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  1. Akua WaterDragonKing
    Thanks cool! Thanks Fayt,
    and I really wasn't asking one thank you!
    Post by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Feb 8, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Akua WaterDragonKing
    [I want one!!!] D; (jk)
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Feb 8, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Akua WaterDragonKing
    Well since my hard first semister is over (FINALLY), I have alot of extra time! I missed this site alot, but I had to study for my classes. Nope I get to spend time with my KH-pals! :=D:
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Feb 8, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Akua WaterDragonKing
    After three horrible months without Internet and Kh-vids.
    I goten a Laptop for Christmas! so no more Dad messing up the Computer ever AGAIN! :D
    I just went through the news I missed (ALOT)
    I can't believe we have a podcast now!
    Once I get iTunes on here I'm requesting that!
    I hope someone atleast missed me alittle bit...
    Thread by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Dec 25, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. Akua WaterDragonKing
    "Three groups!?!? Already!?!" Jordan said shocked at how many people already were ahead of them. 'I guess I was late.....REALLY late......' he said to himself as he hung his head in shame as he followed Tron.
    Post by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Oct 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Akua WaterDragonKing
    "Icarus, can't you be nice for a second without being a jerk to everyone you meet! Same to you blue man! He was just trying to help you!" Jordan told both of them then Tron asked them a question. "A test? Uuh.....sure I guess?" Jordan said unsure of what was happening
    ooc: Sorry, dinner. But i'm back for now
    Post by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Oct 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Akua WaterDragonKing
    Jordan materialized next to Icarus, and looked around the new world he just appeared "Wow....." Then he saw that his skin had now a goldish hew, and his cloths were apart of him that were gold aswell. "Werid...." He then turned and saw the blue man also. "Were you the you who did this to us?" he asked coutiously.
    Post by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Oct 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Akua WaterDragonKing
    Ooc: Sorry! Life's been really hard on me lately... but I'm back!
    bic: "Don't do that!!!" Jordan ran over to Icarus and pulled him away from the computer. "What are you crazy? Someone is IN that computer! What what if you brake it?! They'll be lost forever!" he then turned to the computer "I'm really sorry about that Mr.Computer program, Icarus apparently isn't a patient person." He said as he glaced back at Icarus then said "Now what are we to do?" he asked the computer.
    Post by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Oct 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Akua WaterDragonKing
  10. Akua WaterDragonKing
  11. Akua WaterDragonKing
    Jordan just stared at the two of them argue in aww. 'Oh my god... Who knew Merlin had a temper like that?' he said thought to himself. Then Merlin suddenly paired the boy who busted in here with him. His face twitched alittle at because of this, then straighten back out 'Well......thats a twist......' He then saw the boy out-strench hid hand. "Uh....sure I guess......" was all he could say as he shook the boy's hand, then looked up to face the boy, eye to eye and smiled alittle. "Names Jordan."
    Post by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Sep 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Akua WaterDragonKing
    I got alot of scars from baseball, but the most recent is on my left knee.
    It's shaped like a strawberry! :=D:
    Post by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Sep 29, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Akua WaterDragonKing
    Then good luck then.
    I really hope you win it! ^_^
    Post by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Sep 29, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Akua WaterDragonKing
    Didn't Spunky already win this? xD
    Post by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Sep 29, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Akua WaterDragonKing
    Damn. Wish I could do that xD
    I seriously need money for my plane ticket
    Post by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Sep 29, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Akua WaterDragonKing
    Dolls that blink and have GIANT beady eyes.
    I can swear sometimes there blinking and looking at me at my Grandma's house D:
    Also of losing friends and family I'm close to, like the friend I lost recently but thats on "Help with Life" fourm.
    Post by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Sep 29, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  17. Akua WaterDragonKing
    Avy: 9/10 TONY STARK FTW! xD
    Sigy: 7.5/10 The guy is a bit blurry
    Post by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Sep 29, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  18. Akua WaterDragonKing
    "About that being late part," Jordan said as he turned around to Merlin. "I had too work late at the Moogle Shop, they wanted me to organize stuff and other things." It was true, Moogles can make wonderous things, but are so disorganize. 'I'll probably have to do it all over again next time I go to work knowing them.....'
    Post by: Akua WaterDragonKing, Sep 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Akua WaterDragonKing
  20. Akua WaterDragonKing