I went to the Dollar Store with my mom a few minutes ago. When we arrived, she parked her car in the middle between two other parked cars. See the problem though was that one of the cars she parked next to didn't park right, so it's basically mushed next to her car. Well the owner of the parked car was about to backdown but couldn't because it's squeezed next my moms car. So I ask her, "Hey mom I think that person can't move their car, I think we should move". Mom: "I DON'T SEE THE FUKN PROBLEM HERE! IF THEY WANNA SAY SOMETHING SAY IT TO MY FACE I DON'T GIVE A FUK". Mom: THEY CAN SIT THEIR ASSES IN THE CAR AND WAIT! IT'S THEIR FUKN FAULT *Note* The whole store heard her (even the driver) and MY GODDNESS WAS THAT AWKWARD. They're even giving us all weird looks. So when I went outside, the driver was still there staring at me, waiting for us to go. I couldn't go back inside the car because the other car next her had all their doors open and all the other seats were takin by my sisters soo my path was basically blocked. Me: Mom I can't go in the car. The doors are blocked by the opened doors. Mom: CAN'T YOU JUST CLOSE THEIR DOORS? UGHHH YOU MAKE THINGS SO DIFFICULT CHRIS, FINE I'LL DO IT So umm yeah that was pretty weird.
..and "WTF?" Is all I can say about it. I must say, you never disappoint me Suda. The game was just plain amazing, but not only by it's great graphics, awesome soundtrack, or it's gameplay, but by how trippy and weird the game is.
Ok so today I decided to search on Amazon to purchase an import on birth by sleep Final Mix. So far there wasn't any available copies, until I stumbled upon the Ultimate Hits. I noticed that the price was a little heavy like around $49, and I'm not really so sure that the original version was that much, so I'm asking if there's anything special with the Ultimate Hits or is it any different? Oh and is there anywhere else I could find the Final Mix other than Amazon. I wouldn't wanna risk purchasing it on EBay but if I have to, I would.
To this day I still wonder what happened to such an amazing show. Ben 10 was one of the shows that gave me hope on CN, until Onmiverse was created.
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I just completed Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne gaining the True Demon Ending. Man the final boss was a pain in the ass! I was pissed because I had Trumpeter in my party, and when my hp was low I used Holy Melody (Cost 1 mp, Fully restores HP and MP to the enemy/ally with the lowest HP)and guess what? He fuckn cast it towards the final boss! Meaning all it's hp and mp is restored! Oh god I was pissed. Anyhow the game was not only amazing, but hard at the same time. Oh god I absolutely hated that minigame that you play from talking to the manikin. Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne is probably by far the best Rpg I have ever played and now since I finally completed it, my life is complete. Sadly now I dont know what to play next....
I just tried watching Gurren Lagann for the first time today. I must say so far it's pretty amazing! If only Digi was here to witness this. Yes "barley" watched it
Im pissed. The ending to it sucked real bad, hell it wasn't even a ending at all. The anime had great potential, had wonderful art, but damn it was rushed. Seems like to me it was intended for 25 episodes, somehow i get the feeling it was canceled. .. Oh here's the op Spoiler
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View attachment 35798 I'm attempting to raise the laser in the disk tray, wish me luck.