Yeah, agreed 110%. College, at least for me, has really taught me that people are far more than labels. I used to be a shamefully closed-minded person as far as prejudices to certain lifestyle choices go, and while some frat bros certainly are wastes of matter and energy from our precious universe's limited supply, some are great and genuinely intelligent people who just like to party. And I respect that. Holy hell man, you're doing some hardcore stuff. That's pretty awesome. So you like the idea of bioengineering? It's a total guess, but based off of what you've said and what you're describing in this post, that's what I sort of gathered. Feel free to tell me otherwise though ahah.
Ahah, you remind me a lot of myself from back in the day on this forum. How have you been?
And how are you, good sir?
You are precisely the kind of engineer I respect the hell out of. A lot of the engineers at my school are nothing but frat bros. And there's nothing wrong with being a frat bro, but the frat bros at my school do literally nothing but drink. And hell, I love drinking, but I get work done. They just drink their livers to death. /rant But yeah, good for you, my friend. Space equivalents? As in stuff akin to the Mars rover, or stuff that would be aiding research on the International Space Station and whatnot? Or both? Hell, my knowledge of engineering is very limited. Your interests sound really, for lack of a better word, interesting.[DOUBLEPOST=1366528528][/DOUBLEPOST] I don't believe you for even one second. You liar. But really. What was your old username? Because I KNOW I know you.
QUANTUM PHYSICS. I LOVE THAT SH!T. But yeah, macro-scale is in all realism more relevant to real life. Tell me, what kind of job is your dream job based on your major that you're pursuing? Your ideal occupation. Lay it on me.
Aww that's lame. Engineering professors should understand that engineering is the most enlightened of all disciplines! Science is mankind's greatest achievement, and applying science to the improvement of the standard of living of the common man is the most noble of endeavors. But hey, like I said, you're goddamned brilliant, so I'm sure once you power through that course you'll be on to bigger and better things that are more relevant to what you wanna do. You have a whole class on vibrations? As in electronic vibrations? As in the electron energy transitions induced by infrared radiation? I f!cking love that stuff. Regardless, a good professor can turn an awful course into an amazing course, so that's great!
F*cking listen, you! You can't just f!cking say that! I know where you live!
That's sincerely great to hear. You're a fantastic Homo sapiens and you should hear that as much as possible. College is okay, I've been studying a lot for the medical school equivalent of the SAT, and I've been stressing over it. My courses are pretty easy this semester, but that one goddamned test is making my life so stressful.[DOUBLEPOST=1366525208][/DOUBLEPOST] BAHAHA AS IF, I PLAY PSN ALL THE GODDAMNED TIME. I mean, I'm busy, but hell if I can't play vidya. Allstars is my favorite game right now and it is absolutely one of the few things keeping me sane and ulcer-free right now.
Wow, good for you, friend. I'm pre-med, but I have an undying respect for engineering majors. It's just one of the most practical applications of science and I love the hell out of that. How are you liking that? I know you're a really smart cookie. Damn though. That friend of yours. That's crazy as hell. Tons of respect to him. Like, I have a job at my college's chemistry department, but my parents still give me grocery money and whatnot, and I don't have to support myself at all. So when it comes to people who pay for their own lifestyle AND who go to school and keep up a good GPA, I just have to bow down and tell them that they are a fantastic human being. Just. Wow. Good for whomever that friend is. That's hardcore.[DOUBLEPOST=1366524827][/DOUBLEPOST] I actually have because I'm a superficial ******. My new PSN (it's permanent this time, I promise) is ElBaconTrain. Add dat sh!t, you won't regret it.
Dude, of course! I remember vividly! How have you been? Give me all of the details. Every. Single. One.[DOUBLEPOST=1366524404][/DOUBLEPOST] YES. It's absolutely worth buying. Do you own a PS3? Because if you do, it's one of those cross-buy games where if you buy the PS3 version you get the Vita version for free. And on top of that, whenever you buy DLC characters/stages for one of the consoles, you get the DLC for the other for free. Sony's on-point with this one.
