So it's okay for us to look completely different than our avatar? In thaaaaaat case, lab coat (perhaps unbuttoned slightly at the top to reveal a dress shirt and tie of whatever colors you see fit) and brown dress pants. Basically a doctor-ish look. Also, glasses please; people have compared my glasses to Harry Potter's, so if that serves as a good baseline, then yeah. ohwait ONE MORE THING. If you can get down into this much detail, two wrist bands (one red, one green) on my left wrist? I wear dat e'rryday. Designs look damn awesome so far!
Vivi. (Here's your damn twenty characters.)
DIS B!TCH. Her voice is just charming, isn't it? Ah poo, I gotta go study. Gotta drop out for now. I'll try posting this again when y'all kids are more active on here.
Aye, just need two more, and we're off. EDIT: Holy balls, just realized that you're Arch once I saw your "Forum Sniper" sig. Ay, dude. We may not get those third and fourth participants, ahah. Swedish Military Teamwork Game. Let's go.
But of course; we've got NYC-traversing down to a science, dude. Over the course of our adventures, we found a pretty darn awesome anime store,...
Versus XIII </3 It's such an injustice that they give us the extended adventures of Girl-Cloud instead of a darker Kingdom Hearts analog. I mean, I enjoyed FF XIII, but still. Three of the damned title before a really interesting and unique one? Ugh. But yeah, fingers crossed for KH3.
Being an adult ain't so bad! You get a job that you like at least a little bit (hopefully), and with any luck you'll still have enough free time to post on KH-Vids! I mean, what else is there to ask for in life? Also, hay there!
"Rated M for: Nudity, Use of Drugs" Well, this game just got interesting.
Ohman, you're a pre-med too? Fun! Start studying as soon as you find reasonable time to do it. It's a ***** and a half. BUT YEAH. Looking to do...
Studying for the medical school admission exam. Super happy fun time! But yeah! Summer courses kinda blow! Wow, not a bad list of destinations....
Good! Lots of studying, but it's actually working out, so I guess I can't complain too much. How's about you? It's been forever and a day!
Dude, nice. How'd they decide to send you on your first day? You impressed them that much?
F*ck yes. Best character select music ever.
Spoiler My Chinese professor coerced surprise-volunteered me to help host the International Students Association's Chinese New Year variety show thing. This was back in early March. I'm the one in blue on the left, in case you hadn't guessed already. Not for nothing, but I'm also the only one who didn't use a note card.
Seconding this, in case this wasn't already the plan.
Surgeon Walter "Iron" Fletcher Wow, that rolls off the tongue about as well as a cube made out of gorilla glue.
I love pretty much all of the Gen V Pokemon. Honestly my favorite generation, hands-down. As for Gen VI, for one thing, Fletchling is goddamn adorable! I honestly like all of the currently released Gen VI Pokemon designs (sans Fennekin, but if it evolves into something cool, then all will be well). People need to stop feeling like hating on current-gen Pokemon is the cool thing to do and actually evaluate them for themselves.