Artists: 127 Albums: 497 Songs: 4999 (goddammit, didn't notice that until just now) Granted a lot of it is repeat stuff (like, two different artists for one musician and a compilation track he did with someone else), but yeah. Obscure-ish stuff I'd recommend: I Fight Dragons - Chiptune-rock band. One of my favorites ever. They use NES controllers during their live shows to make some of their sounds. Spoiler Caravan Palace - Electroswing band from France. Just pure smexxy. Spoiler Anamanaguchi - Regular chiptune band. They composed the Scott Pilgrim Game soundtrack (and maybe the movie too? I can't remember), but they also have a lot of really good independent stuff Spoiler Pendulum - Drum & bass group. Pretty much my favorite dance/electronic music group ever. Spoiler The Wombats - British indie rock group. They're really damn good; feels-y songs, charmingly humorous songs, the works. Spoiler
I dunno about that other title, but MvC2 is one of the best fighters ever and it should win because yes.
Oh, no, what you saw was lowest-common-denominator humor. American humor is still alive, even if it isn't as good as it used to be.
Holy crap, dude, that life plan is quite intense. In a good way, of course, I'm just impressed. The Israeli army? From what I hear they don't ****...
Hmm, well what would a subtle way of getting that kind of information out of her? I was in a very much long-term relationship until recently, so I'm, to say the least, a bit out of my game. Yeah, seems like at least a little more patience is going to be necessary. I'm really kinda pathetic; of course I'm not in love with this girl, but I'm as close to it as you reasonably can be without getting to know her on a more intimate level.
Oh wow, dude, that's amazing. Is this through some organization? That's a huge commitment, props to you, dude. Life's been same-old, really....
Hello, KH-V denizens, I come to you in an hour of dire need. Or something. Basically, I have a not-so-average situation with a girl, and I wanna know what you guys think about it. I befriended this girl (let's call her Rose) at college at the beginning of this spring semester. We had a class together the previous semester, but didn't really start talking until we had a project to do together. Ever since we've been pretty good friends, hanging out at my apartment a lot and talking a fair amount. We have a lot of views on life in common and I'm really good at making her laugh. We had become such fast friends that she went as far as to ask if she could move in with me and my all-male roommates next semester (though she eventually decided to move in with one of our mutual female friends). Not-so-slowly but surely, I developed a pretty big crush on her. Definitely worth noting, though, I had also recently broken up with my girlfriend of three years, and Rose knew about that. Anyway, about two months into our friendship, my roommates as well as a different mutual female friend all really thought that Rose had a thing for me. One night, while walking her home from my apartment as I always do, I asked her out. However, I worded it horribly, and this train wreck is where the complication of this complication story comes from. Me: Hey, Rose, are you free this weekend? Rose: I think I am, why? Me: Well, I was wondering if you'd want to go out with me this weekend? Rose: Yeah, sure! I just gotta make sure I'll be on campus; I'll let you know! Once I got back to my apartment, we started talking about a b!tch of a test we had in class the next day. Shortly after, she sent me this: "Hey, when you said, 'go out with you' you didn't mean 'in a relationship' going out, did you? I don't really want a boyfriend right now. It's really noting to do with you. If that's not what you meant, I'm sorry if I made things awkward." I assumed she was just giving me the whole, "it's not you, it's me" speech and that she wasn't interested, so I decided to reply, "Oh, nah, I just meant hangout as friends! No awkwardness at all, don't worry!" to which she replied just as excitedly as before when we were talking in person, saying she'd let me know if she was free. My roommates and other friends have told me that I should have stuck to my guns and not backpedaled like that, and I've regretted my choice ever since. But still, throughout the rest of the semester, we were just as good friends as we had always been, though we talked a bit less towards the end when finals started up, but hey, sh!t happens. One more thing that might be significant: towards the end of the semester, I admitted to our mutual female friend that I still have a big crush on Rose. Flash forward to the end of last month. I deactivated my Facebook so I could focus on studying for the MCAT. The day after I deactivate my profile, I get the first text from Rose since school let out earlier that month. "YOU DON'T HAVE A FACEBOOK ANYMORE?!" right down to the capslock shouting. We've texted everyday since, sometimes with me starting the conversation, sometimes with her. A lot of the time it's about how she's doing in her summer course, or asking for help with her summer course work (a subject that she knows I like a lot and am really good at). A good amount of the time she'll text me randomly about stuff that seems to serve no other purpose than to get me to talk to her. (Something like "Wow, my local college's library is so much bigger than the one at our school!") And that brings us to today. I guess my question is, is there a chance that she might be interested in being more than friends? Should I ask her out when I see her next semester if we're still as close as we are now? Thanks for powering through this mammoth of a story. Much obliged!
Waitwat. Dalk was totally a KH-Vids'er for ages, brah. Unless I'm misunderstanding your post.
I can't recall if it was Dragon Ball Z or Pokemon. The time period where I got into those shows is kinda a big blur of glorious childhood.
I've done worse things for less, no shame, brudda. How ya been? Dang, it's been ages, man.
I love you. But that goes without saying.
Wrong verb tense, buddy. Once a Gentleman, always a Gentleman.
This isn't totally accurate. A given substance has a capacity to absorb heat per unit mass (specific heat) that is only really dependent upon phase (i.e. solid, liquid, or gas). While the specific heat would realistically change a little bit as temperature changes, it would give you pretty much no change as far as energy and heat calculations go until an actual phase change happens; it definitely wouldn't account for the difference in the two different water samples in this experiment. This is because when a substance undergoes a phase change, all the energy input or output is used to increase or decrease the substance's potential energy, changing its capacity to store heat. But you are right in saying that the "looser" the phase, the less energy it takes to change its temperature (e.g. most liquids change temperature to a higher degree than their solid phase when the same amount of energy is added to both).
And you would be 110% correct. Christ, that's all classy as hell. Personally, I love QotSA and the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack (but then again, who doesn't?). And that Caravan Palace stuff? Don't know how you found that artist/group, but that's one sexy tune right there. BUTYEAHBACKONTOPIC thanks for clarifying!
Goes without saying, but I like that idea a lot. Sounds good to me, chief!
*Raises hand* DPWolf, Rayku, Xaale, and/or psychedelic (formerly Saki/Rainshine) for assist characters?
Sweet Jesus, lovin' my stage and theme. A+ picks.
Taunt = shredding kazoo solo?
One night after a couple (dozen) shots, I felt super nostalgic and decided to post a thread in the Spam Zone. Then I got drawn back into the...
Ay, mami. Me gusta.