It's been a long time, I don't recall. He wasn't exactly well known, I just remember that pretty much every post he made was either full of grammatical errors, directly insulting to some other member, or both. So all of his posts just got bombed. Love that guy.
Is there a good reason for anything to exist?
I miss that one kid who had so much negative rep that the site didn't even have a title for him, so that when you hovered over his rep gems, it was just blank. Good times.
What's troubling you, stranger?
Pretty much this guy right here. Also:
Um. I'd probably have to ask you to teach me how to be a wizard because that's f-cking awesome.
Whoa, holy crap, I AM NOT EVEN KIDDING I DIDN'T NOTICE THAT AT ALL. My forum instincts are a little rusty, whoooooops.
Next time I'm gonna break your legs with someone else's legs. Remember our arrangement, bro. I got you a bunch of balloons, but they were full of helium and I wanted to sound like a pop star. Dropped the ball there, sorry.
I had a smidgeon of a feeling that it was in reference to something; might sound a bit silly, but do you happen to mean DBZ's Cell?
when suddenly it hit me. I've spent my whole life missing out on opportunities. Social, academic, self-improvement, all opportunities that came my way shot right by me as quickly as I could see them. On any other day, I would just ignore these two girls, save for admiring them from a distance for a few moments before ducking back into the my comfortable shadows. 'F-ck it,' I thought to myself, 'I'm gonna go say hello.' Then I peed myself and started crying.
Jesus Christ, that avatar is nostalgic. How have ya been?
The leg bones, dammit! I wanted to pretend I was Dr. House and say that she has lupus. And you wonder why we can't have nice things. But yeah, happy can't-drink-but-can-still-pay-taxes day!
You guys seriously didn't chip in to get him a birthday hooker? Man, KH-V used to have class.
This show was one of my biggest obsessions back in the day. I loved season one and rather enjoyed season two. Never saw the other seasons, and I sincerely can't say why. Without spoiling too much, was the ending of the series conclusive? Would it warrant more seasons, or would it feel forced?
Any watchers of this amazing program on here? My god. This show alone warrants a Netflix subscription. Just finished season one and I'm itchin' for them to release season two. The performances (especially Kevin Spacey's) are just phenomenal, and the writing is pretty consistently good throughout. I've never been one for political drama, but sweet Jesus. Addicting show. Quick synopsis: Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) is the United States Congress House of Representatives Majority Whip. A new president is elected to the White House, and he had led Frank to believe that the position of Secretary of State would be his. Frank doesn't get the position, so he formulates a plan to get back at the president and attain the political power he was after.
ALL-STA-- oh. Gravity Rush is super-fun. I've only played it once for about half an hour, but the gameplay is refreshingly unique from what I saw. Also, Uncharted: Golden Abyss is okay. The gameplay is surprisingly good, but the story is disappointingly weak for an Uncharted title. Literally do not give a single sh!t about the plot points or any of the characters except for Nate.
My god, it's you! How you been, man? Last I saw you you were still red; I'm digging the purple. Congrats! Heck yeah! I was a sprinter, but I was awful ahah. My friend and I were the only two sprinters on the team and we were both super out of shape. Our team didn't do too well at meets, needless to say. What do you run? Hot damn, that's cool. Any specific projects you have planned that you can disclose to me? Heck yes, Cat. Tell me, what are your thoughts on the idea of them revealing the Doctor's name? I haven't seen so many nerds up-in-arms since the Star Wars prequels. Well, I don't exactly fancy myself a programmer, but from what I've gathered, programming languages have a lot of similar fundamental logic. So I'm sure at least a little of your prior experience will be of some help in learning new languages. Also, semicolons. Pssssh. Do I even know you? I could've sworn they banned you back in 2008.
Oh my god, I completely forgot about your name change! Hey, man! How have you been? Long time no speak.[DOUBLEPOST=1366571406][/DOUBLEPOST] Damn, good for you, dude. You've got your passion and you're pursuing it to the fullest. Have you taken programming courses yet? I've only taken a basic one myself (intro to C) and it was pretty intense. Ahah damn, that right there is some clever cinematography. What is that from, pray tell?[DOUBLEPOST=1366571513][/DOUBLEPOST] Awesome stuff! Really glad to hear it's working out. School can be a pain, but it's a good means to doing what you wanna do in life ahah. You got this! How's track treating you? Had some of my best times in high school through running track, wish I had time for it in college.[DOUBLEPOST=1366571738][/DOUBLEPOST] David Tennant is my favorite Doctor and one of my favorite people ever. Just. God damn, he's talented. And not for nothing, but he's pretty darned attractive. Matt Smith is great too, but I can't help but like Tennant a bit more still. Oh, I know you! The past usernames thing is really useful, wow. But yeah, shocked that we've never bumped into each other formally around here. I'm John, 'tis a pleasure, madam.[DOUBLEPOST=1366571986][/DOUBLEPOST] That guy right there is the kind of partier I respect. Some people have ugly drunk sides, but it's good that you can bro around with him when he's sober. It's funny how college is really a weird hybrid of both big stereotypes of it. Parties abound, and study time out the wazoo. Prosthetics has always interested me. Making limbs that can be artificially innervated is mind-blowing. Bio-inspired robotics though, damn. Is that, like, designing robots that mimic living systems or something?
That damned anime. That. Damned. Anime. I have the whole series on my HDD, but I never get around to watching more than the first two episodes. It's really cool from what I've seen, though. I like the general mood and the writing. Sh!t's chill and interesting as hell. Agh, I'm sorry, dude. One of my friends who used to go on this site had a similar dilemma, but he's a great dude, much like you, and it all worked out for him in the end. So don't give up! You can do it! I'm single too, we'll work at this whole women thing together! Wow, though, hearing that you're at university-level is weird. I mean, I knew you when you were starting high school. I be damned, man. What are you studying? Where do you work? I wanna know the details! I haven't gotten updates from you fine people in ages! Also, that gif. That gif really made me re-examine my life. It's so... powerful. So moving. And hilarious.
That's fantastic! Would you care to tell me more? It's fine if you don't care to indulge, since we don't know each other so formally, and even on that level, we're only internet acquaintances, but I'm genuinely interested in how your life is going.