been suggested before.)
    I noticed that there were some threads about world bosses that you might like to see later on, and previous worlds that you would like Square Enix to keep or get rid of. But what about new worlds?

    I was thinking, here may be some mild spoilers, so read on at your own risk, that the latest Kingdom Hearts should have a world based on Brave. Well, based on Scotland at least, and have Merida (hoping I spelled her name right) as character you can have in your party. My only problem with Merda is the fact that they would need to keep her bow, and find a way to keep her from being ranged, unless a spell she casts says otherwise, and maybe Mor'Du (the giant, evil black bear in Brave) as one of the bosses you have to face.

    Thoughts? Suggestions?
    Thread by: Kannira the wolf, Jul 27, 2012, 53 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Kannira the wolf
    It would be cool if we could fight the antagonist from the later Disney movies, such as Mor'Du from Brave.
    Post by: Kannira the wolf, Jul 27, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Kannira the wolf


    It isn't the very fact that the rules exist, because as far as I can see, those are very fair rules and easy to abide, so I fail to see the point in altering rules that will punish the entire community for the bad behavior of a small portion. However, here is my complaint.

    When I was still an annoying newbie, there were certain threads that were beyond the PG-13 criteria, and some of which a user that I felt was personally attacking me (I do not wish to expose the name, mostly because I don't remember their name), and I did realize later on that they weren't joking, but the admins seemed to brush off most of the mature humor that was being posted.

    I'm not a funsponge or anything, and I enjoy my fair share of adult humor as much as anyone, but there are certain lines that cannot be crossed, especially in the Spamzone. I am not implying that the mods are not doing their job right, so don't get me wrong.

    To put it bluntly, it's not that the rules need altering, it's the fact that I personally feel they aren't enforced as much as they should be. The situation I mentioned above happened a few years ago, but I can't help but feel that it still may happen, the Spamzone is famous for its humor, and I feel that a younger guest may stumble upon a thread just like it, or may be intimidated by a user only for the admins to brush it off.
    Post by: Kannira the wolf, Jul 27, 2012 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  9. Kannira the wolf
    Maybe Square Enix is doing what Valve is doing, delaying a 3rd game?

    But in all seriousness, as nice as it would be for it to be on the PS2, it's severely outdated, and I think it will be on the PS4, or maybe Xbox 360 to pacify the Play Station hating whiners.

    Somewhat hoping it becomes available to PC, however, since I'm not a big fan of consoles and never was.
    Post by: Kannira the wolf, Jul 27, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Kannira the wolf
  11. Kannira the wolf
    Huh. The nominations are different from what I remember.
    Post by: Kannira the wolf, Jul 27, 2012 in forum: 2012
  12. Kannira the wolf
    Hello there, Why, I believe?
    Profile Post by Kannira the wolf for What?, Jul 26, 2012
  13. Kannira the wolf
    My personal belief is that unless they can make a story at the last second to back it up (or it's a new girl who comes along, either way), assuming that Riku DOES have a love interest sometime in the game, it would more than likely cause plot holes, canon-wise. Plus, I think the relationship between Sora and Kairi is enough, as nice as it would be, it would cause alot of questions and explaining in the story that would make the game longer than intended, since the whining gamers are very hard to please nowadays. Plus, fanon-wise, it will cause a huge shitstorm among the fangirls, and possible threatening emails towards Square Enix.

    As someone else mentioned, Riku is happy the way he is now, as revealed towards the end of KH1, I think that him finding a love interest would be nice, but a little contradictory.
    Post by: Kannira the wolf, Jul 26, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. Kannira the wolf

    KHV Band?

    I can bang on the electric keyboard if you like.
    Post by: Kannira the wolf, Jul 26, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Kannira the wolf
    Please and thank you <3
    Post by: Kannira the wolf, Jul 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Kannira the wolf
    I wish they would grab your window and throw it (and spawn through Mitosis) like most Shimejis, though.
    Post by: Kannira the wolf, Jul 26, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Kannira the wolf


    I'm aware of that. I'm just saying that once trolls get a hold of this, I can already tell that huge **** storms are going to start, implying they haven't already started yet.

