"Now listen here! There's alot more at stake than you know... I, myself, have been through so much pain and agony before..." Raxtion then took the cigarette out of his hand and stared down at it with an intense passion that wasn't there before. His eye's, themselves, seemed to tell a story of pain and sadness... "I've been there in times of glory and sadness... I've been there when we took down those crime bosses that thought they were above the law, I've been there when I had no other choice but to watch comrades be killed, I've been there when their families were told the bad news... I've been awake in a city that was asleep... I've walked the streets alone at night. And what do I have to show for my stories?" Raxtion slowly put his cigarette in his mouth and inhaled... "Emptiness..." Then Raxtion exhaled the dirty, grimy smoke from his lungs along with his problems... The smoke and his memories both seemed so similar, just stories that blew away through the ever foggy smoke of time...
Rako looked at Phantoma. Rako knew some form of trouble awaited him outside, but knew it was best to take it out there instead of inside the medical bay. "Take good care of him. I'll be back." Rako said coldly to the nurse as he left the medical bay in search of whoever called him.
Suddenly the world around Phisoxa went dark. She couldn't see anything. Then suddenly a bright flash appeared from above her. All she could see was a single light above her. "Your in a lot of trouble there schweet hart..." said a voice from behind. A single light bulb swung above her in a never ending fashion... It's light showing parts of the room at one moment, and then leaving them the next. Raxtion came up from behind her wearing a Fedora and held a cigarette in his hand. He puffed out smoke that happened to catch itself on her face. "Now, back in my day, we used to call woman one thing... and that's trouble! Now, I want to go easy on you here, because I'm just naturally soft on woman. But I need to know where that city center is, otherwise things'll have to get rough."
"K" said Raxtion as he walked forward into the city with his corrupted spirit sword in hand.
Music Dr. Traken merely laughed "All you've done this entire time is threaten me... Oh yes! And attack a girl for no reason! It didn't even benefit you! I must say I did like that a bit. However, this entire time you've done nothing but tell me to do what I already planned on doing." Dr. Traken then turned his back to the Knight "However, I do enjoy the fact that you've been so kind as to set everything up for me... However, the next time we meet, you may wish you had not allowed me to gain such power." Dr. Traken then walked towards the medical bay, intending on finding Phantoma. Soon, these fools shall all pay dearly for their consequences! They shall all rue the day they thought they defeated and KILLED DOCTOR TRAKEN!!! Rako stood up, leaning up against a wall, with his arms crossed. Simply waiting for Phantoma to get better. There was nothing left to do. He had gone out on a limb and found Seth and Meirgero. Bringing Seth back and losing Meirgero on the way... There wasn't much time left... there was only really a small hope that in finding Dr. Traken, that he would be able to find an antidote to the consumer plague. However, that hope was ever slowly slipping away with every second that passed. Rako sighed in frustration. He couldn't stand all this waiting! Waiting to learn of his outcome! Waiting for hope! Waiting for life! Waiting to die... Whatever Rako was waiting for, it bothered him that he was just waiting!
Dr. Traken looked at the knight and tilted his head to the left. "I'm going to be quite honest with you, I don't like you. Now, answer me one question. Why would I accept the orders of someone I don't like?" asked Dr. Traken, calmly. "Your threats also make me feel like I should disregard your orders, just to spite you... Keep that in mind."
Raxtion covered his ears while still holding Phisoxa "I CAN'T HEAR YOOOOUUUUUU!!!! FALALALALALALALALALALAAAA I CAN'T HEAR YOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!" Raxtion then opened up a portal and went through it, then there was Mixt on the otherside. Raxtion threw Phisoxa at Mixt's feet. "Done."
"Look, I'm just gonna level with you. I don't know why he still wants you! He just enjoys having you around! Maybe some satisfaction out of the fact that you are powerless to do ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!!" Raxtion said as he started laughing miniacly "AHAHAHAHAHAHA... AHAHA... ahaha... Ahhh... Sorry for your loss..."
Raxtion immediately got back up and simply grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. "Well, that's just cute! But you can tell Mixt that you aren't our Captive when we get back to him." Raxtion then opened up a portal and walked through it with Phisoxa over his shoulder.
Raxtion got his pimp hand out before the man left. Raxtion had never felt such disgrace and embarressment in one blow before, but that was it. "Huh, well... THAT just happened..." Raxtion then looked at Phisoxa and smiled. "You know, I got this pimp hand out and ready for nothing! It would be a shame to waste it......... PIMP SLAP!!!" Raxtion then for no other reason Pimp slapped Phisoxa.
"Listen man, I was just chillin' but now you wanna get all up in my grill? Naw, man, that ain't gonna fly!" said Raxtion. Then fired a beam into the air and it followed after Phisoxa. Then it hit and exploded right in front of her attempting to stop her in her tracks but not harm her. "I ain't got no beef with you, son, but if you want to try to b*tch slap me with your d*ck looking sword, Imma gonna haf to put you back in yo place, dawg!" Raxtion then summoned his own sword and looked at the man, waiting for him to attack...
Raxtion then appeared in front of the the man and Phisoxa "Sup?"
Dr. Traken laughed "Why would I be working? Is such a thing helping you? Because if that's the case I refuse to do any work at all..."
At this point?... Yeah, go ahead. I just thought it would slow them down, and for now I suppose it accomplished that mission.
"Gotcha, big M" said Raxtion then sped after the man and Phisoxa without another word.
Dr. Traken walked towards the knight, smiling.
Raxtion was knocked to the ground and quickly got back up. "OH MY GOD!!!... The crick in my back... IT'S GONE!!! Thank you so much!" said Raxtion
Get the f*** on skype.... now.
Raxtion stood there silent for a second frowning... Then his frown slowly turned into a smile. He grabbed Phisoxa and threw her over his shoulder and made his way back to camp. "Do do do... Another one bites the dust. dododo do do Another one bites the dust. And another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust! Hey! I'm gonna get you too, another one bites the dust!"
Raxtion's corrupted spirit sword did a round about and flew back into Raxtion's hand. Raxtion then immediately knocked her keyblade out of her hand, then used the bud of his corrupted spirit sword to knock her out.