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  1. Labrys
    [​IMG] it was nightime in Travers Town Sora was playing with his fellow Dream Eater Friends, while Axel was training with Merlin and Kairi was training with Yen Sid. When Sora finished, he head out but he soon forgot that he was in the dream realm. So he realizes that he was in the world diving map until suddenly a new world appears before his eyes. It looked like a tower with many floors, Sora looks at it with confusion. "Hmmm another sleeping world? I guess I should check it out." So Sora dives into the sleeping world defeating the DreamEaters in the way and entering the tower. "Where am I at?" Sora looks around in the entrance floor to see steps in front of him. He heard a faint voice echoed "Welcome to Tartarus, it is full of wonders and fearsome enemies becarful though for if you stay in the same floor too long the messenger of death shall hunt you down. I can sense that you have many social links with friends I can see that you use your friends as your power, you would go as far as to sacrifice you own life and heart to save your friends. You remind me alot of him, you both are the same maybe you can reawaken him from his slumber. Sora I've been waiting for you.............."

    Chapter 1 complete[DOUBLEPOST=1355638593][/DOUBLEPOST]Chapter 2
    "Waiting for me?" Sora was curious about what the voice is saying. "Yes you are the who shall change the world, save it from it's shackles of despair.
    You gained your power from the ties of the people around you-your friends are your power. Advance to the floors above you, there are about 262 floors, you will gain immense power if you complete this.
    There are guardians that will block you from advancing, be careful they are not push overs. You were brought here not by coincidence, but by fate.
    Your heart was at a struggle questioning your own fate, questioning your purpose of life. Don't fret young child, you'll find the answer after completing the tower. Goodbye ~ " the voice faded.

    Sora head to the First floor, he noticed a few desks laying around, it looked as if he was in a school. A few DreamEaters appears ready to launch a attack until a new foe interrupted the fight. The DreamEaters disappeared as well as Sora's companions. These unknown enemies appeared black like a shadow the only thing it wears is is a white mask and it looks like it's sticking out of a small black void beneath them the only thing sticking out is the both of their arms. The mysterious voice appears again, "This world is special. You can no longer access your dream eaters here. These enemies in front of you are know as Shadows, they are made from negative human emotions as well as contents from a heart as well. They are similar to a heartless--well they could be heartless who knows. These are the lesser ones so you won't have trouble with them at all but as a warning the farther you advance, the stronger the enemy gets keep that in mind." The voice faded.

    Sora striked the both of the shadows then headed to the stairs to the upper floor. He advances to each floor until he reached the 5th floor, he meet three strong ones, he noticed that these shadows aren't the average enemies he's been fighting. Could it be the guardians that the mysterious voice mentioned about? They were three birds, they were known as the Venus Eagle. They attacked Sora with a spell called "Garu (weak wind)" it packed a punch on sora. So Sora shot fire at the Venus Eagle yet it absorbed the fire which healed them greatly. They continued to shoot Garu at sora yet he dodges while trying to hack them with his keyblade. Yet he has a hard time to attack the Venus Eagles, the voice appears in Sora's mind. "Sora look deep in your heart. Think about the friends you have, the relationship with the people around you. Look deep within, what is it that your fighting for? What was your resolve? " "..... " Sora stopped fighting to think deep in his heart. 'What was it that I'm fighting for..... it was to protect the light "-"WRONG "! The voice interrupted. "Your reason is incorrect. That's not why you fight, it was far simple than that. " Sora Still thinking through. "Tell me then, what was your reason for power and strength on your first journey? " "On my first journey... of course it was my friends, their my power and I'm theirs." "Now think about that last sentence you said then think about your purpose for fighting.

    Sora paused for awhile to think.
    It finally hit him.
    "My purpose for fighting is for my friends!!!!!! "
    A teriot card appears at the palm of Sora's hands. It is the arcana of the fool. "Yes you are correct. Your friends are what you fight for. It's not to protect them or anything but you fight for their hearts and because of that you have obtained a new power. Use it." Sora raised the card up in the air *power swelling within * he let go releasing the card. The sound of a mirror breaking can be heard. Smoke covered the area.

    A unknown figure appears, It's eyes were red, it wears a red scarf with a giant harp hanging from it's back. It had white hair, black skin, plus it's arms and legs seemed mechanical.

    Chapter 2 complete ~
    Thread by: Labrys, Dec 16, 2012, 16 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. Labrys
    RPG games I should start
    1. Star Ocean The Last Hope
    2. Resonance of Fate
    3.Xenoblade Chronicles
    4.Infinite Discovery
    5.The Last Remnant
    6.Tales of Symphoria
    7. SMT Persona 2:Innocent Sin
    8. SMT Devil Summoner
    9.SMT Devil Summoner 2
    10.SMT Digital Devil saga 2
    11. SMT Persona 4
    12. Pokemon (yes it's a RPG)
    13. Final Fantasy XIII 2
    14. Kh bbs
    15. Eternal darkness: Sanity's Requiem
    The games I should complete

    1.Persona 3
    2.SMT Nocturne
    I just defeated Hell biker can't wait to fight against pale rider
    3. Lost Odyssey
    4. Dark Cloud
    5. Star Ocean The End of Time: Universal Mode
    6. Mass Effect
    7.Fallout 3
    8. Border Lands
    9. Dragon age
    11. Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic
    Of I listed all the RPGs I beaten, the list would have been really long lol.
    So....where to start
    Thread by: Labrys, Dec 15, 2012, 31 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Labrys

    Thread by: Labrys, Dec 15, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Labrys
    Persona 3: FES
    [rent] yes[/rent]

    Digital Devil Saga 2

    Persona 4

    All this in gamefly. Too bad Devil summoner was unavailable at the moment.
    I have only played the original version for persona 3. I have the Mainax version of Nocturne which comes with a extra dungeon "Labyrinth of Amala" as well as the new "True Demon Ending" with the true
    Lucifer boss
    Thread by: Labrys, Dec 14, 2012, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Labrys
    Can't you survive a zombie apocalypse? Take this quiz to find out c: post your results here when your finished.
    Thread by: Labrys, Dec 13, 2012, 30 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Labrys
    Thread by: Labrys, Dec 9, 2012, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Labrys
    Are the number of Coder/Hackers here severely limited? I barley even see any here.
    Thread by: Labrys, Dec 9, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Labrys
    I was telling a couple of guys at school about this and wile I was explaining what was going on, one of the guys looked at me like I was a complete idiot and started to point at me. The other guys knew what I was talking about but that one guy was kind of mocking me. I didn't mind at first, until next period I asked my partner about the basketball game we had today he told me about the opponents then he said I'm stupid and went back to his work. Then in art I asked one of my partners if he was mad at me or something then he looked at me and said dude" you're sooo f*ckn stIupid man. I swear to god man shut up now your starting to piss me off." Then after school I was chilling with one of my friends then his girlfriend came and he introduced me to her and said "This is Christian, the stupid one". Now it's really starting to bug me, people at my school think I'm actually stupid. Plus they think they know me (Character wise) when they haven't even seen the real me. They say they know how I am and how I act, but now it's really bothering me now. How do I prove them all wrong?
    Thread by: Labrys, Dec 6, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  9. Labrys
    So at the very beginning of kh1 after you help Kairi get the supplies to built the raft , there was a cutscene were Sora was in his room and his parents called him telling him dinner was ready(scene before the Destiny Islands was consumed by darkness)
    So what happened to them? I mean there probably worried sick because their son hasn't been home for god knows how long! What do you guys think? A plot hole? Because friends arnt the only thing he needs to depend on. What about his family? Don't they count? He needs family too
    Thread by: Labrys, Dec 1, 2012, 65 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. Labrys


    I haven't been active here lately and I'm quite curious, how have you been KHV? Btw I'm sorry if I have been an assshole lately. It won't happen again c:
    Btw when did Clawthecyclops come back? Haven't seen that young lad in awhile
    Thread by: Labrys, Nov 24, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Labrys
    I'm sorry to say it but the game is pretty ******. The Story is good but the online is basically like mw2. The same maps, weapons, killstreaks, emblem, title, everything. The difference is that you can no longer use the nuke not can you see anyones title when they do something special. It's basically the downgraded version of mw2, I don't see why people made a big deal about it. It's the same thing but higher graphics. Alot of my friends told me to get it and said "It's the best game ever bro, it's better than halo 4". Plus most of the people at my school make a big deal about mw3 so I rent it and honestly I'm disappointed :/
    Thread by: Labrys, Nov 18, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Labrys
    Is it any good? Is it worth getting, don't take me wrong I love the Persona series (as we'll as the Shin Megami) but id like to know your opinion about it. If you don't mind c:
    Thread by: Labrys, Nov 15, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Labrys
    If so then wanna add me?
    Thread by: Labrys, Nov 12, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Labrys

    Based on the anime show "Sword Art Online" you play as Kirito. You can Change his battle skills, you can equip different weapons (one handed sword, dual blades, axes, knifes, rapier,). Each weapon equips a different sword skill to learn.
    In my opinion this better be about how Kirito advances to all the different floors. I hated how they skip time each episode, hopefully this game answers my questions to what happens during all the floors. Made by Namco Bandai (makes good anime games)
    Thread by: Labrys, Nov 11, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  15. Labrys
    And I must say......I'm very hooked up with it. One of the greatest RPG I have ever played soo far. Haven't beat it yet im at the part where I join the Mantra.The $79.99 was worth it. Plus the bosses are fun to play against.
    Don't know what this game is?

    Originally it was call Shin Megami Tensei III Lucifers call but was changed to Nocturne. The copy I have is the updated version with additional content.[DOUBLEPOST=1352599065][/DOUBLEPOST]Plus I just fought a demon that attacks with his Penis!? Wtf 0.0
    Thread by: Labrys, Nov 10, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Labrys

    Sorry guys I just really dislike him. I lol'd Donald Trump's twitter reaction when Obama won the election.
    Oh and this is my reaction to Honey boo-boo as well.
    Thread by: Labrys, Nov 8, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Labrys

    Girl Gamers

    It's a joke.
    Thread by: Labrys, Nov 4, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Labrys
    You wanted Vergil from Devil may cry 3 to be in Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne but then thinks "Isn't Dante enough"?
    Yes I'm playing the game deal with it.
    Thread by: Labrys, Nov 1, 2012, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Labrys
    What is your Halloween costume? What are you gonna dress as today? Post a pic of your costume
    Here's mine View attachment 33172
    Thread by: Labrys, Oct 31, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Labrys
    I was playing this RPG today and it asked for me to create my characters name. So I used my real name (First/last)
    Then I found out later on that it was a satanic game
    Thread by: Labrys, Oct 28, 2012, 30 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone