Oh my god, totally lost my sh!t when I saw this one. The fuking nostalgia.
Seriously? No active thread? After the insanity that was last night's episode? Surely there have to be people around here who like this show as much as I do.
50% Staying in touch with the peeps I don't have on Facebook, 50% unbridled nostalgia. Something about this place, man. You can never escape.
Guys, check out this sweet new FF XIII gameplay trailer!
Not too shabby, just took the medical school exam and did better than I expected, so now I'm excitedly filling out tedious applications! But...
Y'know, shows like that normally cost upwards of ten bucks a minute. But you're the exception. <3 Once I ever finish filling out these medical...
Been good! Lots of work this summer, but it's almost over so woot! How about you? It has indeed been too long!
Hi hi hi.
Sounds awesome, bro! Enjoying Israel? Doing some interesting volunteering things? I'm gonna hear about the death exam next Tuesday by 5 PM. These...
Glad to have ya back. No one ever truly leaves this site. It's like a big, spammy black hole.
http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Darkness_Infusion 4087077 Level 3, awwww yeah. Bring it, Plums.
Invest your entire college fund in the iPod.
Some options for you: 1. Learn a new language (http://www.memrise.com/ or http://livemocha.com/) 2. Learn C++ and use it to design a program, app, video game, or whatever you can think of Spoiler () 3. Compose sheet music (http://musescore.org/) 3a. Learn music theory to make your composed music potentially better Spoiler () 4. Pick up graphic art (Photoshop: http://www.webdesigndev.com/photoshop/760-photoshop-tutorials-for-web-graphic-designers GIMP: http://www.noupe.com/how-tos/30-exceptional-gimp-tutorials-and-resources.html)
这是什么? 我不知道你们说什么。 我的日本语不太好。 你们都很笨。
This. Oh my god, those were the days. This forum brewed up drama like it was its job.
"The record number of human male orgasms in an hour is 16."
In six days I'm going to be taking the most important exam of my life. Realizing how big of a milestone that day will be, it's naturally made me think back deeply on my last few years. Some events come more vividly to mind than others: making new life-long friends, beginning the only two relationships I've ever been in, sobbing through the end of both of those relationships, drastically changing my plans for the future, and seeing friends and loved ones die. Lots of ups and downs were had, but one constant throughout that time -- save for a few periods of absence -- was being on this website. It may seem silly -- hell, it probably does -- but this forum really has strongly impacted my life. Over the years it may have gone through more face lifts than most of Hollywood, but it's largely remained the same -- no matter what the veterans may try to tell you. Having this place as an anchor to a simpler time in my life is something I'm genuinely grateful for. Even if a lot of my old war buddies have gone, there are still a lot of you on here that I consider friends. Even those of you that don't know me or only know me as an acquaintance give this community the qualities that originally drew me in. This is really becoming more of a sappy ramble than I intended it to be. I guess what I'm trying to say is, thanks. Thanks a lot. Goodnight, KH-V.
Me gusta. This is going to be one smexxy-looking game.