Spoiler i became a goddess of paleness in my absence and also dyed my hair like 500 times bonus recent pic ft. my cat: Spoiler
swaggalicious homeskillet +++++++++++
makaze is still alive? i've missed a lot these past few months huh
ya true i have no idea who y'all are even if you didn't change your names i'm out l8r nerds
and have no clue who anyone is stop changin your dang names every five minutes ya fools idk who's a hand or a foot
i was vegan just to try it (and had been chicken-free for years bc of how gross i find chicken farming to be) and i LOVED it. currently i'm just vegetarian since i have to eat school food 24/7 (perks of boarding school) and it's hard to know all the ingredients of your food but i'd go back to vegan in a heartbeat. i felt much cleaner and healthier while vegan. a lot of people say there are "health risks" but honestly they're the same as eating an unbalanced diet that includes meat. no matter where you get your nutrients, it's most important that you balance them out and get all of what you need w/o excesses. people also say they "can't" do it and that's crap tbh. they just don't want to be vegan/vegetarian and i respect those who acknowledge that they simply don't want to be vegan/vegetarian much more over those who say they just "can't" because they like meat too much or aren't "pretentious" or some excuse like that.
hi so i need a place to sleep while i visit a college for an interview and i don't know anyone in ohio does anyone live in ohio please let me sleep on your floor plEASE HELP
#killdrew #trendit #tomatothatpoes
#jesustakethestaff #jesus4admin[DOUBLEPOST=1388225361][/DOUBLEPOST] tHAT FUCKINGRHYMES NOVA IS WEAR AH SWEER
#saynotoslutshaming #jesus429tra #followformoreashwingodofsoftfucking #enjoythedrugs
#legitfmk #keysmashthatpussy #KILLDREW #legitgonnaslitthatthroat
#noragrets #knowwhati'msaying #followyourdick
kill drew #needsthed #needsthematrimony #plzfuckme #ashwinmarryme #fuckingaccomplice
#sleepdrunk #actuallydrunk
i haven't shown off my pink hair yet really sooooooooooo Spoiler and one older one:
i ate potato soup we are gonna die of heart attacks together
omg hi!!! wow hi omg i haven't heard from you in ever