LOL Just got done building a giant statue of Zach The Owner
BTW It's sErver with an e not a u
Kinda hard, and you need a good computer
probably not. it make take a month to come out
untill the game updates to 1.2 :(
It would just say you're not whitelisted
LOL It's cool it's just me and the owner on nobody else is allowed (except admins)
Building spawn for the map reset
Yeah just log in you can build where ever in my base
Should be I think
I said stay here I have to do something stay still I'll to you to me an give it back
You went AFK in the wild you're gonna die
Don't mind Admin Funneh_Guy I hate him; owner said he's only admin for building and will be demoted after the reset
I saw you I'm 2564lert I'll be on in a cobble mins my mon needed to use it
LOL Yeah isn't that what you just bought?
1)Click multiplayer 2)Enter 3) Name it HardCraft 4) Click Done 5) Play
Just make a slime farm thing, on a server I'm not mod in
K, BTW You could aways just a find a skin online for something, you don't HAVE to make it yourself LOL
LOL Sweeet So you wanna play on the server or wazzup?