nova you're 2presh bless your sweet heart guarding_sumi is still my fave ship name take it or leave it
why is brock in breaking bad isn't he busy hitting on nurse joy
votes for jayn even though i spent time with jayn irl this year #holla
omg no you're all cuties i can't vote i'm gonna lie down and cry about how cute y'all are instead of voting good plan
twewy for best game ever of all time i'd vote for it
sun steeped chai tea and mints and i have to be knitting while i watch
i haven't finished any of the kingdom hearts games ever although part of that was my discs being eaten by my dog but w/e
guess what i got today Spoiler Spoiler it's fake
kentuckian here, can confirm sideways horse riding. source: worked on horse farm for six years
oi sacha
i dig your icon. u v u
y'all don't be mean at least they're out having fun and made some awesome outfits they probably worked hard on, even if in this picture their faces are a bit off-putting. :c also that sora's hair omg good for them on styling the wig so well
this classmate doesn't even have an account i'm making them get one and influencing them to vote sumi for worst staff
i have school from 8:30 am to 9:00 pm every day of the week and study hall all weekend i feel bad for no one
and my classmate reaches up to tap my shoulder "hey i go on there all the time!" oh god oh god oh god "haha but it's been like a year or two" that's not even all the time you lil **** "what's your username?" please don't know me please don't know sumi "yeah don't remember you" i am both pleased and saddened by my apparent unpopularity.
there are like 8 people in my dorm room too. i'll eat them all as well. i'm hungry.
gurl i ain't been vegan for like a month besides humans aren't real meat. you're all in my mind. u v u little human shaped cookies.
i will kill you and eat your skin and muscles. also your softer organs. that is all. thank you.
Spoiler i fit in at my arts school better in black and white