How about we name the 15th Weapon "Universitas Dominatus" it means Total Power or Absolute Power in Latin
hmm..... well i guess we could just combine the others while Pride and Humility keep there weapons but then what? And what is this Weapon going...
12? They're 7 (7 Deadly Sins, 7 Heavenly Virtues) people on each side, 7+7=14 then add 1 because they all combine into the new weapon or the 15th....
Did you hear about Miley's dad saying how the show ruined her and her family? (Let me find the link...) I said "It was your dumda** fault for even letting her have it" but oh well, Young Miley goes in, and Slunty Miley Cyrus comes out. Typical Disney Star, but Selena has yet to show anything so YAY for her :noworries: Heres link: Yes, I don't approve of Selena going out with Bieber or any other girl he goes out with (He's a loser bottom line, I still dont get why people like :P ) but that doesn't mean I want to KILL HIM. You don't kill people you hate (unless your messed up in the head or something), you ignore them. Besides..... if Selena gets hurt by one of these Bieber-fans, I will be over whelmed by it all P.S. I know this was a month ago, but it's still shocking
Has anyone told you your the bestest person ever, because I missed you Misty, and your comments on everyone's attitudes! :=D:
Thats fine lol I gtg soon too Well I was thinking One would be the Virtues and the Other be the Sins. The elements involved would focus on what...
So I was actually thinking about making a RP in involving weapons of past great People (Joan of Arc, Nero, etc) , Heaven/Hell, 7 Sins/Virtues,...
*added to my quote list on laptop* ;D
ttly, gtg to bed :P Continue tomorrow?
I took Marine Biology instead of that but that was last semester. It's friend problems are getting to me :P
I be the gut that listen to everyones problems and deal with all the after drama later xD
good mostly! School is a drag though
What do you think would most likely happen after everone has had a drink...or two... and who it would involved... GO!GO!GO!
I actually think Notre Dame is in the game Look at 1:36 - 1:49 and you'll see what I mean I would also like to see Atlantis, I could see Rourke becoming a Heartless because of his greed/personality. Then later on fight him in his crystal-form and make him shatter into pieces! >:D
Hey mixt! Long time no see!
It's so bright outside >_< but I don't have a credit card/paypal D;
Ooc: Okay I'll take Xaldin and heres my OC, Name: JarXnod Original Name*if in Organization XIII: User: Akua WaterDragonKing Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Out-going , protective, friendly kind of guy mostly, but also a litte hot head when enraged or angered. Appearance: guys/knighty.jpg Powers/strengths/weakness: Has control over WaterLight, a special ability that lets him have control over Water and Light, and conbined them into a Unique element that only he can control. His kind nature is usually his weakness because he lets mostly anyone be his friend. Other*optional: Has two weapons, a Golden Trident and a Cross necklace that can turn into a Broad Sword when needed. Can also conbined into a large broard sword.
Hi! Names Akua WaterDragonKing or you can call me Akua for short. You were probably told this already, but welcome to KHV! lol