Raxtion initial plan was to have the blades explode when they got closer but decided not to, with risk of her being destroyed. Raxtion then smiled as he walked up to her and kicked her while she was down without a moments notice.
"Does it look like I care?! This whole place is going to be destroyed anyway!!!" said Raxtion as he sped at her. The swords began homing in on her.
Raxtion began spinning himself around and around extremely fast, and eventually created a tornado which redirected the flames into the sky. Raxtion then stood there, smiling. I am such a badass... Thought Raxtion. Then Raxtion threw both of his corrupted spirit swords at Phisoxa!
F*ck you...
Thanks for this! Was just about to ask about it! Now, I have another request. (You don't have to reply to this Gultigargar, I just wanted to thank you!) I need a code where Sora, Donald, and Goofy won't talk... I'm attempting an abridged series and I have the means to record it, but I want to get rid of their voices and put my own in. So, would anyone have a code like that?
Raxtion continued to block her attacks, keeping up blow for blow. However, he was simply blocking and would eventually mess up. Raxtion knew this, let Phisoxa stay on the offensive, and then called down many lightning bolts in an attempt to catch her off gaurd.
"Well, I could tell you what we REALLY want, but this thread is rated PG-13... and I can't really outright say it without getting in some form of trouble." Raxtion said, making no sense to Phisoxa. "But don't worry, you'll get my POINT soon enough..."Then Raxtion chuckled for the longest time at his own joke before finally summoning a second corrupted spirit sword and attempted to stab her in her side.
Raxtion had finished off the rest of the squad when he saw Phisoxa running along as if she could just LEAVE WHENEVER SHE F***ING WANTED TO!!!!!!! Raxtion then jumped infront of her "Hi..." and then be began slashing her with his corrupt spirit sword.
(Click here for music:) Fardel fought with all of his might. The heartless waves were never ending, and the soldiers were tough and strong. Too strong for words to describe! Fardel stood by his commander, Rako. However, many of his squad had been split apart and were falling one by one. Rako had been Fardel's commander, teacher, and master since childhood, he would never leave his friends side and Rako knew that. Fardel was loyal to the end. However, Rako didn't want it to come to that... "FARDEL!!! You have to get out of here! Now!" yelled Rako Fardel continued fighting "And leave you here by yourself? NEVER!!" Rako looked at the young soldier as he created a shield over them both. However, Rako knew he only had a minute before the shield would burst. Fardel destroyed the remaining heartless within the shield. "You've fought here long enough, soldier..." said Rako with a smile on his face. He then ripped off his necklace and put it in Fardel's hand. "Here, take this and bring it to the council. It maybe our last hope." Fardel gasped at his masters request. Fardel knew that if he left his master, than Rako would most certainly be destroyed. "Sir, NO! If I'm going, then you are too!!!" yelled Fardel, grabbing him and trying to bring Rako closer to the stairs that led to the council's hiding place. Rako stood still, unfazed. Rako grabbed Fardel and then threw him into the base with ease.. Fardel fell down in the mystic halls that were laced with magic, preventing anything from coming in. He looked back up at his commander, master, teacher, and friend... Rako smiled at Fardel "It's the only way, I know you'll understand some day... Good-bye, my friend." Then with those final words spoken, the barrier exploded as the heartless started pouring in. Rako continued to look at Fardel and smile as he used the last of his power to make a wall of pure light between him and Fardel, that with constant attack would break within a half an hour. Fardel could not see past the barrier but heard his friends final screams of pain... Fardel cried as he looked at the necklace with pain and anger. He suddenly got up, closed the metal door that seperated himself with the wall or light, and then began making his way through the halls, intent on accomplishing his masters goals... ******************************************** On the other side, another squadren was being overrun by an all too familiar foe... Raxtion was tearing through their forces as if they were nothing. Using the heartless as distractions and cutting down anyone in his path. It was a blood bath! All Raxtion said during this horrible encounter was this: "Paddy cake, paddy cake, bakers man! Bake me a cake as fast as you can!!!"
Dr. Traken laughed at his threats. Little did the man know that Dr. Traken was an immortal. Because Traken couldn't die! "Very well, little man. I'll play around... What exactly would you want me to do, that I wouldn't do normally?" ************************ Dr. Traken watched the battle, bored. This knight obviously didn't realize that he was only wasting his time. "My god, how dull... all this trouble to kill one girl. You do enjoy wasting your time for some simple pleasure. I take it back, anything you tell me to do would simply be a waste of my time and meaningless." Dr. Traken began walking away from the battle to go to his labratory to begin creating a cure.
Yes... Hold on.
WHAT?! Why??? What is this bullshit?
Dr. Traken smiled "You are a fool if you underestimate my abilities. I'm much more intelligent than I may look... Besides, I refuse to help you. I don't even know you. Whatever you may need, I would never provide you. That's just my generous nature for you!" Dr. Traken then got serious again "Now, step out of my way!"
Dr. Traken frowned "No thank you, I prefer my own solutions. Now, step out of my way..."
Dr. Traken walked up to the knight, ignored the greeting, and then said "Step out of my way, please. I have much to do." Rako was walking towards the control room when he came upon Phantoma lying on the floor! "PHANTOMA!!!" yelled Rako as he went to his side "What happened?!" Rako could sense that most of Phantoma's strength was gone. "Damn it! The Phantom..." Rako then picked Phantoma up and proceeded to take him to the medical wing.
Rako didn't say anything but inside of his mind the darkness had been corrupting his thoughts. He had moments where he wished he could just kill Mixt, Phisoxa, and then others... but there was a part of him that refused to yeild to the darkness. Rako only knew one goal: To exterminate the consumers... However, once that goal was accomplished, what would stop him from killing the survivors? Dr. Traken had been thinking about the formula. He was thinking of the many ways it could work... and the many ways it could backfire. He knew he couldn't make a single mistake, but for the sake of curiosity, calculated all the outcomes in his brain. Rako walked casually into the station, and began heading to the control room in search of Phantoma. Dr. Traken immediatly headed for the nearest labratory in order to conduct his research.
Raxtion ran over to Mixt in his cheerleader outfit "SIR, I BELIEVE IT WOULD BE A VERY BAD IDEA TO TELL THE ENEMY OUR PLANS, SIR!"
Music Rako came out the other end of the portal where he saw the ships fending off the consumer hord. He knew that they had gain some victory, but for how long? Rako then looked towards station Aia "Alright, all, we have to get back to the station and back to Phantoma! Not a moment to spare!" Rako then concentrated his energy to propel himself towards the station. Dr. Traken did the same as he moved towards the station and ultimately to a lab.
Rako gasped, what did Raxtion have to do with it?! "Raxtion...?" "Come! All of you! I can explain everything once we are out of harms way!" yelled Dr. Traken to the rest of them, motioning them all to the portal.