chico i donn't even know man
hi bb 8) what's up my chica
me? online? please that must be a joke when do i ever get online lolol
your icon is precious omg kjdsfh
i'm okay haha. glad to know you are well.
hello thereee!! how are you?
//hugcling jayney bb when you're feeling okay please skype or text me i don't wanna bother you when you aren't feeling well love you lots <33
ahahahahahhaahahsgaahsgshahshshgsecollege ha how is that going? ; o ; uhm they are ok haha
this is my favourite thread of all time thank you very much
congrats on selling ur soul 2 our gr8 leader, misty 8) (but really congrats u w u)
king nova plz get yo boo-tay out ma fa-say. ain't nobody got time fo dat.
aaaaa hi i am okay haha how are you?
i think we should just go ahead and have a ritual blood bondi- i mean we should watch torchwood together yeah totes.
i would never wear anything ever again 8) ever.
can we just have khv merchandise please p l e a s e i will buy 300 shirts
to the left to the left everything you own in a box to the left
so lonely... alone forever in the world of solitaire... how about no 8(
i hadn't realized it had been so long! anyway, how exciting! this will make no difference things a lot less tedious to read haha. i'll be sure to pick up the manga when i can o u o
this one time when i was really little i did this one super dumb thing and it's affected my whole life negatively. 8( i was born. anyway one time in my middle school spanish class (which i spent playing pokemon lol) my teacher was saying how "papá" is father and "papa" is potato. and i raised my hand and asked "but what if your father is a potato?" and no one said anything. everyone was dead silent. until i got sent to the office for being a disturbance u n u
aaaa this is really cute! 8) i like the image and the compression of the colour to a small range. i think a little more colour would be kinda cool though. maybe some neat flecks and stuff to draw attention to certain areas. not really a fan of the border, i think it isn't necessary and makes it look a little funny. maybe if you removed it, the piece would feel a bit more natural? personally, i'd also move the stock/render/whatever to the right and up a little bit as far as placement goes. however, the piece is really lovely as it is and i really like your style u w u