Rako suddenly realized another break in the consumers had stopped. He then made his way towards Mixt. He suddenly stopped before Mixt "Listen, we have to get out of here! There's nothing more we can do! Who knows when the next coordinated attack will be!" Dr. Traken used the break as well to get towards Mixt and the others. Even if he was immortal, he wasn't going to risk being beaten up on for the rest of eternity! Raxtion stood firm "It ends here, Phantom. It ends like it should have long ago... After our first match. Do you remember? You killed me, but then I came back. With immense power... Our second battle back then was only prevented by Father, but this time... This time I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!"
Music Rako fought the consumers but every attack was being evaded! This was madness! He thought that by destroying the hub, the consumers would be off balance but instead it was the opposite! They had only become more angry... "GAAHHH!! How could this happen?! I have to get to Mixt and the others!" Rako then started hurtling through the consumers in an effort to get to Mixt. He knew where Mixt was now thanks to the break from before. "So, I see you haven't gotten far in your quest..." said a voice from behind Sophie. There, behind her, was Raxtion. He stood calm and motionless. The consumers did not go near him either. For either the fact that the Phantom was near... or because of something else.
Get on skype noaw
Raxtion saw the strange creatures and quickly yelled out to the other men "WE'VE GOT MONSTERS ON OUR HANDS BOYS, LET'S TAKE THEM OUT!!!" Then all the men screamed together "CHARGE" as they began clashing with the dark soldiers. Raxtion dogded most of the attacks from the dark soldiers, and hit them all with his pom poms.
Raxtion had been gone from the troup for a while now. Mostly just riding bob around for the fun of it, probably. Suddenly, however, he came through the crowd of men in a cheerleading uniform and was holding pom poms. He then began jumping up and down cheering Mixt on! "RA RA MIXT IS OUR MAN!!! IF HE CAN'T DO IT, NOBODY CAN!!!!!"
Rako could suddenly see out side of the consumer barrier that they created. He could see smoke coming out of the station Mixt and made a dash towards the area where the smoke had originated. Rako then could see the hub. He put all of his strength into one massive blast that eliminated the hub entirely.
Rako suddenly couldn't see anyone else. All he could see was consumers! He began freaking out as he knocked consumers to the sides of him attempting to find someone. He fought and fought. And he would fight until he became exhausted. Rako knew that he would eventually get tired of fighting the consumers and fail, he desprately needed to get out of there! Dr. Traken slashed the consumers with dark energy trying to fend them back. He motioned for Phisoxa to follow him, but was seperated from her by a swarm of consumers.
"They just destroyed that seeker ship!" Dr. Traken told her "We need to get out of here! We may be next!" Dr. Traken began running for the exit to the space station. He was going to jump out into space... which would normally kill him, were he not immortal.
Music Rako started to go insane with thoughts of how OUTNUMBERED they all were! He fought the consumers out of desperation now. The seekers were all gone! Rako didn't know what to do but keep stalling for time! Dr. Traken gasped in horror as he witnessed the ship be anniliated... "Phisoxa! I think you had better hurry up!!!"
"My, my, Phisoxa, you truly are more talented than I realized!" Dr. Traken said even though it was a lie. Dr. Traken knew everything about she and Mixt. No detail had ever left him.
"Huh?!" Dr. Traken exclaimed as he heard Phisoxa's voice and looked towards the source of the voice. "My, Phisoxa, what ARE you doing?"
Music Rako fought what seemed to be an endless battle. He kept slaying one consumer after another... using a different tactic every time. But even Rako would run out eventually. Rako began to get nervous because he knew that time would be near... Dr. Traken had basically finished. There was nothing else he could do under these conditions. He went outside of the room, leaving the consumer he tested on alive. Dr. Traken searched for Phisoxa but didn't see her anywhere "Blast! Where did she go?"
All Dr. Traken could do was gawk at the list... Although the consumers scared him, he felt like some excitement over the prospect of such an admirable foe! Dr. Traken quickly stored the information away on a small data disc. This information could prove to be very useful to their cause!
Dr. Traken didn't even turn around. He simply continued to do his research. "Ha!" he merely said "With all that going on out there, I doubt I'm the least of YOUR problems! Trust me, they're my problem too! I intend to help you with them until this is all finished! However, after that... well... Let's just say that our partnership is terminated!"
Dr. Traken toyed with the consumer, almost forgetting that there was a battle outside while he enjoyed the sweet moments of testing and experimenting. Dr. Traken then suddenly stopped for a second as he observed the consumer. It was a human underneath! A human that for some reason succumbed to the consumer scum! Dr. Traken felt fascination by these strange things. Dr. Traken had to know what made these things so organized! He began plugging cords and wires into the consumer with hopes that he might be able to intercept and recalculate the waves of information this consumer was getting and read it on a computer...
"Well, it's easy. The more people you kill, the more fun you have!" said Raxtion "It also helps relieve stress! It also helps work out the body when they struggle!"
"Well, obviously you were raised badly, because I WAS using logic..." said Raxtion smiling "... Fool"
Raxtion got upset by Phisoxa's comment. "HEY! Everyone knows that man's best friend is a man eater... That way you can have it eat your enemies!" Raxtion then gave a evil glare towards Phisoxa and said in a dark menacing voice "Doesn't that sound like fun?" >:D
"Aw, Mixt, you ruined it!" said a voice, seemingly coming from Red Eye's. There, ontop of Red Eye's, sat Raxtion with a frown on his face. He jumped down off of the massive creature and stepped onto the nice murderous darkness. "Bob and I were going to scare her... TO DEATH!!!" said Raxtion
It was suddenly gone as she fell back and disappeared into the shadows... then the set of eye's reappeared behind her... then next to her... then all around her... It was as if the eye's were getting a complete 360 degree shot of Phisoxa...