i forgive you all it's ok i am really bad at kh trivia wow 8) at least it was hilarious
i hope you all enjoy my PAIN and SUFFERING C: so much fun playing with everyone hehe.
i have a boyfriend too good for us /highfive BURNNNN THE NONBELIEVER
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sksdjghas omg thanks guys > u < you make me feel so happy and loved awww
oh my god that is my fault sorry that's my tag for when do poetry slams 8);;;;
cards against humanity online game haha
uhm i am not sure haha. i still think Queer Lesbian Jesus is hilarious so i guess when i stop laughing at myself.
this is almost as bad as when i drew all the sciences as moe girls almost
i'm sorry but we can't associate any longer
hi jayney huhu ilu <3 (also if you can i need moraL SUPPORT plz get on skype if you get a chance //falls off a cliff)
we made sushi and ate cupcakes in ap japanese best class or??? (also i have a date in... 12 minutes) SO GOOD
i'm just going to make a habit of letting you know i love you every time i get on khv :v
people think i am mixt but i am not mixt i am sumi not mixt mixt is cool but i am not mixt and mixt is not me