A new trailer released during today's Nintendo Direct reveals several new details, including the existence of two entirely new Ultra Beasts, codenamed UB Burst and UB Assembly. A special Z-move for Lycanroc was also shown to exist, which will remove Terrain effects after its use. The trailer;
It seems the Pikachu with a cap distribution is coming to the west. A serial code will be available from September 19th which can then be redeemed via Mystery Gift to get one along with its special Z-Crystal. The cap you get is determined by the date on which you redeem the code, and you can only get one per game, so be sure to pick wisely. · September 19–25: Ash's Pikachu (Original Cap) · September 26 – October 2: Ash's Pikachu (Hoenn Cap) · October 3–9: Ash's Pikachu (Sinnoh Cap) · October 10–16: Ash's Pikachu (Unova Cap) · October 17–23: Ash's Pikachu (Kalos Cap) · October 24–30: Ash's Pikachu (Alola Cap) These Pikachu come at various levels, and movesets based on Ash's Pikachu's moveset throughout those arcs of the anime. Notably; all but one of these Pikachu know Iron Tail, which is not otherwise able to be learned by Pikachu in Gen 7. Original Cap does not know Iron Tail. Related to this; The special I Choose You Cap Pikachu for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon will be distributed by QR code, much like Magearna was, and is not transferable to the original Sun and Moon games.
Apologies for the late update. Earlier today, at the World Championships in Anaheim, another short trailer was shown off, promising that several Pokémon will be getting new exclusive Z-moves. The first of these Pokémon is Kommo-o, the Dragon/Fighting type Psuedo-Legendary Pokémon. The new black Z-Ring that seemingly grants access to these new moves is referred to as the Z-Power Ring on the official site. In addition, Game Informer released a video detailing a new feature in the upcoming games, called Alola Photo Club. Within this feature, the player can take photos of their character and Pokémon doing various actions such as Z-Move poses and battle actions, and save these photos to the SD card.
Every time a new game is on the horizon around this kind of time, they make a big reveal at the World Championships. We've seen Mega Kangaskhan, Mega Slowbro, and Crabrawler revealed there in recent years, so I wouldn't be surprised if we see something new in the next few weeks.
It has both Tough Claws and Accelerock, which is actually a really strong combination. Compared to the other two, it's guaranteed to be better from that combo alone. Couple with it that it'll likely have more defence than Midday since it's halfway between that and Midnight and it seems like they might be trying to make Lycanroc viable because of its popularity.
It's been confirmed that Dusk form Lycanroc will only be obtainable through a limited-run Mystery Gift event, much like Snorlium-Z (SuMo), Blazikenite (XY), and shiny Beldum (ORAS) before it. The event is expected to last from release until January, meaning that only players who purchase the game when it's still new will be able to play with the new form. No word on whether this Lycanroc will have some trait that it can pass down through breeding to allow for further Dusk forms to be raised, but with Ash-Greninja not being able to breed, it seems unlikely to be the case.
Seems like Dusk Form Lycanroc is literally a straight upgrade compared to either of the other forms. I'm personally not too fond of that, since it makes the previous two forms kind of redundant and pointless to have ever existed, but I'll await the final release to pass judgement on that.
Tasogare Lycanroc revealed! No word on a translated name, but Tasogare can mean Sunset, Twilight, or Dusk. There's also no apparent word on what move this Lycanroc form gets that its alternates don't. EDIT: Apparently has been confirmed as Dusk Form for the west.
The first CoroCoro leaks have come out, and on the front page, hidden off in the background, is a creature that looks a lot like Lycanroc. Spoiler: The creature It's not confirmed that this is a new Lycanroc form yet, or even that it's Pokémon-related at all, but it is confirmed Shigeru Ohmori is due to appear on Pokémon Sunday in just over seven hours from this post to announce the first Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon news since the trailer.
It doesn't appear to be a sequel, but a completely alternate story. I will note that while the trailer showed the male protagonist walking around Route 1, the house was different, and the protagonist himself wore a Z-Ring matching the design used by Nanu of Ula'ula, rather than the white one used in Sun and Moon. Obviously, these games are named Ultra for the Ultra Beasts, so we can assume that they will have a role in the story again, though with all the Pikachu seen in the trailer it seems doubtful that it's literally a world where the Ultra Beasts come from. All in all, I'm pretty excited. Alola was a pretty weak Region, and new games set in the same Region but completely different has the chance to totally change the way I see it. We could even get more regional forms, which would be a very welcome addition.
Not technically the forum for discussing my opinion of the Sinnoh games, but they're my least favourite titles in the series. Much of the environments looked very same-y and uninteresting, with only the heavily snowed-over route really standing out, and then it was filled with heavy lag and those tiles of snow that you'd sink into and slow you down massively. If Sinnoh remakes happen, I'll still be happy, because new Pokémon games, but there are a lot of problems that need fixing, and a need for customisation to return this time, unlike it did in ORAS, for me to genuinely enjoy them. It's less "I hope there are never Sinnoh remakes ever", and more "There's a lot of games that could be made that would be better than Sinnoh remakes".
This time two years ago (give or take one month) they announced ORAS for November release. It's entirely possible that they'll be announcing Sinnoh remakes (although god help me, I hope not). Of course, it's equally possible they'll announce SuMo2, or something entirely different. I hope there won't be anything announced for the Switch, since it seems way too soon to be shifting over to an entirely new generation of hardware, especially at the prices the Switch currently sells for.
You can't prove that.
How are you enjoying being a Reporter for the site? Is it what you expected from the position, more than you hoped, etc? What's your most positive memory of your time on the site so far? Are you embarrassed now by the way you used to behave back in ~2009 when you joined the site? Is there a reason for it besides your general emotional growth since then? Obligatory Impressions?
I'm always here. Unseen, but always here.
I was quite a big fan of the games when they were new, bearing in mind that it was my first experience with a Final Fantasy game, period. The first game had a good story and setting (the whole sci-fi/fantasy crossover really appeals), had a valid moral behind it, and had a good cast of varied characters, each of which I was able to care about to some degree. I never finished the first game, however, because I found that by the time grinding had become a necessity for me to continue, there was no longer anywhere to grind, and I essentially found myself stuck. The second game I had a much better time with, and was equally good. Even though it undid some of the happy part of the bittersweet note the first game ended on, I felt the time travel story element was used well and made for a rewarding experience when a paradox was solved and you were able to explore the "good" version of the time that you created. In addition, the focus on Serah after her being such a plot device in the previous game was nice, and Noel made for a good counterpart for her. I also found the monster taming mechanic quite fun, because it offered a touch of variety to an otherwise static party, but as a fan of Pokémon as well, that's probably no surprise. LR was kind of a gut punch to me in a way, as the whole "time-limited open-world" thing didn't work for me in Majora's Mask either. The fact that they'd also gone from six party members, to two, to a single playable character also bothered me, since Lightning in my eyes was always presented as a counterpoint to the other characters rather than a great thing by herself. I never played the game myself, but watched a playthrough of it a while later instead, because those things had put me off of it so much. The plot of LR was also very lacking, and was essentially just a bunch of disjointed sidequests with a few cameo appearances from old characters to rub in that you aren't playing as any of them anymore. With that said, there were a few parts I enjoyed. The section where Lightning is joined by Fang and the entire final boss section were really interesting and good, and had the rest of the game presented itself in the same way I would have been much more interested in it as a whole. I suppose if I were to really point at where the series went wrong, it was simply the shovelling in sequels. Had the first game been presented as its own thing to never be continued, I think it would be more fondly remembered, but because they undid some of the ending there, and made the second game end on such a cliffhanger rather than reaching a true conclusion by itself, and because all three games are so different to each other, it's hard for any one person to like all three games in the series. /overshare
100% seconded.
I'd personally say Mordred's more like a daughter than a waifu. Actual waifus would be Saber Alter and Altera. Husbando would be Hijikata Toshizo and has been since long before he was in Fate.
Jeanne Alter is better tho
Objectively, the reason to watch the new Fate anime is Mordred and Mordred alone. Okay Sieg's pretty cool too but leave me to my Waifus