    (Also, since this thread is only about a week old, and I believe necro bumping only applies to month old threads, if memory serves, I could be wrong. Thank you for the reminder, though.)
    Post by: Kannira the wolf, Jul 26, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Kannira the wolf
    Before we begin, I am going to request one thing: Mods, please lock if this is in the wrong place, this has already been done, or if it just isn't a good idea.

    I have posted this on several forums, and it went by fairly successfully, and so I hope that you will enjoy it as well.

    It would be very odd indeed if you suddenly discovered you had a duplicate.
    Every human is born unique.
    Each attribute of a person- eyes, skin, lungs, hands, smile- are all one-of-a-kind. You live your life knowing that nobody walks like you, nobody has your face or your insides, except you. You're different. A total one-off. Never to be repeated.

    It's a very strange feeling to see somebody who looks like someone you know. A person who has a face or an expression similar to that which belongs to a loved one can make you stop and think. There are over six billion people in the world and there have been thousands of millions before them. Of course there's going to be similarities eventually.
    But identical?

    Not possible. Not possible.


    What if- and I'm just groping in the dark here- what if there's something like... like... a parallel world that's identical to ours? Well, nearly identical. Maybe a little different; this is Mother Nature, after all. What if you and me and him and her have duplicates? Alternates? Wouldn't that be strange? What if they did everything we did, at the same time, in the same way? Like a mirror? Wouldn't that be strange? What if they smiled when we did? They laughed when we did? Had their heart broken and cried and screamed and clawed at their faces and bedcovers when we did? What if they had the same parents that we did? The same friends? The same enemies and lovers and hobbies and fantasies? The same habits, the same ticklish spots, the same way of eating and drinking and the same little way that you flutter your lashes at those that make your heart pound? Wouldn't that be strange?
    Wouldn't it?

    Of course, I'm just groping in the dark here.

    Hello and welcome to The Darker Side of Me.
    I hope to go far with this, so read on, try not to
    get confused, and ask if you have any questions.
    First up though, I'd like to lay down a few rules.
    No spamming, flaming or trolling. These
    may be obvious but they're very important. I
    don't want to see mindless posts, inane insults
    or a pitiful attempt to wind us up. Thank you!
    Please use good grammar and spelling.
    I understand that not everyone is perfect but I
    also understand that there is such thing as MS
    Word with a built in spell/grammar check. Use it.
    No one/two liners. Hopefully you'll be able
    to write more than that. Interact with people. Tell
    how your character is feeling. Description! Whoo!
    That's about it for now. Everything else is obvious.
    I look forward to seeing some sign-ups!

    Also, if you find this too long to read, read the cyan. You're welcome.


    __________________________________________________ __________________

    Belysning, Year 2074, Planet Earth

    Dear Diary,

    I feel stupid but mummy told me to write a diary so I did. She said it would keep me ocupyed occupied. She said she doesn't like it when I bother her in the evenings when she's trying to watch her programmes on TV and she's eating her biscuits and her nice food that she says she doesn't eat but I always see her eat it when daddy isn't here.

    I don't know what to write.

    Etelani x

    Dear Diary again,

    I told mummy I don't know what to write so she said to introduse myself and I said that's silly because this is a book and it can't really understand what I'm writing but she said don't be silly Lani so I started writing. She calls me Lani instead of Etelani which is my name. I don't know why. Mummy is lazy.
    My name is Etelani but I already said that and I don't have an eraser so I'll carry on. I live in Porsuele in a big country called Belysning and it's pretty and big. It has lots of trees and animals and the king is very nice to us. That's what mummy says. Mummy says she likes the king. I said she can't like the king because she doesn't know him and she said she does know him because he's our ruler. I said I have a ruler in my pencil case. She said don't be silly Lani.
    My hand hurts now.

    Etelani x

    Dear Stupid Diary,

    I told mummy I don't want to write in you anymore but she said I have to. I think I may throw you away and say Slik ate it. Slik is our dog. He's very big and he's not really a dog he's more of a wolf.
    Mummy says I should talk about myself so I will. I am ten years old and I have brown hair and green eyes. Porsuele is small and it has lots of markits markets and it's very pretty. There is lots of towns but Porsuele is the best even though it isn't a big city like Oovlay. Mummy says it isn't spelt Oovlay it's spelt Uevlei but I think that's silly. She thinks I'm silly.

    Etelani xxx

    Dear Diary,

    Mummy is making me write a diary. I don’t want to. Mummy says it’s because I annoy her. I think she’s annoying. She thinks I’m silly. She’s the silly one, eating all the bad foods that make her fat when daddy tells her not to.

    I’m not going to write just to show her.


    Dear Diary again,

    Mummy says she doesn’t care if I don’t want to write. She’s making me write. I have to put stupid things about myself like my name and where I live. She can’t even call me by my name. She calls me Lani. I don’t like it when she calls me Lani.
    My name is Etelani not Lani. I live in Denchan in a big country called Mørke. I don’t like it here because it’s dirty and there’s lots of crime. Mummy says our country has ‘gone to the dogs’. I don’t know what that means. She says she hates the govar goverrment. I said I did too. She told me to stop being silly.

    I don’t want to write because my hand hurts.


    Dear Stupid Diary,

    I hope my wolf eats you because this is boring. I shall write about myself anyway. I am ten years old. I have brown hair and green eyes. Denchan is a small town with markets. Denchan is a bad town but they’re all bad towns, especially Oovlay. It’s spelt Uevlei but I don’t write it like that.

    I am feeding you to Slik.


    __________________________________________________ ___________________

    "There is a world beyond Belysning.
    I know this for a fact. It’s not just beyond- it’s connected. Occasionally, the veil between the worlds becomes so very thin that I could nearly... reach right through. What’s on the other side?
    Think of the veil as a mirror.

    ... Of sorts.
    I know that Belsyning has a copy. Or, we’re the copy. Possibly. Unlikely. We’re better. That much is clear. But... it’s very fascinating. So... intriguing. I could... sew them together. It wouldn’t take much, we’re already so very entwined. All it’d take is a few more stitches. I wonder what would happen?
    I’d rather like to find out."

    __________________________________________________ ___________________

    The year is 2074 in Belysning, a generally peaceful country that supports populations of different races. Vegetation is plentiful in this country, and the different races generally do not have any disputes with one another. They live as one with and in respect to nature, and education is available to everyone in both the countryside and cities. Technology is very advanced in the cities and the capital, while the people of the countryside have basic facilities such as bathrooms, computers and machinery. Magic is not uncommon – some people are gifted with Magicks, while others are not. As with every society, there is the royalty, the rich and the commoners, but Belysning is prosperous, and the people are satisfied with their lives. Technology, Magic and Nature live as one in Belysning. All is well.
    Until that day; the moment the gates connected to Mørke opened.

    All hell broke loose.

    The first sign of the connection was an initially mild earthquake that transformed into a shaking one. The people were frightened, but there were no reported casualties. However, the very next day, monsters started appearing in Belysning. Monsters were uncommon – there were different races of monsters, some hostile and aggressive and some peaceful. But they did not possess the violent aura these monsters had. The innocent who do not possess the skill of Magicks were slaughtered, while those who did tried to protect the rest from the monsters’ merciless waves of attacks.
    Then, the humans came. This was when the people of Belysning noted a grave point. They had complete duplicates in Mørke. They looked like them, they walked like them, and they sounded like them. Hell, they were even capable of mirroring their actions and movements at the same time!

    They were their Shadows.

