Being one of the darker films I have seen. I cannot recommend it more highly. My hat goes off to you, Mr. Ripley.
My name is Kvothe, pronounced nearly the same as "quothe." Names are important as they tell you a great deal about a person. I've had more names than anyone has a right to. The Adem call me Maedre. Which, depending on how it's spoken, can mean The Flame, The Thunder, or The Broken Tree. "The Flame" is obvious if you've ever seen me. I have red hair, bright. If I had been born a couple of hundred years ago I would probably have been burned as a demon. I keep it short but it's unruly. When left to its own devices, it sticks up and makes me look as if I have been set afire. "The Thunder" I attribute to a strong baritone and a great deal of stage training at an early age. I've never thought of "The Broken Tree" as very significant. Although in retrospect, I suppose it could be considered at least partially prophetic. My first mentor called me E'lir because I was clever and I knew it. My first real lover called me Dulator because she liked the sound of it. I have been called Shadicar, Lightfinger, and Six-String. I have been called Kvothe the Bloodless, Kvothe the Arcane, and Kvothe Kingkiller. I have earned those names. Bought and paid for them. But I was brought up as Kvothe. My father once told me it meant "to know." I have, of course, been called many other things. Most of them uncouth, although very few were unearned. I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep. You may have heard of me. A masterpiece that I cannot imagine being topped. I have read it five times. If you have not read it, do. I will grind it into you...
I somehow uploaded a 700MB file in less than thirty seconds. Any explanations for this? (07:04:08 PM) Makaze: Shall I upload it for you? (07:04:21 PM) LARiA: Sure. (07:04:23 PM) LARiA: Thank you. (07:06:43 PM) Makaze: It's going to take a while. (07:06:53 PM) LARiA: That's fine. (07:07:08 PM) Makaze: [link to file] (07:07:13 PM) Makaze: Or not? (07:07:16 PM) Makaze: <_< (07:07:19 PM) LARiA: Or not? (07:07:26 PM) Makaze: It went extremely fast. (07:07:30 PM) Makaze: I doubt it worked. (07:07:38 PM) LARiA: Hmm.. (07:08:16 PM) Makaze: That... (07:08:20 PM) Makaze: Shouldn't have been possible. (07:08:24 PM) LARiA: It worked? (07:08:32 PM) Makaze: It worked, to all appearances. (07:08:35 PM) LARiA: Wow. Risk can corroborate my story.
I just got this PM from a member with zero posts: I suggest that you add a restriction that limits the PM feature to members with one post or more. Thanks for your time...
Maybe I should be nicer to people on here. I realized it when I was looking over my recent posts in the Discussion forum. Opinions?
Edits to the navigation bar. Who is behind this? Show yourself!
I wonder what will happen to me.
Having played six of the games and beaten three of them, I am a major fan of the series. So, have you played them? Which games, and for what systems? The Game Boy Advance games far outweigh more recent others in my opinion. If you have only played Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and on, then you need to backtrack a bit and play the three predecessors before you move on. The second for the GBA and the first game in English (called simply Fire Emblem here, and Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword in Japan) is easily my favorite, and if you are going to start on the series then I recommend either that or Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones, which was released later. EDIT: PM me for the link that was removed here.
It's a trap. I am being sucked in... He is too beautiful. Bill Kaulitz, for anyone who was wondering. And no, this does not interfere with any ships. Purely physical so far with this one. Negative responses ensue...
Why isn't there a thread about this already? Do watch it as soon as you can. Like, right now. This coming from someone who has seen Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Neon Genesis Evangelion, FLCL, and Serial Experiments Lain and loved them all. You can find it legally on Hulu here. See below for what I believe is a valid visual representation. Spoiler This series gets a ten out of ten from me until I see something that tops it, which I do not think will happen in my lifetime. That is not to say that it is my favorite series, but it is on par with my favorite in several aspects. Allowing for the impossibility of perfection, I give it a 9.9. It is that good. You will not hear a negative thing about it unless it is from trolls. /unabashed fanboyism
The Icon Legend at the bottom of the main forum page is inaccurate and unneeded, as it does not show the actual icons that you are using. I am pretty sure that you can take it out if not edit it, so unless there is some specific reason for not doing that, I suggest doing so. It is wasting valuable forum space. </rant>
This was just too awesome for words. So much win in one video. I have to share it.
I would like to call a false premise here (emotion has or must have a function), but will give the you benefit of the doubt anyway. As I understand it, the function of emotion is the function of the will. Without emotion, there is no desire to act, and so no action may take place. Ergo, no will. I move across the room purely because it was preferable to me as a will. So, asking me about the function of emotion is essentially asking me about the function of existence. I am my emotion. I have no function that I do not give myself. It only follows that my emotion is a function of my will. Its function is to motivate me to do any such thing, and that is all. I do not believe that there is any real purpose to life for many reasons. Foremost among these is the existence of the will. It is assumed that I am an individual will, and that I give myself things to do in this world. The fact that I am typing right now, or, more central to the point, thinking of these words right now makes the alternative impossible. At least from my side of things. No one else decides my actions for me. My purpose is my own in this way. But, that purpose would really only be a goal. And the value that I place on that goal is what matters here. You see, I hold that life has value and meaning, but no purpose. Purpose denotes a future act or promise. Because of the existence of the will, no such things can exist, and you are left only with the value that life holds at any one moment. If people in general have a purpose, it would clearly be for all to be able to get what they wanted at the same time, or for them all to hold the same value on each individual life itself unanimously. Whether everyone regarded life as dirt or as sacred, if they all valued it in the same way, then all would be happy with the outcome that it brought. That is life's purpose to me. And it is boring. PS: P asked these in Voxli, for anyone who was wondering. Sorry for not mentioning that earlier.
