A few days ago Darkandroid posted about the Playstation Magazine containing an article in the rumor section about Kingdom Hearts 3 hitting up at TGS and being PS3 Exclusive. The topic which you can view Here Well recently Videogamerx uploaded a scan of the article that contains the news. Scan Other wacky news Also for a quick out of Square-Enix news but should interest those in the Devil May Cry games would have probably hear..or rather have never heard about a Devil May Cry Slot machine game that was released god knows when. Well we're proud to present the first video of this rather crazy spin-off. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz-FsDNt73M
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJ7CiOL1Z_A So serious and emotional....until 1:43
Life's been full of surprises I'm use to the stairs now just not to ...GPS systems they scare the hell out of me. No I don't wash my hair with soap anymore ): and become one of who D:
What the.....
Actually that slow-down and Sonic turns into a werewolf thing sounds kind of like a challenge issue. WHOS READY TO SEE "SONIC SPEEDRUN WITHOUT TURNING INTO WEREWOLF" Video titles? Now I just hope the werewolf form sucks balls so people don't want to turn into it.
Hey everyone, with the Famitsu 38 page special on the Square-Enix event, an interview came as well with Nomura speaking on all 3 games. And from the interview here's things we now officially know. Birth by Sleep Plot - Master Xehanort is not only looking for the Pure minds of the princesses but shows an interest in obtaining the worlds as well. - The scenes of Aqua, Terra and Ven together were all from the beginning of the game. After this they all seperate. The purpose of the three heroes are all slightly different but the goal of chasing Master Xehanort is the same. - In this era of Kingdom Hearts the Keyblades are taught to be more about spirit of the person instead of the heart. - The only reason why Snow white sounds slightly strange is due to them having the most appropriate voice for her role. Considering the movie Snow white was released 50 years ago in Japan. Gameplay - Nomura wanted to make strategic changes to the combat system, and believes BBS' gameplay has changed a lot from it's first showing which was pre-arranged commands. - Thoe shot lock system was also thought up with BBS, however they wern't sure if it was possible at first. - The meaning of unbirth is the exact opposite of birth in terms that they are the exact opposite of people. The kind of people they are and how they are created will be shown to the public soon. - Birth by Sleep is more high-speed action then the other games and also will be showing reaction commands. Anyone who plays this for the first time will be surprised. - There are a lot of boss battles in this game, however they are all to feel unique and fun. - There was a lot of testing with the music, and now finishing the music has become the battle. *Laughs* (I'm amazed Nomura didn' thave as much laughing as he does in other interviews) 358/2 Days - Having the voice of the 14th member released to the public at this time was Nomura's own mistake. However the voice should give off hints. - Roxas doesn't have as much of a positive impact on the heroes as Sora does in the games. An example being Beauty and the Beast scene, the message this area will cause the players to think. "What is love?" Roxas will also begin to learn through the disney characters where his doubt for the Organization begins. - When Axel talks to Xion at the end of the trailer, what Nomura is really referring to is Axel and Roxas. - The original thought of the Kingdom Heart series has to do with "Where the mind draws" so Memories is a huge part of the series. This game will heavily focus on Memories because of the Nobodies. KH Coded - Events do not happen like in Kingdom Hearts games where it's at the beginning, scenes in the middle and then scenes in the end. The scenes in Coded only happen after completing a certain ammount of missions. - Coded being the only sequel to Kingdom Hearts 2 it's expected to show content for the next game, however it's really in the context of Chain of Memories and will also be solving up the mysteries of previous Kingdom Hearts games. - This story is meant to "Heal their pains" and follows along side another secret message. - As you advance in the game you'll begin to learn who left that message in Jiminy's memo and why the message was left. - Coded, 358/2 Days and Birth by Sleep in some way or fashion are connected to each other in various ways. - There are more elements to the cellphone with Kingdom Hearts then they have shown right now. Source: FF7AC Reunion
...what Did You Do To My Name!?!?
I just looked at all the admin names in the spam forum and... I'm not even gonna ask.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MgX4t9Qh_E Deny it as much as you want that is the truth.
Wasn't it the summer before last? ....No wait.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLaekFxb6C0 Too bad it's requirements are so high, then again seeing how epic it is it makes it worth it. Though it's probably really just got found in a hidden file on the disk because we know Sakurai didn't want the public to see such an epic finale.
Hey eveyrone, a 2ch blog poster has added new scans of the upcoming 3 games however unfortunately the link to those scans died quickly because of the uploader sight. Luckily Videogamerx managed to snag those and host it up on their sight! 358/2 Days Scan Birth by Sleep Coded Final Fantasy: Dissidia Adding onto that IGN added a short video on their tour of the Square-Enix Party, thanks to that we can see short shots of the Kingdom Hearts games as well! View Source: Videogamerx
Well, a member of 2ch posted this up recently, it seems as though he/she managed to meet Nomura for a short while to conduct a rather...short interview. Each of them Nomura pretty much turned around unfortunately. Seems as though he's being secretive about many things, but what did he say? Well we're gonna summarize it up in quick points. 1. 14th Member has no relation to Kairi. (Chances of Nomura turning that around? High) 2. The Unbirth is meant to explain heartless and nobodies but wouldn't go into detail. 3. When asked about Aqua's part in the game Nomura said he revealed her last for a good reason. 4. When the 2ch user asked Nomura about Birth of Sleep's gameplay from the demo, Nomura said he wanted a concept similar to Chain of Memories but also wanted to keep the feel of the Main Kingdom Hearts games. 5. When asked about what system would, if there was going to be (which there will be) a Kingdom Hearts Sequel Nomura stated that he wants to enhance the gameplay of the series and depnding on the console that gives that enhancement he has in vision would be the console the game will be puto n. 6. The member accused Nomura lightenly about 358/2 Days being a game directed to Roxas fans and not advancing the series, Nomura only laughed. (...What is this Nomura?) 7. Nomura got asked about Coded being ported to a hand-held and Nomura said there were no current plans for a Hand-held version of Coded. The blog-user believes because it would upset the balance of 1 Game being with Sony and another being with Nintendo and joked to Nomura that he should put it on the X-box. 8. Finally the user asked to Nomura about the sudden adding of multiplayer in the series. Nomura responded by saying he wanted to try something different and unexpected for the series and is happy with the responses he got from the demos so far. (Maybe this means we can get more multiplayer games that are normally Single player RPGS from Nomura at this rate?) Granted this was an interview conducted by a fan of the series we wouldn't expect Nomura to go into detail about these questions at least not until someone like Famitsu, or Dengeki gets in which is something we're expecting in the future. Source: 2ch
Hey eveyrone, though not really new due we didn't really report it so here's a few scans that were shown before the Square-Enix event. Birth by Sleep 358/2 Days Source; Gamekyo.com
Hey everyone, today I recieved an e-mail from a rather kind person from Japan who after the event took her time to draw all of the new characters these include Aqua's BBS clothing. The new Dissidia villain and Final Fantasy XIII characters all beautifully detailed. Then did some quick sketches of the Unbirth and a Roxas avatar for the mobile phone. Also the person put the image up on 2ch as well. It's really a nice drawing. Source: 2ch
Title says it all, it seems as though on the first day of the event, Yoko Shimomura (Composer of the Kingdom Hearts Series) performed a new song. Rather this is saying the song was orchestrated, if it was just on piano or digitalized is unknown. What is known though was after the song, she said it was for the upcoming game Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. It's said the song is suppose to be played to the public today, we'll get more information on that as well as more coverage on the second day of this event. Also to note an error, on our behalf. Due to the trailer of BBS we assumed the name of the new species wa "Amber" however this is probably the name of just the basic enemies. The actual name of them which is spreading around japanese boards fast and actually makes a lot more sense is "Unbirth" Source: 2ch
