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  1. Labrys

    That sucks......
    Thread by: Labrys, Aug 19, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Labrys
    Thread by: Labrys, Aug 19, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Labrys
    Like I know about the new dream Eaters and all but what's soo special about them?
    Meowjesty 's link attacks are the same as the other one.
    So I don't get it.
    Thread by: Labrys, Aug 19, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  4. Labrys
    Hidden bosses
    1.Riku Replica( Castle oblivion)
    2.Kurt Ziza( kh 1 hidden boss)
    3.Sora (Castle Oblivion, don't worry it's just for shitts and giggles)
    4.Riku( possesed by ansem in kh1)
    Playable character
    2.Ansem the seeker of darkness
    Neon Shadow
    4.Riku Replica
    Suggested main story bosses
    1. Xion vs Riku
    2.Xion vs Xigbar
    3.Axel vs Marluxia
    4.Axel vs Xion
    5.Riku vs. Zexion
    6.Roxas vs.Riku when he gave into darkness
    I think discussed this on playfire and most people agreed. So I decided to post here.
    Inb4 bad Criticism
    Thread by: Labrys, Aug 18, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. Labrys
    Thread by: Labrys, Aug 18, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Labrys
  7. Labrys
    don't get offended
    Thread by: Labrys, Jan 24, 2012, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Labrys
    So is Birth by sleep Volume 2 gonna be a game? Or did Square get soo busy that they forgot about birth by sleep volume 2?
    Thread by: Labrys, Jan 21, 2012, 19 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Labrys
    Don't get offended but I almost lost interest of kh......until I saw the Jump Festa 0_0 like I was soo busy to even noticed that the jump Festa was announced. I just saw today and I gotta say........DAMMMMM!!! (sorry if I post it in the wrong area)
    Thread by: Labrys, Jan 21, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  10. Labrys
    Yeah I don't even know anyone here, so I want to know more about you guys.
    Thread by: Labrys, Jan 18, 2012, 43 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Labrys

    0.0 I have my reason why I like him. I think this is something worth to discuss about. I was gonna post this in the discussion area. Anyways what I think about the video is that if Marijuana is happened to be legalized, then there WILL be alot of Taxes for it
    Thread by: Labrys, Jan 18, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Labrys
    It was 3:33 in the morning, in the dark streets of El Paso. Christmas eve, there was four people sitting on the hard concrete of the sidewalks. There was one 12 year old boy including two of his young sisters and his mother. His sisters were crying in agony full of fear. The boys mother's face was full of blood. The harsh event happened fast in the blink of the boy's eyes. He could not believe what had just happened. The boy has finally learned that even in the brightest light there would always be a darkness lingering out upon. There was fire in his eyes. He now know what life truly is. He turned and he saw his mother crying full of rage his sister scared and betrayed, but yet he did not feel anything at all.
    Chapter 0 complete
    Thread by: Labrys, Jan 18, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  13. Labrys it is releasing in February 14th or 12th I think.
    Thread by: Labrys, Jan 17, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  14. Labrys
    Rate the avatar and sig above you with 1-10 (remember 10 means it is great)
    Thread by: Labrys, Jan 17, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Playground
  15. Labrys
    *you know what? I'm not gonna post it. Too scary for you*
    So just discuss.
    Thread by: Labrys, Jan 17, 2012, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Labrys


    Thread by: Labrys, Jan 16, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Labrys
    Lol hopefully I did not post this on the wrong area >< anyways anyone use
    Thread by: Labrys, Jan 16, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Labrys
    To be honest I don't really know were to post this at but if I post it at the wrong area then it cannot be helped....
    Anyways it is a test to see what character you are. Post you're results here :3
    Thread by: Labrys, Jan 16, 2012, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Labrys

    The Claw!

    [​IMG] The claw! Praise the claw! The claw chooses you're fate! THE CLAW!!!!!!!
    Thread by: Labrys, Jan 15, 2012, 31 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Labrys
    The other day I went to game stop to get Blazblue CS and apparently they ran out of copies for it. The sad part is that I was looking forward to getting the game :(
    Thread by: Labrys, Jan 15, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone