Now serving 'Chestnut Ricotta Cheesecake!' made with RUM. Enjoy
Is there anyone here to teach me the fundamentals of being 'cool' on here KHV? ;D [jk]
I know, you think it would go away And more Thunderstorms are suppose to be coming on the weekend. I hope we keep the power this time. Dx
That's why I haven't been on. The heat/ humidity was killer Was bored out of my mind. All me and my friends did was play board games, and trying to sing 'Poker Face' with a German accent. (That part was actually pretty funny to do xD) Thank God they fixed it....
I wish I could, but you seem to have alot of people there now. Don't want to make the place more crowded and crazy xD, but thanks for asking :]...
I like the song(I went to see Wicked when I went to NYC!), not the cast :P
Now, Spice bread aside, lets go to somewhere near India but at the same time were not. Suggestions?
'Grimsvotn eruption not expected to have same effect as 2010 Eyjafjallajokull eruptions' -msnbc Here we go again
Yes, then we can cultivate the Spices from it's entrails, and make the Ultimate Spice Bread this World will ever know! :/8D:
I use to think this-> '5 and a half years, you would think they already have it out or atleast ready.' I am actually thankful for the fillers. They filled in blank points that needed to be filled. Imagine a game series with so many story/timeline holes (Insert one of multiple games here). It wouldn't be very funny, because you don't actually understand what's happening half the time. So my point? So just let them keep coming. So when you finally get KH3, you'll know what's exactly going to happen (or atleast have some anticipation of whats going to happen) and enjoy it because of that long wait. :D
I say we go to India. I'm in need of spices for my Spice bread Bl
Today we'll serving........ Beer Bread and Beer Enjoy.
Oh Luna, why are you so right all the time? It all must be all that reading from the 'The Quibbler' :D Anything interesting this month?
Rum cake! 8D
I like it, but could you like put a skull that blends on the mickey? Then it be PERFECT. Like this^ xD
Sorry, Jack if your planing to take this ship, just to get your ship your sadly mistaken. BUT I did see spdude with it :D So it's forever gone.
Polly what a cracker? Had to xD
I'll be cook! I forgot that theres a cook on the ship. Cheesecake everyday! 8D
Here it is: Spoiler The reason I try to be so nice and out going on the site, is to try to make up for my real life. In real life I'm still a respectful person and all that, it's people who get to me. The way they look at me and treat me. I mean when I'm there there nice, but when I 'leave' I over hear them talk about me, why I look older then I do, my voice, and etc. It use to get to me alot back in 06-07 but thats when I joined KHV and meet some good people. And since I dont really care what they say as much. I mean I still have good friends offline. It's just I don't know what to say next. xD All true :)
I call Lookout! 8D Wait, thats right. I'm scared of heights... Ah Then I'll do whatever then lol