Orange just means we done bribed the staff for alleged higher status. Because we're filthy official-bribers now.
I'm pretty good, not a lot is really happening in the world for me lately but it's pleasant enough.
Well there's a face I'm happily surprised to see again. How've you been?
Well we are known pirates. Have to use our stolen haul somehow.
Should we redecorate the ship to celebrate? Or just tape money to the walls and call it done?
There's a whole lotta orange in this family now.
I just reached the second island. Have done literally nothing more than the opening cutscene for it.
Haven't even got the game.
I'm gonna fight everyone who got Sun and Moon today Darn you all to heck, non-Europeans
Haven't gotten the game yet, but it'll be Litten and Moon for my first game.
I'll be getting the game late because Europe but I'll give it a go and see if I can catch up, sure.
Joker. /literal
Not at all. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's what we're supposed to see them as. They haven't been advertised as Pokémon whatsoever, and the trailers haven't even said whether they're able to be caught or not. Given that UB-01 has more or less been outright stated to have relevance to the story, I'm sure their origin will be explained within the games themselves, and they'll be stated to be more than just weird alien-like Pokémon.
Or next Wednesday, for those of us in Europe. Also... Ground/Steel? I prefer the fan theory where Alolan Dugtrio was Ground/Fire and based on the Pele's Hair phenomena. Now it's just a funnier but not as good Excadrill.
What else is Christmas about?
Doesn't exist. Also Mordred's English anyway, she should abide by English traditions.
But it's Christmas. I don't care how cool her board is as Summer Rider, you can't celebrate Christmas in a bathing suit!
I'd be Christmas Mordred if she was an option.
so who's emigrating
I hate fireworks. They upset my dog and they upset me. Let's instead completely ignore Guy Fawkes Night and celebrate something that all English-speaking countries do. Like Christmas.