Alright everyone it's started, and we won't just be covering the Kingdom Hearts games, we'll be covering all the games that are being shown there, mainly because it's not like TGS, or E3 where too much is being showcased at once, it's only showcasing a few games. Kingdom Hearts Coded - Kingdom Hearts Coded is set for a 2008 Winter release. - Coded supports full 3D battle and a horizontal mode that reminds people of Mario when they look at it. - Coded will be used on the current Mobile phones NTT DoCoMo、703i、903i - Co-op play can be done on the Event Side. - The Kingdom Hearts Mobile update will allow you to buy avatars and play minigames in 100 Acre Woods. The minigames allow you to earn ringtones and other goodies. - Coded's website is said to be up this year. Trailer summary In Twilight Town Cid appears. In another scene an Org XIII member is seen saying "Show me your power!" Mickey, Jimmy, Donald and Goofy are all around the journal and Mickey says "There's one wound left. A new scene is shown to the public. Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep - Is set for a 2009 Release - Aqua finally makes an appearance. - The Demo gives off the same feel as the PS2 version of Kingdom Hearts. Triangle is magic, and circle is normal attacks and special attacks. When the guage reaches to the max, press circle to perform special attacks. DEMO Demo notes - Terra's Demo is called "Enchanted Forest." - The new enemies are known as Ambers and after you defeat the Ambers you move across the bridge and to the castle. - A boss appears called "Wheel Master" once you defeat this boss the chapter ends. -Ven's Demo is called Castle of Dreams. - Ven becomes small and is the same size as a rat. Rat: "This is the King's Castle. All daughters in this country are called to a dance party that is held tonight." Ven: "Cinderalla is also going... Rat: Yes, however I need to prepare a dress for her. Ven: I remember a fellow who called Cinderella a while ago. Rat: Ah, Dancing in the castle has always been a dream of Cinderella. She lives in a nother world where all she does is clean and wash. Ven: I understand...I know that feeling. Well then we'll make Cinderella realize that dream. Rats: Yes we will. Ven: We'll make the dress. Will you create the dress while I look for the materials? Rat: It's a good idea. Well then may you look for 2 pieces of clothing in the room below. Also a white ribbon, pink string will be good as well. I'll be making the dress here.Also can you watch of for Lucifer? Ven: Lucifer? Rat: He's a brutal cat. He steals and attacks. Ven: Understood. - After you find the pieces you are asked to return to the area in which you are attacked by the boss. -Terra's special attack is "Photon Charge" Ven's is "Star Burst" TRAILER The trailer starts at the inner court of a castle. Someone is leaving from the entrance while Aqua is dancing and Ven and Terra are watching her. They are startled and the three gather. In the Castle of Dream someone is running with a blue Gem that ven is carrying. Lucifer attacks Ven Rat: It is dangerous! Run away before it's too late! The World of the Enchanted Forest. Malificent: Seven pure hearts without darkness at all? If they are collected then all the worlds can be obtained. Back inside the Castle Aqua: Any clues of Master Xehanort? Terra: He is interested in the minds of pure light. Aqua: Minds of pure light? Terra: We are alsoafter that light. If we do so Master Xehanort will come. World of Snow White Snow White: Well that was rough. Terra: Wern't you surprise? Snow White: No Terra: (..I can feel pure light from her. Does this person have the mind of a pure light?) Dim Place Ven: It's a lie! Aqua: Don't be deceived. (In thought)Terra is, learning after all and he isn't like that. Malificent: The truth is cruel isn't it.. The blog poster forgot the area. Aqua: I want to hear it again. I refuse to have Ven spoken such lies. Malificent: All of it is true. Terra is careless with his power and slowly descends into darkness. Aqua: Leave! Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - Is set for a 2008 Winter release - 14th's Member name is Xion (Xeon?) シオン. She also looks like Kairi. UPDATE According to Maiki it's Shion Demo Demo is the same as last year's TGS which was defeating the heartless however this time you can play the demo with others around the area. This is to showcase the multiplayer. Trailer 358/2 The scene starts with Namine. Diz: Is there a problem with him waking in this place since he's missing a little bit of memory. Namine: It's an important key for him..." Diz: "Do you know something? Namine: She cannot surely endure if she connects with another memory. Diz: ...She? Beasts Castle: Riku: Who are you! That Keyblade...why!? 14th Member: Only you left the Organization...why? Riku: The purpose was not to allow my best friend's sleep to be obstructed. -after a short stare down- Riku: Who are you!? That Keyblade is fake. 14th Member: That is a selfish remark, you know it's not. Riku: "Certainly, it's from a nobody." Twilight Town: Axel: The ammount of times you're taken and how many times I return after I run away...how many times? (White room in Twilight Town) The 14th member meets Namine Namine: Xion..you wanted to meet? Final Fantasy Dissidia - Is set for a 2008 December release. - Will have a bundled version, however unknown as to what will be in the bundle. - Will have a POTION set for it. - Kefka and Sephiroth make their first in-game appearance. - Jecht use to be on Cosmos' side however betrayed for Chaos' side. - Ex-Death and Golbez are confirmed in Dissidia. - In a short video, the Cosmos side is shown as a cliff rises and then switches to the Chaos side where flames rise and 10 people rise. (Probably all 10 FF villains from 1-10) Final Fantasy VII: ACC -Is set for a March 2009 Release. -Will come with a demo version of Final Fantasy XIII for the PS3 in the bundled version. - The bundled version will also contain High Quality trailers of Versus XIII, and Final Fantasy XIII. Final Fantasy Agito XIII Agito has decided to be put on the PSP as well as the mobile. Final Fantasy XIII -A demo version of Final Fantasy XIII (PS3 version) will be bundled with Advent Children Complete - Is set for a 2009 Release - Short and smooth animation is shown at the entrance. - A Voice actor will be announced, though hasn't been announced yet. - The feeling of the fields in FFXIII are expanded, and evolved from FFXII. (Not the combat, the actual areas.) - Lightning can Jump now. - Nomura denies a PC version of Final Fantasy XIII - Xbox 360 version hasn't even started yet due to not having the right tools. - Nomura boasts about FFXIII showing a simple animation of Lightning walking up stairs in real time animation and believe it or not it was the most amazing thing anyone's ever saw. Final Fantasy Versus XIII - Stresses even more that it'll be for PS3 only by saying "Playstation 3 Only worldwide" - Short and smooth animation of the game is shown at the entrance. - Gameplay of vsXIII is shown for the first time. - Prince's name is rumored to be Shinjuku - An area like an Olympus is shown, with a lot of nature. - The female character in Versus XIII has gone through improvements. - There is a Museum in FFvsXIII that has some of Amano's artwork in it. - FFvsXIII's clothes are spawned form a Collaboration of Square-Enix and ROEN (Japanese fashion company) The Third Birthday Has decided to be put on the PSP as well as the mobile. Articles: Famitsu Article on 3 KH games and Dissidia FFAgitoXIII and THird Birthday hits PSP Advent Children comes with FFXIII Demo Images Sources: 2ch, FF7AC Reunion, Famitsu, FF&KH Blog
Well everyone, it seems in around 12 or so hours, Square-Enix's event is baout to kick off. However before the event begins, a screenshot as appeared over the Japanese boards taken at the event before it started. It appears to be the 358/2 Days demo area, a close up of the game's screen for the demo. We'll be sure to update as more information roles in, and who knows someone might sneak in a camera.
Hey everyone, it seems during Comic-con 2008 Square-Enix has unveiled a slight bit of news on the 3 upcoming Kingdom Hearts games in japan. Although nothing that we already knew it reassures us of some things as well. For Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep the new Fatal Mode attack is shown, as well as some screenshots of Terra and Ven. The game does not have a release yet. 358/2 Days features Axel with Roxas, and also Namine who says "She can not endure it anymore" This game is set for a 2008 Release Coded was not shown anything new, and is also set as an undecided release date. Out of the KH topic, Dissidia will be featuring a FF3 character that appears to be unrelated to the series in terms of looks however can change jobs. The images feature changing from a Sage to a Ninja. Also Dark Cloud will be making an appearance as the villain for Dissidia. From this we can definitely tell these undecided release dates are pushing towards a 2009 release. Source: 2ch
Well two Tales of games have been been announced, Tales of Heart, and Tales of World: Radiant Mythology 2. The first one hitting the DS, and the second one hitting the PSP. Not too much information out on them yet, but hopefully later on we'll get something. Source: Videogamerx