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  1. Pinekaboo

    I'm actually a shiny Pumpkaboo.
    not even Human, you've all been deceived, I've cheated you.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jul 24, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Pinekaboo
    Alas, I am most definitely not a tiny dark-skinned, pink-haired 14-year-old.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jul 24, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Pinekaboo
    I never practice enough to improve, so my art abilities are sub-par at best. Which is ironic considering how good a lot of my friends are.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jul 24, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Pinekaboo
    To be fair; I feel involved and happy enough just knowing that you guys liked my idea of doing something special as a group to celebrate it. You really don't have to come up with something else as well just for my sake.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Pinekaboo
    That sounds like a fun idea. I personally won't take part in anything I'd have to be recorded for on account of being trans and therefore not comfortable with how I look or sound, but I'm perfectly fine if everyone else wants to do that and I'm allowed to sit it out.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Pinekaboo
    We used to be required to play Mafia as a group back in college. It is a fun game, but I can safely say that I'm all Mafia'd out.

    Also did anyone notice that in just 3 months this thread will be 5 years old? We definitely need to plan a celebration.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jul 22, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Pinekaboo
    Not to worry. I'm no better myself; I constantly use male pronouns for even inanimate objects. Our language tends to use them as the default ones.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jul 22, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Pinekaboo
    Nice, I'm happy with that. You did make a typo on the pronouns though. I'm still very much not a "him".
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jul 22, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Pinekaboo
    Roleplays are a two-way street in which all participants have to try to provide enough context that the next poster is able to reply to them without too much struggle. If you're the one struggling, particularly with writing a lot, there's a few things that could be causing it.

    The first thing I can suggest is trying to practice your writing as much as possible. You won't see much improvement right away, but if you're able to keep at it, you may gain some more confidence in yourself, at the least.

    Another suggestion would be to try to find an RP partner or group that your style or ability meshes with well. If you're able to find somebody whose style is similar, and you get along well with OOC, maybe you'll improve, maybe you won't, but you'll be able to have fun the way you are right now. Judging by your avatar, I would guess you're a fan of Pokémon. There is a massive Pokémon RP community on tumblr, with even more people coming in as a result of the new games. That may be a good place to look for people. If not, I'm certain there's people within KH-Vids itself that have a similar mindset.

    I've been RPing online for eight years now. During that time I've considered quitting myself more than just a few times because I believed that I wasn't good enough to be worth other people's time. But over that time I've consistently realized that my enjoyment of it matters more than whether or not I'm good at it. Never give up on something that you genuinely enjoy.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jul 22, 2016 in forum: Help with Life
  10. Pinekaboo
    You can leave that yellow for now, otherwise you'll be changing it every two weeks to keep up with my theme changes.

    You can list me as your Deep Space-Time Diver. It's a role that comes with it's own theme song.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jul 22, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Pinekaboo
    If they both look good, I'll move to pink unless somebody mentions yellow looking better.

    The icons are technically of Momo Kisaragi of Kagerou Project, but edited and heavily recoloured to match an OC of mine. I felt like being narcissistic.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jul 22, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Pinekaboo
    And so the Arceus of August approaches.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jul 22, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Pinekaboo
    Guys should I stick with yellow for consistency or go back to pink to match my theme?
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jul 22, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Pinekaboo
    We have another anchor? When was my former position replaced? Or is Tale holding onto me already? In which case mission already accomplished apparently.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jul 22, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Pinekaboo
    So what you're saying is that I wasted my time putting on my dive suit
    my ninja vampire space lawyers will hear of this
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jul 22, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Pinekaboo
    If some crew has fallen, perhaps we should send a diver down after them.
    Or the space equivalent of a diver.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jul 21, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Pinekaboo
    I would like to second the recommendation of My Hero Academia. Helluva show.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Jul 20, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone