Saturday or Sunday then? Either is cool to me, I'm on break right now and am just working on NaPoWriMo stuff haha. 8) Just let me know when's best for y'all. EDIT: OKAY SO SUNDAY MARK YOUR CALENDARS MY BROTHERS
aaaaa how very exciting!! i can't wait for more news! eargerly awaiting articles to translate for y'all lol 8)
i like this one's avatar+name yes yes i do
this is mega gorgeous * o * although i agree that the pattern on the back could be toned down a bit? the character in the foreground is really harsh. maybe using a really light blur or fade on the edges of the foreground and far background could give it a little more depth and give more focus on the specific line of the colour and colossus. if you have a minute sometime, i'd really like to know your process on this. i love love love the watercolours and texture and... basically everything but that harshness in the foreground. (also love this x300 because of shadow of the colossus (even if it's been beyond ages since i've played))
ugh school you will be the death of me
who even breathes tho
ur dum & i h8 u
y do u h8 me impressions impersonations feelings concerning north korea
u guys dis thread so dead all the time ;c SO fun writing news on my side of the screen: got to meet NIKKY FINNEY the national book award winner last year & she is lovely. If you haven't checked her out, I highly recommend her work. She's got a brutally honest, yet beautiful voice. She's also a great role model and hearing her speak on writing is really wonderful. Since we have a (mostly unused) Skype group and all, would anyone be interested in maybe reading and discussing her work some time? I can give an abridged version of her... philosophy? regarding the writing of poetry which might make for some good discussion, so. :v
While it's not anyone's place to decide for you, your current boyfriend does not seem like someone who is stable or able to benefit you. No one should threaten you or treat you wrong. He seems very controlling and it sounds like neither of you are very happy in your relationship. The situation seems tougher than just making one final cut, though I'd say to not completely sever ties with Boyfriend but let him know that you're unhappy where you are and things need to improve before you can fully commit once more. The depression is certainly an issue, but that's something for a professional to deal with. It's not your responsibility to make everything perfect for him. Overall really I feel like you just need a break from both Friend and Boyfriend to sort things out for yourself.
i'm really excited to see how Pope Francis handles the church. i hope that his humility really inspires the christian world. i'm pleased with what he's practiced in loving others, though i'm saddened that while he has extended some compassion to homosexuals he still remains very conservative concerning marriage equality and the adoption of children by homosexual couples. there are a couple of things i'd like to see cleared up surrounding his pre-papal life haha but overall i just hope that he is able to send a message of compassion and humility through the church. some things i'd like to see emphasized include (but are not limited to):
i feel that :/
i'm okay haha. how're you?
i s2g i just coughed up my lungs i've been laughing so hard this is perfect and makes my life worth living he's so awkward bless him
lol we have like 1 inch of snow and no school. but the roads are actually iced over and most of the kids at my school live waaaaay out (b/c arts magnet) so i understand why it's cancelled.
they chose some pretty awesome looking cosplay designs. some are super duper impressive. : D it's cool that people put so much effort into them. the kingdom hearts community sure can put together some awesome stuff.
iay opehay atthay omedaysay iay ancay eakspay igpay atinlay inay ay objay terviewinay
Eer Lesbian Jesusquay? Umisay? iay oday otnay veney owknay atwhay otay aysay
i feel you with my 4 ap classes /falls off a cliff and dies
cat chan................................ suki...................................................................... daisuki......................................................................................................... bless you i love you the most