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  1. Advent
    That's wonderful! How is your college experience going? It's been a good while since I've spoken to you and I don't even know what you're studying! Lay it on me, man.

    I'm okay. Stressed, but I'm drinking tonight, so I'm leaving the stress in the dust and having a good time with the roommates while simultaneously browsing this wonderful forum. (Lame, I know.) I really miss all of you guys.

    You. You right here. I haven't spoken to you in ages and that is not okay. How the hell are ya?[DOUBLEPOST=1366521894][/DOUBLEPOST]
    You're a cool kid, and I'm upset that we haven't spoken more. How are you?
    Post by: Advent, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Advent
    Let's have at it. How are you all?
    Thread by: Advent, Apr 21, 2013, 77 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Advent
    Dude, about time these guys got staff'd. They deserve it, well done, bros.
    Post by: Advent, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Advent
    Being twenty ain't so bad. The only thing worth crying over is that you're still old enough to pay taxes but not old enough to go out and buy a bottle of whiskey (legally, at least).
    Post by: Advent, Mar 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Advent
    Well, yes, but only in cases where the person was predisposed to mental illness (at least that's what I've picked up in the articles I've read in passing). And as I said before, smoke just simply isn't good for your lungs. However, given that those are really the only two health concerns, I really think it should be a "do at your own discretion" kinda thing like alcohol. Freebase cocaine, methamphetamine, those things destroy the liver, strain the heart, and cause crippling physical addiction; I can understand why they're illegal. Cannabis is just so mild and practically harmless by comparison that its illicit substance status just seems to be overkill and waste of a lot of effort to me.
    Post by: Advent, Mar 1, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  6. Advent
    The basic mythology behind this game was once the religion of an entire civilization. People attested to the fact that this stuff actually happened (save for Kratos and blahblahblah). Imagine if, like, four-thousand years from now we have video games with stories featuring the likes of Muhammad, Jesus, and Abraham brawling it out. That'd be a game worth buying on release day.

    Anyway, that's what's been eating me at this unholy United States East Coast hour. How are you all?
    Thread by: Advent, Mar 1, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Advent
    It's bad insomuch that your lungs simply aren't meant to tolerate contact with smoke. That is the only thing about it that can be directly tested to be bad as far as health concerns go; if you really feel the need to, you can buy a vaporizer apparatus for a virtually smoke-free experience. Additionally, if you're not responsible about it, it can interfere with your life, but the same can be said about video games, food, and even socializing with other people. Moderation and self-control are key. If you're an even moderately responsible person, you can smoke without having it ruin your life.
    Post by: Advent, Mar 1, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  8. Advent
  9. Advent
  10. Advent


    Triple-dog-dare you. Balls on, sistah.

    Books are rad!

    I be good! Bracing for another exciting semester of stress! What about you?

    FHUENDJKEDD SINCE WHEN WERE YOU A MOD? CONGRATS, YO. We need to talk more, though! How have you been?

    OHAY, wassup, sir? Long time no speak.

    HOLY POOP YOU GOT UNBANNED YAY hi how are you?!
    Post by: Advent, Sep 5, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Advent


    Thread by: Advent, Sep 5, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Advent
  13. Advent
  14. Advent
  15. Advent
    Post by: Advent, Jul 24, 2012 in forum: Competitions
  16. Advent
    Wanted to get back into graphic art 'n stuff. My roommates and I powered through Dragon Ball Z recently, so I wanted to fanboy out a little.


    without the borders

    Yeah, like I said, just trying to get back into the swing of things. CnC please.
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 24, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Advent
    Well, I know that if I were in your position, I'd feel pretty great.

    Those kinda of days are godsends, I swear. What AP class was it? Sounds like a nice time all around.

    -Creeps username history- Ah yeah, I remember you too! But yeah, we've never spoken, come to think of it; nice to make your acquaintance, madam.
    Post by: Advent, Mar 8, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Advent
    Just be careful of that Arnold fellow; he's really protective of his territory in Cali. Shit gets ugly.

    Excellent! Your results went well? Jeez, everyone on here is so studious. Quite nice.

    I'm glad you're still on staff; the lineup's still very solid, and that's good to see. My day has been pretty good! Powered through a psychology test that I studied for a grand total of about 1 hour on the previous night, so that was pretty cool. Then my physics class let out early because our professor is a bro and a half. Then I kicked my roommate's ass at Street Fighter. Over all, a good day in my book. /f-cking novel

    I did? xD God, I'm losing it already. That's a good sign. Well, thank you, my good sir. Tried starting a band up here at college one with my friend, we disbanded two days later because no one wanted to go to practice lolol. College life is silly.

    What's it on and how long does it have to be? As long as the topic isn't absolutely horrendous, you totally got this.
    Post by: Advent, Mar 8, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Advent
    Hey there, stud-muffin. ;D What's the paper for? Gotta love college.

    I'm elbow-deep in physics homework. It's almost done though, thank god. I have Spring break next week, so I'm already completely apathetic to school. :v

    So you're the one who killed Gary Coleman?

    Ohman, yeah! That! Those were fun time right there. In all actuality, I'm garbage at the guitar. :v Do you play any instruments? We'll start a hospital/courtroom mariachi duo!
    Post by: Advent, Mar 8, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Advent
    Ah, nice; law is a brutal field of study. I'm sure you've already experienced that though. xD I say a few years of cramming in information is well worth having a good job in the end.

    I'm studying pre-med biology and forensic biology. My school's robbing me blind, so I figured I might as well get two degrees. :v I really only want to pursue the medical side though.
    Post by: Advent, Mar 8, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone