Mods meaning minecraft mods?
I'm good, kinda tired, not sleepy but tired. How are you?
Yup, so what you been up to?
No, why ?
So what are you up to?
I deleted it. I didn't use it so got rid of it.
I know :3 charmander is overall best
Not a cute as a squirtle
Or did you mean.... Charmander?
lost of historical stuff... Sounds.... lost
Virgina? Never been there
Not to sound judgmental (probably will come out that way) When I read your last post; I recognize people by their profile picture; I saw your...
Ohai ma'am lulz; I apologize for being late once again :( Either way nothing has been happening. What about you?
Your choice
No whit list same IP
Yeah, it sucks but I got a cobble gen and exp farm going on already, working on a obsidian gen now
Zach decided to finish it up early cause bukkit updated and his regions were destroyed
Nothin, the server's back up. It's factions now; so I gotta claim land instead of having land that's already mine