    Alas, that was not good. Not when they had that ominous and aggressive nature instilled in them, bursting with hatred. Growing up and struggling to survive in a ruined world like Mørke, they had regarded violence as a natural part of themselves. What’s a better solution to a brooding anger dormant within them than venting their ire on their peaceful counterparts’ world? When the Shadows came to the same understanding that they were the duplicates, they were triggered by the jealousy due to the fact that their counterparts were living in a harmonious environment while they suffered in their world. Determined to take over Belysning as their own, they started wreaking havoc along with the monsters.

    “This was not a matter of subduing them anymore, it’s the fact that we’re going to have to go out there and fight for our damned lives with ourselves.â€

    __________________________________________________ ___________________

    -You are a resident of Belysning.
    -Your physical shadow harbours your Mørke duplicate.
    -If your Shadow wants to become animate, it can switch with you at will, unless you fight back hard enough.
    -When switched, you become the Shadow, and your Mørke duplicate becomes completely animate.
    - The longer one of you stays as a Shadow, the darker your personality becomes. You may decide to switch with your shadow to stop them becoming even more twisted, but then you shall become more tainted yourself.
    -You and your Shadow can hear each other’s thoughts and feel each other’s intentions at all times.
    -You have a choice. Either you can accept that this is how it’s going to be; find and fight the force that has connected the worlds; or join that force and make sure that you and your duplicate stay connected for all eternity.

    T H E G O O D G U Y S

    So you wanna be a good guy, huh? Nice choice, I guess, although I personally prefer the inner complexity of the so-called villains in these sorts of things…

    Places to Start in

    Unfortunately, I lack the artistic capability to draw out a map for everyone, however, if someone who is artistic would be so kind as to draw one up, that would be great.

    nearest to Macabre Inc.
    Capital City

    nearest to Uevlei
    Main/Large Towns

    nearest to the borders
    Small Towns/Villages

    And of course there's countryside and woods etc for you to begin in.

    Accepted Good Guys:

    Pending good guys

    Reserved good guys

    Sign up sheet:
    Name: (Obvious.)
    Age: (Again, obvious. No limits here.)
    Gender: (Again, obvious.)
    Personality: (How does your character act? Think?)
    Duplicate Personality: (Please remember that it’s a duplicate, only slightly darker. Describe the little differences. Your duplicate will become progressively worse as the RP goes on.)
    Appearance: (An image is allowed IN A LINK, PLEASE, but description is a must.)
    Duplicate Appearance: (Facial features, eye colour, hair colour etc must be roughly the same [unless hair is dyed, nose is broken, scars or whatever] but as for clothes, you can go to town.)
    History: (Only a few sentences are required, as I know Histories are absolute torture.)
    Abilities: (Okay, nothing TOO amazing, please. Remember, you’re basically a citizen.)
    Weapons: (No more than three, please.)
    Other: (Anything else you wanna add?)

    T H E B A D G U Y S

    The force that connected the two worlds is actually a syndicate- Macabre Inc.- based in the capital of Belysning, Uevlei. They appear to be a company that creates high-tech equipment for households- which they do- but they are also responsible for money-crazed murders, terrorizing groups of people and doing anything to get rich. Headed by an intelligent, darkly interesting character and his cronies, this group of nutcases is available to be joined. Go ahead.
    "Macabre Inc. specialise in home-based technology with the smarts of professional machines. We thrive to meet your every expectation for everyday life by using ground-breaking research for our inventions that aim to fit into every household."


    Head Admin
    (I will take many reserves for this spot and choose which sign-up I believe is best.)

    Assistant Admin
    (I will take many reserves for this spot and choose which sign-up I believe is best.)

    Leading Agents



    Accepted Members

    Pending Members

    Reserved Members
    Thread by: Kannira the wolf, Jul 26, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Kannira the wolf
    I only just noticed the OOC forum, and I apoligize in advance.
    Thread by: Kannira the wolf, Jul 26, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Kannira the wolf
    To me, in Kingdom Hearts 1, the part where Sora died while redeeming the Princesses and Kairi.
    Post by: Kannira the wolf, Jul 26, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts