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  1. Makaze
    Thread by: Makaze, May 26, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Current Events
  2. Makaze
    I kid you not.



    Do you still believe that they are educating you because they care about you?
    Thread by: Makaze, May 25, 2012, 15 replies, in forum: Current Events
  3. Makaze

    Source (FULL ARTICLE):

    I looked around but I have not been able to find a more mainstream source for this for obvious reasons.
    Thread by: Makaze, May 24, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Current Events
  4. Makaze
    Or dropped out.

    Thread by: Makaze, May 19, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Makaze
    Thread by: Makaze, May 19, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Current Events
  6. Makaze

    This has been obvious to me regarding the music industry, but would it apply to other industries as well? Which ones would it not apply to? Why not those as well?
    Thread by: Makaze, May 17, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Current Events
  7. Makaze

    Please watch the video.

    Not surprised at all, but I expect some of you will be.
    Thread by: Makaze, May 15, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Current Events
  8. Makaze
    Source (FULL ARTICLE):

    What are your thoughts on this? Propaganda of the deed and entrapment if I have ever seen it.
    Thread by: Makaze, May 12, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Current Events
  9. Makaze
    Source (WITH VIDEO):

    Given that that they found nothing either in his house or in his bunker, can anyone think of any justification for these actions?
    Thread by: Makaze, May 9, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Current Events
  10. Makaze
    My apologies to everyone who has been fed up with me since my return. I will be stepping back and taking the objective perspective again.

    I should know not to argue while introverted.

    You may not see me for a few days. My moods change quickly, though, so do not hold me to that.

    See you when I care less about things.
    Thread by: Makaze, May 4, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Makaze
    Is anyone here doing something today? Well, you probably will not be on to answer if you are, but I should ask anyway...

    Does anyone know why we have this holiday, and what it represents?
    Thread by: Makaze, May 1, 2012, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Makaze
    I cannot believe that they would dare to stoop this low.

    While this is a video, I feel it contributes as a current even so if you could keep it up, I would appreciate it.

    For those of you who know nothing about May 1st or May Day, I encourage you to read up and try to understand why this is a disgusting tactic that should make you lose any respect you had for anyone who even so much as likes Fox News, let alone the organization itself.

    For those of you who have never heard of it, I strongly suggest reading into the Haymarket affair.


    Maybe I was expecting too much from them, but this is the most blatant and pathetic attempt at propagandizing the news I have seen since the RIAA claimed that downloading MP3s was downloading communism.
    Thread by: Makaze, May 1, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Current Events
  13. Makaze

    More propaganda and attempts to shut down the freedom of information; this is disgusting.

    Have they not learned that innovation is the only justifiable as well as the only effective way to reduce the incentive to share information freely?
    Thread by: Makaze, Apr 30, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Current Events
  14. Makaze
    Hey. Expect to be flooded with responses.

    I got so used to not being here, it will take a while to get back into the swing...

    Did I miss anything serious...?
    Thread by: Makaze, Apr 22, 2012, 33 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Makaze


    It is a bad idea to let people make themselves into them.

    That is all.
    Thread by: Makaze, Mar 31, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Makaze
    "Don't drink orange juice. I repeat: do not drink orange juice for the next few months. It's most likely to be from Brazil, and will have fungicidal carbendazium in it, over the legal limit." ~ Friend who posted it

    Thread by: Makaze, Mar 12, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: Current Events
  17. Makaze
    This is more of a notice than a discussion, but some of you might wish to discuss it anyway. I feel it applies to many people I know, including some people on this forum. I found it interesting to say the least.

    The premise: Anti-depressants are not in any way helpful to the depressed, and are actually harmful in its place.

    I got this from a friend of mine.

    Based on this source:

    Looking deeper into the issue, my friend also said this:

    Have you used these anti-depressants, or would you use them if you were told to?

    What do you think of them? Do you think that he is right about them? Why or why not?

    Thread by: Makaze, Mar 6, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: Discussion
  18. Makaze
    Happy birthday, friend of mine. I hope you have a good day.

    Even though it almost over; alas...
    Thread by: Makaze, Feb 28, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Makaze
    Otherwise known as "schooling".

    What are your opinions on compulsory education?
    • Do you like it, or do you dislike it?
    • Do you believe that it increases the intelligence of the population or decreases it?
    • Do you feel that it enables children to reach new heights or cripples their ingenuity and view of society?
    • Do you feel that its purpose is to help its subjects or to enforce corporate interests on them?
    I side with the latter on all of these questions. My experience with compulsory schooling and the psychology behind it have led me to conclude that compulsory schooling is nothing more or less than the indoctrination of young minds for corporate and political ends. The way that society is structured and the way that people behave within it is based on schools, as school is a child's first impression of organized society, and if that was not enough, it the impression that they keep for at least twelve years of their lives before they are allowed out into another world. However, this world is full of people who went through the same thing they did, so they are unlikely to find much different there. This, among other things, is only reasonable and should be clear to anyone who understands the nature of human development.

    While I could write several essays on the subject explaining why I feel this way, I feel that evidence supporting my conclusion would do a far better job than any amount of persuasive language I could present. If you live in the US specifically and still feel that you have basis on which to believe in compulsory education after hearing this lecture, then I would be very eager to hear what you have to say, or rather, I would be very interested in the "why" for any answers other than my own that you may hold.

    To anyone with an interest in the intended nature and general history of compulsory education, I strongly urge you to take an hour of your time to listen to the following lecture. If you are not already familiar with Gatto, let me introduce you.

    John Taylor Gatto (born December 15, 1935) is a retired American school teacher with nearly 30 years experience in the classroom, and author of several books on education. He is an activist critical of compulsory schooling, of the perceived divide between the teen years and adulthood, and of what he characterizes as the hegemonic nature of discourse on education and the education professions.​


    I assure you that your time will not have been wasted.
    Thread by: Makaze, Feb 27, 2012, 18 replies, in forum: Discussion
  20. Makaze


    See if Abilify is right for you!


    I got this ad on Hulu and I could not believe I was seeing it. I think this is worse than the parody in Click.

    These are very dark times.
    Thread by: Makaze, Feb 23, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone