The English trailer is up!
On the tail of the leaks from yesterday, the official trailer has been released in Japan early. This trailer shows much more about Team Skull, while also showing the new Pokémon. It also seemingly shows the standard, non-Alolan forms of Cubone and Pikachu evolving into the Alolan forms of Marowak and Raichu. We've yet to find out officially whether this means a standard Cubone etc from a previous generation would evolve into it's Alolan form if transfered to Sun and Moon. I personally hope that is not the case, as it would make using the older versions of those Pokémon a lot more difficult.
Although CoroCoro not having information doesn't necessarily mean that we don't, as another leak has happened revealing some interesting things. First of all; Yowashi's English name is said to be Wishiwashi, and comes with the new Ability, Schooling. In addition to that information, these three images were leaked, supposedly showing content that will be revealed in a new trailer to be release this Friday. View attachment 45173 View attachment 45174 View attachment 45175 Yes, the Chinese leak is becoming more and more clearly real, as the promised mushroom and sea cucumber Pokémon are seemingly official. But please keep in mind that these are leaks, and thus are not officially confirmed as of yet.
At this point we have no idea whether Mega Evolution will be returning at all. If it does, then Alolan forms may be able to Mega Evolve differently to their normal counterparts. And more variety is good! Alolan forms also give a bit of new life into old Pokémon. I'm not a fan of Fire-types, for example. But I love Ice-types, and now that Vulpix can come in both types, I have the freedom to use a Pokémon from Gen 1 that I just wouldn't have otherwise. Lastly, it helps from a developer standpoint. New Pokémon designs that are completely original from anything we've seen before are going to get harder and harder to create as time goes on. By setting a precedent that some Pokémon are old ones but in new flavours, GameFreak give themselves a lot more room to grow over time. And that means that Pokémon as a whole will be able to be fun for all the longer!
We have a whole new set of reveals as a result of CoroCoro leaks! First of all we have a new Water-type fish, Yowashi, that can change formes from a single fish into a large fish-shaped School Forme! View attachment 45168 A new sandcastle Pokémon was also revealed! The little sandcastle is called Sunabaa while the big one is called Shirodesuna. Both are Ghost/Ground-type. On the same page Bewear shows a pre-evolution! This tiny thing is called Nuikoguma in the Japanese version and is still Normal/Fighting. View attachment 45169 Alolan forms of Meowth and Marowak are revealed! Meowth was bred by the royal family to become Dark-type instead of Normal, while Marowak became Fire/Ghost in order to fight off its natural Grass-type predators! View attachment 45170 Lastly, the fourth page reveals Team Skull, whose motives are unknown so far. The Leader's name is Guzma, while the woman shown with him is Plumeri. View attachment 45171
Available, I guess? I'm not super clear on why we're raiding a dead thread but--
Made a solid attempt but no dice. I'm pretty sure the last missing character is a 3, though.
Well hey to you too.
These are special Alola form Pokémon! They're the same or similar to the normal versions in both stats and appearances, but with some differences like Vulpix being Ice instead of Fire, and so on. It's unconfirmed if these will be replacing the originals, or simply appearing alongside them, but they're essentially new spins on old favourites, like what Mega Evolutions were in X and Y. Whether the existence of Alola Pokémon and Z-Crystals means that Mega Evolution as a mechanic won't return is yet to be seen, but there has been a suspicious absence of Megas so far in the trailers. This could just be a marketing technique however; with Megas returning but taking a back seat to new features. Vulpix is a very popular Pokémon in Japan and overseas, so I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Alola Form Vulpix gets a plush toy during the run-up to Sun and Moon's release. If not, I'm absolutely certain it will get one not long after.
I'm pretty certain that like Gen 6's Deerling, you can transfer an old Vulpix/Sandshrew/whatever from Bank and use it as normal, and even breed them for more. Which makes this even more exciting for me, because it means the possibility of having the new and old forms side-by-side in double battles and the like. It also opens way more options for monotype runs and tournaments. It may even end up possible to breed egg moves from one type to another, resulting in Vulpix that know Flamethrower and Ice Beam at once! There's so many directions this could go in and I am so excited at the possibilities!
Introducing the newest feature of Pokémon; literally everything. Everything is canon now. All of it.
I'll start editing grammar and wording slightly as we go at some point. Mostly just to smooth it out and remove repetition etc. Loxare is navigator, so maybe Excasr can work with her during more peaceful times to plan out not only fast routes but safe ones too. Space can be a messy place, what with other space pirates and meteors and undiscovered planets all around.
Probably not. I'll help it in some other way if able.
I'm in the document already and I'm pretty happy with the idea of being reluctant. Since it's not really my job but I do understand that I'm the one capable of it, and all that. I'll work on my appearance in just a moment. That's fine too, it was more just an assurance that you can, not that you should.
Completely missed the small text the first time. I'd say if you want to change, feel free to? I've changed just recently after all, so it isn't as though our roles are sacred. Perhaps you're a doctor of engineering and us simple pirating sorts just decided "Doctor means medicine" and assigned you to the med center. We probably just figured if you can put a ship back together you can do the same for a person.
That does make sense actually. If I'm the "diver" then I probably am the one with the most experience with space walks. So sure, I'm pretty happy for fiction-me to have that role.
Assuming you mean like how we don't have any engineers and the like, I think that would be for the best, yeah. Unless we have some nameless "generic" crew members, and we're just the named higher-ranking ones.
I'll just throw this under a spoiler as my reference. Spoiler
The less connected to my old self I am, the better, so that's a good thing. I am a completely different person to back then, hence the change in both name and gender. Honestly, maybe the best "reference" for me would be to just post an image of the character my name is from.
I was planning on giving a more genuine reference afterwards, but now I'm very tempted to just let you.