I am Chris here. Samii: The interesting things I find in my email: Chris You caught on rather fast. Me Why do you sound so impressed? Is my intelligence really that low? Chris Usually. Me Well thanks. You really don't leave good impressions Chris At least I am honest (with myself, if not others). Me No, you're pretty much brutal with everyone. *laughs* Oh Chris *rolls eyes* Taylor: Chris "Smith?" That sounds like him . . . Samii: Yep. Him. Taylor: I still talk to him every now and then. I always forgot how . . . odd . . . he is. Samii: And rude and condescending and absolutely HORRIBLE to me. Taylor: He's never been that way to me, but I remember having to tell him to stop being rude to you once or twice. Samii: He's horrible to me. Taylor: Well, not anymore :D Samii: No :P Taylor: Hehe. Ah well, I enjoy talking to him now and then. Jordan: Meh, I like talking to him :P I actually have a much easier time talking to him than most people. And I would hardly call him horrible, Samii. :) Samii: Jordan, he's horrible. Beyond horrible. He used, manipulated, abused and maltreated me in a dozen different ways. Jordan: You do bad things, he does bad things, I do bad things... and different people have always suffered various amounts from it, and will continue to as long as we live. If he does something rotten, succeed where he fails. Rejecting him is the closed mindedness that you hate. Samii: No, its self-preservation. I don't see why EVERYONE stands up for him? Do you KNOW what he did to me? I mean, this comment (above) is the least of the horrific things he did to me. I did like him. He's (sort of..) intelligent and logical, but I mean, I can't let myself be continually in the presence of someone who just ABUSES me whenever I speak to him. Jordan: I would stand up for you, too ^^; And I understand if you don't want to talk to him if he's going to say bad things every time, I just don't like him as a person being called horrible... No, I don't know what sort of things have happened :( I know what sort of things he's said to others (and me!) though, so I can sorta guess... I'm sorry for whatever he's said. Lol, he is intelligent... albeit a bit misled :/ Samii: He is horrible. He is a horrible, cold-spirited, closed-minded, narrow-minded, abusive, manipulative, power-hungry individual. At least from what I see of him. You really can't guess. if you defend him you have NO IDEA the scope of his depravity. Jordan: One way of looking at it, but again, I think everyone has faults. His faults have hurt you, but that doesn't make him any more fallen than the rest of us :/ *looks at your status * Heheh... I'm really not trying to get you to be friends with him >.> Not all people are ever going to get along. He can be wrong without you judging him, though. I'm really positive I can. If it's so important though, you can tell me, you know ^^; If you don't want to, fine, but the discussion becomes a bit... moot. Samii: My point is defending him to me is...pointless. Jordan: My point is that I shouldn't have to 'defend' him. But... ah well. I appreciate you both ^^ Samii: That twisted soul needs it. Jordan: *eyeroll* :) Samii: Honestly Jordan: >.> More to come later. Enjoy...
The basic rundown, with some logs: (Virtually) face to face: how Aaron Barr revealed himself to Anonymous Aaron Barr, CEO of security company HBGary Federal, spent the month of January trying to uncover the real identities of the hacker collective Anonymous—only to end with his company website knocked offline, his e-mails stolen, 1TB of backups deleted, and his personal iPad wiped when Anonymous found out. Source: And the full article, with all of it, as far as I know: How one man tracked down Anonymous—and paid a heavy price Aaron Barr believed he had penetrated Anonymous. The loose hacker collective had been responsible for everything from anti-Scientology protests to pro-Wikileaks attacks on MasterCard and Visa, and the FBI was now after them. But matching their online identities to real-world names and locations proved daunting. Barr found a way to crack the code. In a private e-mail to a colleague at his security firm HBGary Federal, which sells digital tools to the US government, the CEO bragged about his research project. "They think I have nothing but a heirarchy based on IRC [Internet Relay Chat] aliases!" he wrote. "As 1337 as these guys are suppsed to be they don't get it. I have pwned them! :)" But had he? Source: I have to say that listening to the Serial Experiments Lain soundtrack while reading this added a lot to the experience. Immersion is always a great thing, whatever the price.
Having rewatched Serial Experiments Lain before getting on yesterday, I am very shaken on the issue of my existence. Derealization, and that kind of thing. Not in a bad way, but strong enough that I was seriously considering solipsism again, and stronger than ever before. I am very excited, and need something to bring me down to earth again. So, you of the Wired, what does it mean to exist?
Let's see how this goes... Over with you guys, I mean. I found it to be pure gold. (From then on until Obs says, "He is fine in the chat. Like a regular person.")
Hopefully these are in some kind of order, but I doubt it. I do not make tags often (one every other month, if that), but I might as well post them anyway. Old ones (from the past three years or more): Spoiler Old? Not sure; unfinished: Spoiler yoshi71089's requests: Spoiler JGatby's requests: Spoiler Archshot's requests: Spoiler ~ evilcheeser's request: Spoiler Newest: Spoiler Other avatars: Spoiler SOTW/WSAC Entries: Spoiler My entry for WSAC #142 on OneManga Forums, all edits. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen of the record-breaking crew. The theme was 'Gender Bender'. Spoiler: other versions/suggestions This is the one that I ended up entering, as a result of unanimous voting... ~ And for #147, for which the theme was 'Tokyo Anime/Manga Ban'. Current: Spoiler It should also be noted that I am a GIMP user. Because of this I have very little to no experience with Photoshop, and I do not have it installed, so some of your critiques and suggestions may not get through to me. Sorry...
I may or may stay around, depending on how interesting you guys are. Considering that I crashed the last Kingdom Hearts board that I was on, it may not be a good idea to stay too active here...