Why, pray tell, is that, my good sir? Ayy, Forsaken! :'D Long time no see. Glad you're still on here. Bahaha, such is the way of college. Which year are you in, and what's your major? /creep
How are you doing on this fine day?
The result of me messing around like a silly for fifteen minute bursts of time over the course of a few hours. CnC, por favor.
Dude, I know. o_o I'm seeing a bunch of oldies around here, it's crazy! Everything comes full-circle. xD I miss you!
With border: Without border: Yeah. Considering putting this up for SotW possibly maybe kinda.
I would have liked the characters better if the religious symbolism hadn't been so blatant. Andy was so obviously Jesus.
Spoiler Trying my hand at this whole gfx thing again. Any CnC is welcome.
Thank you very much, kind gentleman!
Spoiler Yup. First graphic art attempt in a while. C&C please.
Nice, I love Innistrad. Is it one of them snazzy vampire decks? Those are fun. =P
Very good decision, sir. What color(s)? Also, what set? Innistrad?
The Gathering? Why yes I do. I presume you do as well?
You're making very good progress. There actually look quite nice, and you have a surprisingly good grasp of text placement as well. I particularly like the first two; they're fairly simple, but they look fantastic. Keep it up! Maybe try your hand at a more advanced tutorial if you're feeling up to it.
Seriously, guys, Wolfie is one of the few people on this site who gives a damn anymore. Make her admin. Like now.
I wouldn't worry too much. It IS Wolfie we're talking about. xD