I've neve been there
Sitting here doing nothing. What about you?
Oh I see LOL I hope that you at least had fun :)
D: you didn't really get on today
Yeah but I'll be on tomorow and idk about the weekend might go with my dad but idk
I will or something
Yeah now I just need to find out how to post them
I will try to take a picture and how you my place
Lol seems pretty easy
Lol yeah my fort is like 24 high an has a obsidian gen cobble gen auto cOllectun wheat, melon, and pumpkin farm tree farm exp farm which I need to...
Well I feel the same now I just have something to do
No just buy minecraft make an account click join multiplayer enter the ip and ta da
Right, lol and my friend fluffy is a new admin Sad thing; server map I being replaced next month
Well I was head mod then they thought I quit the server so put me back to civilian. Afterward I contacted Zach. (the owner) On Skype via phone I...
LOL I see well got my PC bak from the shop. As expected I wa demoted
Monday? It's thursday so in like 4 days?
That was a Lionel richie song. But I was playing minecraft until my pc ran out of battery
I will today first though, I must contemplate what I'm going to put
I will kinda doin something at the moment