Deadbeat roommates are the worst. My roommates are my best friends, but I understand how sh!tty roommates would suck. But hey, the college experience is what you make of it! How's the psych goin' for ya, man? I've only taken one psych course at my school, but it seems really interesting. I feel the whole looking at powerpoints all day thing though. Living that ahah. Studying is good though! Proud of you![DOUBLEPOST=1366523824][/DOUBLEPOST] Real talk. Did they disable swearing filters on this site? I'd be so fu(king happy if that were the case. But yeah, damn, man. Are you an engineering major or something? Because wow, you're stacked with work. Props to you for not going literally insane with how much work you have there. I'd die. Positively and without a single ounce of exaggeration. I respect your resilience. Hard work is one of those things that I positively admire in people. Good for you, my friend.[DOUBLEPOST=1366523970][/DOUBLEPOST] Dude, Parappa is so goddamned good. I mean, one of the beautiful things about Allstars is that all of the characters are pretty balanced, so they're all viable competitively. However, Zeus and Kratos are easily the most OP characters. They're easy as hell to play as, and their level-3 specials are broken beyond belief. In case you didn't know, the entire point of the game is to smash the hell out of your opponents to build your special meter, then use your special attacks to get kills for points. Each character has a level 1, 2, and 3 special attack, each one being generally better than the last.
Okay. I know I know you. But your username is a little unfamiliar. Did you used to go by a different name?
HOLY BALLS. YOU. Dude, how are you? We're Facebook friends, but it's so cool to actually be talking to you again! How are ya, man? It's been quite a while.[DOUBLEPOST=1366523319][/DOUBLEPOST] Dude, it's hands-down my favorite game right now. The core gameplay is so good. I can't even. Like, I study almost all the time right now, but when I get free time, Allstars is my go-to. The online system is so addictive, and just, ugh, I can't. Lemme know if you get it, because we gotta play co-op together and slay some nooblettes.[DOUBLEPOST=1366523358][/DOUBLEPOST] Hey! Man, it's been quite some time! How are you? You're one of the good ones, sir, I missed the hell outta you!
This thread is beautiful and everyone should appreciate it.
Dude, I own a Vita, and let me tell you something: f-ck everyone who says it's a bad console. It's the most powerful handheld ever made, and it alone is a better console than the Wii. (And the Xbox 360 in my opinion, but I'm a Playstation fanboy all the way and I am not afraid to admit it.) Does your friend have Playstation Allstars? If she does, we should play each other.[DOUBLEPOST=1366522564][/DOUBLEPOST] Ahah, sounds great to me! Friendship!
Ooooh, that's really goddamned cool. I knew there had to be a reason people enjoy that game so much. I'm sure that's one of many reasons. Isn't it, like, free to download now? Either way, sounds like a blast. What's your ranking like by the standards you just told me about?
Dude, your verbosity is always nice. Sincerely. Did you physically run or are you making a very nice-sounding metaphor? Give me them details, my good friend. I wish MSN were still the way it once was. I would be IM'ing the sh!t out of you right now.
YOU. YOU. You're one of my oldest friends on this site, but you know that. Just felt the need to announce it. It was your birthday yesterday! Everyone acknowledge that! How are you, man? How was your birthday?[DOUBLEPOST=1366522238][/DOUBLEPOST] Oh shizah, i thought you were older ahah. But nice, good for you. Eighteen is an interesting age. You get to pay taxes, but can't legally drink. Wonderful! Doing anything cool for you birthday?
You're an oldie. Did you have a name change? I'm not around here nearly as often as I should be, so I'm oblivious. But yeah, hello! Going on this site while tired leads to interesting experiences.
Hello! I don't believe I know you but you have David Tennant as your avatar, so I know for a fact that we would get along. TF2 sounds awesome. I know I'm gonna sound like I'm in the Stone Age by saying this, but I've yet to play it. How's your K/D comin' along?