Maybe you're just a bad a bad stalkie
O.O I was late once again
LOL I'm always late!
Oh, lol that makes sense
Every time I'm on you're not. When you're on I'm not.
Not really feeling in the mood to play the server. There are so many people on staff it's bumming me out LOL
Hey what's up
>:D what are you up to?
Good at stalking because you don't know I'm starring right at you
Right now? You're reading this message.
I did… because I stalk you :3
LOL you must be Pretty new huh?
Thankfully my friend Skittnator helped me he guy a giant hole underground all the way to bedrock which got us lots of cobble. I shoulda taken a...
I knew that!!
Sounds pretty sweet buyer making that was hard as **** legit
You live in Michigan
Um Texas but there is one just in the town next to mine. So yeah
Nothing uploaded those pics
By never taking time to go. Plus there isn't one where I live
I say! I ain't eva been durr