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  1. Pinekaboo
    It's Christmas now sorry I don't make the rules Christmas has started and it's too late to stop me I'm already decorating the ship
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Nov 3, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Pinekaboo
    So what I'm getting from this is that I should definitely have my Christmas theme on already.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Nov 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Pinekaboo
    Every day is Christmas if you believe hard enough.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Nov 1, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Pinekaboo
    Somewhat fascinatingly, the new fighter was confirmed to be Croagunk, who was already in the game as a support Pokémon. Croagunk is a Speed type character, much like the other fairly relatively small Pokémon it's now alongside.

    Post by: Pinekaboo, Nov 1, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  5. Pinekaboo
    Fun fact: Alolan Dugtrio is actually based on a phenomena known as Pele's Hair, named after the Hawaiian Goddess of volcanoes. It's a phenomena where volcanic glass forms into very thin hair-like strands. Combining that with the fact that Alolan Dugtrio's base is darker and appears more like volcanic rock, it's safe to say that Alolan Dugtrio looks the way it does because it's Ground/Fire now.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 27, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  6. Pinekaboo
    I don't know if it's just a one-time joke about Alolan forms, or a real legitimate thing, but in the demo you can find and take a photo of a so-called Alolan Dugtrio.

    EDIT: Image under the spoiler tag for those who want to avoid spoilers about the demo. Apologies if you saw the post before this edit.


    This is a real actual thing in the Demo according to Serebii.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 17, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  7. Pinekaboo
    Scizor is one of those Pokémon that always seemed a perfect fit for Pokkén. Darkrai came out of left field; I don't think anyone was expecting a second playable legendary, let alone a mythical, whereas I feel like Scizor has been a long time coming. Its burst attack looks fantastic, and I'm just really happy to see one of the more popular competitive Pokémon that kind of fell out of use at Worlds get another lease at life in this game.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 13, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  8. Pinekaboo
    A single page of CoroCoro has leaked, and with it the existence of the Poison/Dark Alolan Grimer.

    View attachment 45586

    In addition to this page, the same source claims that Jangmo-O has two evolutions that were also revealed in CoroCoro, both Dragon/Fighting, but the lack of a scan means that's unconfirmed. It also claims that Type: Null has an evolution, and that said evolution has an Ability that makes it able to change type, akin to Arceus.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 12, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  9. Pinekaboo
    It just occurred to me that some of you mentioned Discord earlier, which is a thing that I have now. I'm hardly the most talkative person but if anyone wants to add me on there for whatever reason Pinekaboo#9385 is my tag on there.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 10, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Pinekaboo
    Finally a day that celebrates my favourite detective show.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 10, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Pinekaboo
    A very long time ago now, yeah. Basically as soon as I hit 300 posts, maybe a year after I signed up.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 7, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Pinekaboo
    I would definitely argue that the outcome of the US election will affect more than just US citizens too. The UK is very strongly tied to the US, even moreso now with the Brexit, and since Trump has already outright said that he's in favour of things that will clearly lead to war, the entire world could be dragged into it.
    It's extremely important to vote. If it was just two ordinary idiots in the running, that would be one thing, but Hillary isn't the one threatening policies that literally endanger people's lives.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 7, 2016 in forum: Discussion
  13. Pinekaboo

    Probably something to do with that
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 7, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Pinekaboo

    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Oct 6, 2016, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Pinekaboo
    boy I sure am late to this party

    I have an intense hatred for my own username but don't think my opinions are worth stating enough to boost myself up to premium to have it changed
    I once kinda had a thing with Hero of Time
    these facts aren't actually all that fun. how do you be interesting
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 6, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Pinekaboo
    You mean the appearance that is customisable in literally every way, from hair and clothes colour to skin and eyes? Can't think of any reason why that wouldn't work.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 4, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  17. Pinekaboo
    The thing is that it is Ash-Greninja. It has his colours, it's based off of his hair, it exists because of him specifically. Chances are that it isn't actually canon to the games; it's just a promotional thing to encourage you to get the demo, so it doesn't need to be named after anything else, and if it was its design wouldn't make as much sense.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 4, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  18. Pinekaboo
    Amusing that you say that, because I've actually seen nothing but positivist regarding it so far. It's very cute and fits it final evolution very well.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 4, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  19. Pinekaboo
  20. Pinekaboo