LOL good night
Yeah nothing special about it, but makes me feel impowered
I guess, so I got headmod back
I just made one in my single player world now I just gotta hookup the redstone it actually is easy
O.o You realize that is REALLY simple
Yeah, it's 12:30 here so I may go to bed soon
Nice, what do you mean by lava cobblestone wall?
:o I know, but... I don't know much about kh I haven't played it in awhile
I don't know what to post D:
LOL haven't seen you on the server yet.
Yo .
You must be a noob, just drag it from what you just downloaded into your minecraft.jar
... It doesn't exist v.v
Ah, Clay Soldiers is another good one
So practically every Risugami mod?
You don't see where the problem comes in though.
I have been on this site for about 3 years and have 12 post...
LOL Ok? What did you need modloader for anyways?
Perhaps... It's because minecraft is in 1.1.0 So you're putting an outdated version in
I can't Mod like make 'em but installing them is fairly simple.